  • 而那种有家室的人,恐怕宁愿把最好的西留给自己的后代。
    Yet it were great reason that those that have children, should have greatest care of future times, unto which they know they must transmit their dearest pledges.
  • 人最宝贵的西是生命。生命属于我们只有一次。一个人的生命应该这样度过:当他回首往事时,他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因过去碌碌无为而羞耻
    Man's dearest possession is life, and it is given to him to live but once. He must live so as to feel no torturing regrets for years without purpose, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past---Ostorovsky
  • 这样搞下去,要损害毛泽思想。
    If this goes on, it will debase Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 债券持有人比普通股享有优先权。
    Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder.
  • 公司债券持有人有优先于普遍股的权利。
    Debenture holder have priority over ordinary shareholder.
  • 日版中修改为12月8号,这是日本发动进攻那一刻的京时间。
    in Japan the shot will reveal Dec.8. which is when the attack occurred Tokyo time.
  • “文化大革命”的十年,毛泽同志是犯了错误的。
    Comrade Mao Zedong made mistakes during the decade of the "cultural revolution" [1966-76].
  • 必须将古代封建统治阶级的一切腐朽的西和古代优秀的人民文化即多少带有民主性和革命性的西区别开来。
    It is imperative to separate the fine old culture of the people which had a more or less democratic and revolutionary character from all the decadence of the old feudal ruling class.
  • 开放政策是有风险的,会带来一些资本主义的腐朽西。
    To be sure, the open policy entails risks and may bring into China some decadent bourgeois things.
  • 我们要向人民特别是青年介绍资本主义国家中进步和有益的西,批判资本主义国家中反动和腐朽的西。
    We should introduce to our people, and particularly to our youth, whatever is progressive and useful in the capitalist countries, and we should criticize whatever is reactionary and decadent.
  • 开放以后,一些腐朽的西也跟着进来了,中国的一些地方也出现了丑恶的现象,如吸毒、嫖娼、经济犯罪等。
    Since China opened its doors to the outside world, decadent things have come in along with the others, and evils such as drug abuse, prostitution and economic crimes have emerged in some areas.
  • 二是西藏文化的内涵发生了深刻的变化,一些与封建农奴制相伴随的腐朽、落后的西随着社会的进步与发展而被抛弃,藏族信教群众的宗教信仰得到充分的尊重和保护,藏族传统优秀文化得到妥善保护和继承,并被赋予反映人民群众新生活和社会发展新需要的时代内容,在内容和形式上都得到了不断弘扬和发展;
    second, Tibetan culture has undergone deep changes--with social progress and development, decadent and backward things inherent in feudal serfdom have been abandoned, the religious beliefs of Tibetan religious followers enjoy full respect and protection, and the fine aspects of traditional Tibetan culture have been carefully preserved and carried forward. Improvement has been steadily made both in its contents and forms, adding some topical contents to reflect the new life of the people and the new needs of social development;
  • 基尔布莱德苏格兰中南部一城镇,位于格拉斯哥南方,1946年为吸引格拉斯哥增长的人口而建立。人口70,600
    A town of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow. It was established in1946 as a new town to absorb the growing population of Glasgow. Population, 70,600.
  • 翠绿,长满了生长中的西。
    green with growing things.
  • 防止虫牙的东西
    A guard against tooth decay.
  • 在这一过程中,一些西藏传统文化中所没有而为现代文明生活所必需的新文化如现代科技教育和新闻传播等得到发展,一些具有藏民族特色的优秀文化传统在新时代下得到弘扬和光大,同时,一些传统文化中与社会发展和人民生活不相适应的陈腐、落后的西逐渐被淘汰,这是符合文化发展规律的自然现象,也正是西藏文化在新形势下不断繁荣发展的表现。
    During this process, some new aspects of culture which are not contained in the traditional Tibetan culture but are essential in modern civilization have been developed, such as modern scientific and technological education and news dissemination. The fine cultural traditions with Tibetan features are being carried forward and promoted in the new age, and the decayed and backward things in the traditional culture that are not adapted to social development and people's life are being gradually sifted out. It is a natural phenomenon in conformity with the law of cultural development, and a manifestation of the unceasing prosperity and development of Tibetan culture in the new situation.
  • 唐娜知道她已故的父母没有留下任何物质上有价值的西。
    Donna is awared that her deceased parents leave little or no worldly goods.
  • 用谎言骗取某人的西。
    deprive somebody of something by deceit.
  • 事实上的欺骗行为;隐藏某些西或者发表欺骗性的言论来对他人造成伤害。
    actual deceit; concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent to cause injury to another.
  • 她是个爱骗人的、诡计多端的小西——以色列·赞格威尔;两面三刀的双重间谍;两面三刀的邪恶卖国贼和阴谋家——w·m·撒克里。
    she was a deceitful scheming little thing- Israel Zangwill; a double-dealing double agent; a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer- W.M.Thackeray.
  • 冒名者;冒充货;骗人的西
    Rongly in order to deceive people
  • 瞒骗,欺诈用于骗人的西;骗局或欺诈
    Something intended to deceive; a hoax or fraud.
  • 公司决定于十二月召开股会议。
    The company had decide to hold the meeting in december.
  • 已完成的研究包括南九龙(包括旧机场)的填海工程研究,九龙和新界前军事用地的未来用途、购物习惯、都会计划检讨第i谱尚究、办公室向非中心区迁移倾向及制定办公室用地发展策略,以及港口发展策略第三次检讨。
    Studies were completed on the South-East Kowloon reclamation including the ex-airport site, future use of ex-military sites in Kowloon and the New Territories, shopping habits, Metroplan Review Stage I study, the propensity for office decentralisation and the formulation of an Office Land Development Strategy and the third review of the Port Development Strategy.
  • 用来趁人不防捕捉人或物的西(通常外观诱人)。
    something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares.
  • 虚饰用欺骗的诱人外观掩饰普通的或粗陋的西等
    To conceal, as something common or crude, with a deceptively attractive outward show.
  • 恶狠狠地瞪着杰克。
    The housemaster fixed Jack with a decidedly hostile look.
  • 借《吻》成功的风,希尔以鲜明的性感形象出击,于1999年11月又推出一张专辑。
    Building on the success of “ This Kiss,” Hill unveiled a decidedly sexy image with the release of her next album in November of 1999.
  • 北美一个落叶或常绿灌木属;北美部的一种比较矮小的灌木。
    deciduous or evergreen shrubs of North America: black huckleberries.
  • 美国南部的一个落叶灌木小属。
    small genus of deciduous shrubs of the southeastern United States.
  • 生长于美国中部、部和加拿大的落叶缓慢生长的多年生植物。
    deciduous low-growing perennial of Canada and eastern and central United States.
  • 这里说的多数战役和某一二个战役,就都是决定的西了。
    Here, "most of the campaigns" or "one or two campaigns" are decisive.