  • 这云的学是积雨云。
    That's what is technically cumulonimbus.
  • 重伤可治,恶难去。
    The evil wound is cured but not the evil name.
  • 重伤可治愈,恶难消除。
    The evil wind can be cured but not the evil name.
  • 珍妮笑得莫其妙,与正在说的事毫无关系。
    Jane laughed curiously out of synch with what was being said.
  • “怎么,我没听说他死了,”她莫其妙地望着他,“你在哪儿知道他的、’
    "Why, I haven't heard that he was dead." She looked at him curiously. "Where did you make his acquaintance?"
  • 玛丽同那个叫什么的一起出去了—你知道的,留卷胡子的男孩。
    Mary's gone out with what's his name—you know, the boy with the curly beard.
  • 时下以j起头的字非常流行。
    Currently names beginning with J are the rage.
  • 目前,全国的法律援助专职人员已超过4000
    Currently, there are over 4,000 professional staff working on legal aid.
  • 目前地方选区的登记选民共有二百五十万
    And we currently have 2.5 million registered voters in these geographical constituencies.
  • 相关内容生活中的米歇尔是5个孩子的父亲,并且还是一虔城的天主教徒。
    Extra-curricular Messier is a father of five and a practising Catholic.
  • 窃贼溜到窗框後面。
    The thief slid behind a curtain.
  • 大力士把铁棍弄弯了。
    The strong man curved the iron bar.
  • 第二股基训河,它环绕流经古实全境。
    The name of the second river is Gihon; this is the one which encircles all the land of Cush.
  • 一定很可爱,叫什么字?
    She must be very cute. What's her name?
  • 一定很可爱,她叫什么字?
    She must be very cute. What 's her name?
  • 英格兰北部一钢铁制造业城市,以其餐具工业闻
    a steel manufacturing city in northern England famous for its cutlery industry.
  • 十月十七日九龙湾一单位泄漏毒气,导致7人受伤,其中包括5消防员,以及十二月四日,一辆货车驶经大埔道近金山郊野公园途中,倒下多桶氰化钠。
    the leakage of toxic gas in a Kowloon Bay unit on October 17, in which seven people were injured, including five firemen; and spillage of sodium cyanide from a lorry travelling along Tai Po Road near Kam Shan Country Park on December 4.
  • 韦多,戈尔生于1925美国作家,以其讽刺性的幽默和他无数的对社会衰落的描写而著,他的作品有小说玛丽亚·布雷肯里奇(1968年)和戏剧最好的男人(1960年)
    American writer noted for his cynical humor and his numerous accounts of society in decline. His works include the novel Myra Breckinridge(1968) and the play The Best Man(1960).
  • 人们记得,穆索尔斯基在转向音乐之前曾长期在沙皇的军队中当一军官。
    Moussorgsky, 12 one recalls, was long an officer in the Czar's Army before he switched to music.
  • 利迪泽捷克斯洛伐克西北部的一个村落,位于布拉格西北偏西。1942年6月9日至10日,德国军队作为对一纳粹军官被杀的报复,屠杀了这个村子的所有男性,并把妇女和儿童送往集中营,然后把整个村子烧成灰烬
    A village of northwest Czechoslovakia west-northwest of Prague. In reprisal for the murder of a Nazi official, German forces killed its male population, deported the women and children to concentration camps, and burned the village to the ground(June9-10,1942).
  • 利奥纳多・达・芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期的一位知画家。
    Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist in the Italian Renaissance.
  • 囚犯已从达特姆尔监狱逃走。
    Two prisoners have escaped from Da Temuer's prison.
  • 但是你会倒吸一口气一眼认出来,这就是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的《蒙娜·丽莎》,世界上最最著的艺术品。
    But you will gasp in recognition. This is the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, and is the most famous work of art in the world.
  • 瓦萨里详细记述了列奥纳多的出生。他是位律师和一位农家女子的私生子,她住在意大利托斯纳区佛罗伦萨市附近的一个叫作芬奇的小村子里。(因此他取为列奥纳多·达·芬奇——芬奇的列奥纳多)。
    Vasari gives the details of Leonard's irregular birth as the illegitimate son of a notary and a peasant woman in the little village Vinci (hence the name Leonardo da Vinci-of Vinci) near Florence in Tuesday in Italy.
  • 欧洲和西亚类似鲦的淡水鱼,以有离水生存的能力而著
    freshwater dace-like game fish of Europe and western Asia noted for ability to survive outside water.
  • 阿尔普,简1887-1966法国画家和达达派创始人之一。尤其以其抽象浮雕和三维雕刻作品闻
    French artist and a founder of Dada. He is particularly noted for his abstract reliefs and three-dimensional sculptures.
  • 父亲曾说,芬科先生是一出色的小提琴家。
    Mr. Finkle, Daddy said, was a fine violinist.
  • 我叫丹尼·琼斯。不过我用教的略称:丹。
    I am Daniel Jones, but I go by my nickname, Dan.
  • 咖啡比茶更好;danny(丹尼)喜欢的字是‘dan(丹)’。
    coffee is preferable to tea; Danny's preferred name is 'Dan'.
  • 难怪他们的队打败了我们;他们请了一个冒为丹·史密斯的职业队员替他们投球。
    No wonder their team beat us; they rang in a professional to pitch for them under the name of Dan Smith.
  • 但是,这一次上帝非常及时地给了我一份珍贵的礼物--来自一个叫丹的年轻人的电话,这使我又振作起来。
    But this time,God used his impeccable timing to give me a precious gift--a call from a young man named Dan to give me a second wind.
  • 一位著的舞蹈家使这种发型流行起来
    A famous dancer popularized the new hairstyle.