  • 对此我并不感到骄傲,而且事后我对自己也总是不太满意,但有时,在压力重重之下为了求生存,这是惟的办法。
    I'm not proud of it and I don't usually feel very good about myself afterward,but sometimes it's the only way possible to survive in a pressure cooker.
  • 如果你考虑到在这之后的所有隐含意义的话,你会觉得这是件令人毛骨惊然的事情,因为它将我们放置到了个zi世纪的人类王国,在这里人们甚至都不与自己发生真正的接触。
    This is frightening if you consider all the implications, because it puts us in a realm of 2lst century human beings who will not really be in touch with themselves.
  • 但是,属于文化领域的东西,定要用马克思主义对它们的思想内容和表现方法进行分析、鉴别和批判。
    But in learning things in the cultural realm, we must adopt a Marxist approach, analysing them, distinguishing the good from the bad and making a critical judgement about their ideological content and artistic form.
  • 实时系统的个特征,它可以中断批量处理以便进行实时事务的处理。
    A feature of realtime systems which can interrupt batch processing for realtime transactions.
  • 计算机中的直接地址或实时地址。通常,存储器中个字的虚拟地址由两部分组成,第部分是页面号(主存中固定大小的块),第二部分是该块内的个地址。
    In a computer, an immediate or realtime address. Typically, the virtual address of a word in memory consists of two parts. The first part refers to a page number(a fixed-size block of main memory). The second refers to a location within the block.
  • 位房地产经纪人带着沮丧的神情回到家里。
    One realtor I know occasionally comes home discouraged,but she has an agreement with her husband that covers circumstance.
  • 押金、个月房租、房地产中介商的佣金、搬家费……全部要准备多少钱呢?
    Damage deposit, one month's advance rent, realtor's commission, move fee......how much shall I prepare altogether?
  • 彩色电视真是个奇迹。
    Colour television is realty a wonder.
  • 当英王理查在伦敦塔内用刀子捅死另个王的当口,当他动手勒死那两个小孩之前就曾经说过:干正事要紧。
    Business first, pleasure afterward, as King Richard said when he stabbed the other king in the tower, before he smothered the babies.
  • 令纸张的种计数单位,以前以480张为令,现在以500张为令,而印刷中的令为516张
    A quantity of paper, formerly480 sheets, now500 sheets or, in a printer's ream,516 sheets.
  • 纸的套24张或有时25张同样尺寸和种类的纸张;令纸的十二分之
    A set of24 or sometimes25 sheets of paper of the same size and stock; one twentieth of a ream.
  • 就此我有权对你们说,我再次重申:希望通过提供物资和装备,帮助英国以及其它国家维持国家的自由。
    And in so far as I have the privilege to speak for you, I express once more the hope that we have to maintain the ream of freedom in Britain and elsewhere by supplying those defenders with materials and equipment.
  • 就此我有权对你们说,我再次重申:希望通过提供物资和装备,帮助英国以及其它国家维持国家的自由。
    And in so far as l have the privilege to speak for you, I express once more the hope that we have to maintain the ream of freedom in Britain and elsewhere by supplying those defenders with materials and equipment.
  • 我不知道我们需要多少复印纸,不过为保险起见,最好多估算些,多订购几令,免得不够。
    I don't know how much photocopying paper we need, but it's best to err on the right side and order a couple of extra reams rather than run out altogether.
  • 使尸体起死回生的魔力根据伏都教信仰,种可以进入尸体并使其复活的超自然力量或魔咒
    A supernatural power or spell that according to voodoo belief can enter into and reanimate a corpse.
  • 午饭后布什夫妇有时看电影,小睡会儿或有时在林中散散步。
    Afterward they watch movies, nap or go for walks in the woods.
  • 这就是他们指望能从中获得丰厚盈利的项投资。
    This is an investment from which they expect to reap a very good return.
  • 如果她多作些努力去认识周围的男孩,她定很快会有收获。
    If she made more of an effort to get to know the boys around her, she'd soon reap the rewards.
  • 在今年这个选举年,这场辩论可能会愈加激烈。在经济发生深刻变化的每个阶段,“先行者”--即抢在别人之前掌握了新方法的人--总是收获最丰。
    In every period of profound economic change, the "first movers"-the people who master the new ways before others-reap the lion's share of the rewards.
  • 正如法官在先前案例中所说的,著作权保护是通过给予人们段有限的时间获取相关的利益,以鼓励人们创作出更加有用的作品,并引导人们如何使用他们的作品。
    As the court has said in previous cases, copyright protection was designed to entice people to create original works by giving them a limited period to reap all of the benefits and dictate how their creations are used.
  • 段时间以来,美国些政客抱着过时的冷战思维不放,在国内政治斗争中借中美关系大做文章,煽动反华情绪,试图以此捞取政治资本。
    For a period of time, some politicians in the United States have clung on to the out-dated Cold War mentality, and made an issue out of Sino-US relations by stirring up an anti-China mood to reap political profit.
  • 经过我们“不杀反水农民”、“欢迎反水农民回来割禾”的宣传之后,才有些农民慢慢地跑回来。
    It was only after we hat conducted propaganda to the effect that "peasants who have defected will not be killed" and "peasants who have defected are welcome to come back to reap their crops" that some of them slowly came back.
  • 过了会儿,气球开始降落,并且在个机场附近着陆了。
    Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield.
  • 我们看了电影后起走回了家。
    We saw the film and afterwards walked home together.
  • 收割机种用来收割庄稼的机器;收割机
    A machine for harvesting crops; a reaper.
  • 只兔子被卷到收割机的刀刃中去了
    A rabbit got caught in the blades of the reaper
  • 只兔子被卷到收割机的刀刃中去了。
    A rabbit get catch in the blade of the reaper.
  • 他给我写了封非常冷淡的信,连信上问候我的话看来都好像是后来加上去的。
    He wrote me a cold letter; even the inquiry about my health looked as if it had been added on as an afterthought.
  • 例如,在变革自然的过程中,某工程计划的实现,某科学假想的证实,某器物的制成,某农产的收获,在变革社会过程中某罢工的胜利,某战争的胜利,某教育计划的实现,都算实现了预想的目的。
    In the process of changing nature, take for example the fulfilment of an engineering plan, the verification of a scientific hypothesis, the manufacture of an implement or the reaping of a crop; or in the process of changing society, take for example the victory of a strike, victory in a war or the fulfilment of an educational plan. All these may be considered the realization of aims one has in mind.
  • 种白色晶状物质,带苦的余味,用于杀菌和制阿斯匹林、染料或香水。
    a white crystalline substance with a bitter aftertaste; used as a fungicide or in making aspirin or dyes or perfumes.
  • 学生们从英语学习中获得了些直接的益处。
    The students have reaped some direct benefit from their English studies.
  • 他取得了比使用当地种籽高倍的产量。
    He reaped a yield twice as much as he would have done with local strains.