  • 自由民和奴隶、贵族和平民、领主和农奴、行会师傅和帮工,一句话,压迫者和被压迫者,始终处于相互对立的地位,进行不断的、有时隐蔽有时公开的斗,而每一次斗的结局是整个社会受到革命改造或者斗的各阶级同归于尽。
    Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
  • 不可否认的罪过;目击者的无可议的证言。
    undeniable guilt; indisputable evidence of a witness.
  • 总统为自己能从海湾战中见好就收感到暗自庆幸。
    The president hugged himself with pleasure over the quick withdrawal from the gulf war.
  • 海湾战是怎样引起的?
    How was the Gulf War started?
  • 海湾战争综合症。
    The complexities of the Gulf War.
  • 使波斯湾的战争升高
    Escalated the hostilities in the Persian Gulf.
  • 布朗上校参加过海湾战
    Colonel Brown saw service in the Gulf War.
  • 海湾战期间我们的眼睛简直像是钉在了电视屏幕上。
    our eyes were literally pinned to TV during the Gulf war.
  • 他那样残酷,竞雇用抢手杀掉了他的竞对手。
    It is cruel for him to hire a gunman to pat his competitor out of the way.
  • 竭力争取提升
    Gunning for a promotion.
  • 此人努力取在高尔夫球比赛中获得冠军。
    The man is gunning for first prize in the golf tournament.
  • 但因为现在是用于战,用于向什么也不产生的军官和士兵支付薪饷,用于购买弹药,政府便处于丙的位置,即那个挥霍成性的地主的位置。作为国家的资本来说,甲的那一万镑已不复存在了,实际上就财富或生产来说,等于是扔到大海里了,虽然根据其他理由这样使用可能是正当的。
    but since it is employed in war, that is, in the pay of officers and soldiers who produce nothing, and in destroying a quantity of gunpowder and bullets without return, the government is in the situation of C, the spendthrift landlord, and A's ten thousand pounds are so much national capital which once existed, but exists no longer: virtually thrown into the sea, as far as wealth or production is concerned; though for other reasons the employment of it may have been justifiable.
  • 她很有勇气,即使没有人同意她的观点,还是继续论下去。
    She has a lot of guts; she went on arguing even though no one agreed with her.
  • 到2000年,中国计划改造中低产田1400万公顷,力到2030年使现有6000万公顷中低产田全部得到改造。
    China plans to upgrade 14 million ha of medium- and low-yield fields by 2000, with a target upgrading of 60 million ha of medium- and low-yield fields by 2030.
  • 他们有一番唇舌之
    they had a quarrel; they had words.
  • 为几便士论不休实在不值得.
    It's not worth haggling over a few pence.
  • 农民为那头牛的价格执不已。
    The farmer haggled over the price of the cattle.
  • 不要为了几元钱价了。
    Let's not haggle over a few dollars.
  • 就交易的细节进行论;讨价还价。
    haggle over the terms of an exchange; bargain.
  • 侧翼队员比赛中处于球线后方离阵线较远的位置,主要任务是传球
    An offensive halfback stationed just behind the line of scrimmage and slightly wide of the formation, used chiefly as a pass receiver.
  • 吵之后,比尔向玛丽作出了让步。
    Bill met Mary halfway after their argument.
  • 在汉堡大会上,我们都同意这50年来我们取人权的记录中有至少三项缺点。
    At the Hamburg colloquium, we agreed that our record of achievements in the field of human rights, over the past 50 years, contained at least three flaws.
  • 十五年的革命和战,已经锻炼出来这样一条政治的和军事的路线了。
    Fifteen years of revolution and war have hammered out such political and military lines.
  • 汉考克,温菲尔德·斯科特1824-1886美国南北战时期的将军,1863年在葛底斯堡战役中打败了罗伯特·e·李和乔治·皮克特
    American politician and Revolutionary leader. He was president of the Continental Congress(1775-1777) and the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. Hancock later served nine terms as governor of Massachusetts(1780-1785 and1787-1793).
  • 总是与苦难相伴。
    War and suffering go hand in hand.
  • 就手球而言,很少在中场夺,多数时间都围绕在门前对抗。
    As far as handball is concerned, there is very little mid-court play, and most of the action takes place around the goals.
  • 车主们还在论着应该用脚刹车还是用手刹车。
    The car argue whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied.
  • 合资的车主们还在论着应该用脚刹车还是用手刹车。
    The joint owners of the car argued whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied.
  • 从新泽西州到佛罗里达州,星期二的总统选举可能决定几个竞激烈的参议员竞选结果。
    From New Jersey to Florida, Tuesday's presidential contest could tip the scales in a handful of tight Senate races.
  • 健全劳动议处理体制
    Improving the System for Handling Labor Disputes
  • 女人的服装最为妍丽,彼此奇斗胜;以漂亮闻名的男人也非常之多。
    The greatest sophistication was seen in women's dress, and there were a great number of men noted for their handsomeness.
  • 这时欧洲上空笼罩着战乌云。
    War-clouds were hanging over Europe.