Chinese English Sentence:
  • 对所有条款都有定义或明的词汇表,不一定按字母顺序排列。
    A vocabulary, not necessarily in alphabetical order, with definitions or explanations for all terms.
  • 杰夫:我来,一共四项:冰球运动,滑冰(速度滑冰、花样滑冰),滑雪(高山滑雪、跳台滑雪),现代冬季两项(滑雪和射击),还有一项是什么来着?
    Jeff: Let me say it. There are altogether four events: ice hockey,skating (speed skating, figure skating), skiing (alpine skiing, jump skiing) and biathlon (skiing and shooting), what is the other event?
  • 说不定他已经走了。
    Maybe he's already left.
  • 这个孩子已经能合乎语法地话了。
    this child already speaks grammatically.
  • 他还会说英文。
    He also speaks English.
  • 那女孩她认为乔治在9月会和她结婚。
    The girl said she thought George would lead her to the altar in September.
  • 两人继续向前走,到了上帝的地方,亚拉罕在那儿架起祭坛,摆好了柴禾。
    And the two of them went on together and came to the place of which God had spoken. There Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood.
  • 但是,如果迈向婚姻圣坛的步伐加快了,生活节奏总的来是放慢了--这种趋势反映在单身聚会的细节方面。
    But if the race to the altar has quickened, the pace of life in general has slowed -- a trend reflected in the trappings of the singles scene.
  • 变更的理由容易明。
    The alteration is quite easy to account for.
  • 实验中的小小的改变具体明了社会确认这种现象。
    The single alteration in the experiment incorporated the phenomenon of social validation.
  • 并行论一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非与之直接联系的生理变化的学
    The doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration.
  • 唐太斯,他的脸色渐渐变白了,看着老人那深陷的双颊,又看看那空空的碗柜——“什么!
    said Dantès, turning pale, and looking alternately at the hollow cheeks of the old man and the empty cupboards.
  • 长期反复,是战争和战斗形式的反复。
    By repeated alternation over a long period we mean the repetition of this pattern of warfare and these forms of fighting.
  • 现在已会话,虽然有时表达不清楚。
    Michael now talks incessantly although not always coherently.
  • 他虽然很生气,但他耐心听我
    Although he was angry he listened to me patiently.
  • 一般电话虽然价格贵些,我还是更为喜欢。
    I'd prefer the latter although it's more expense.
  • 尽管很生气,他还是耐心听我
    Although gets angry very much, he listens me patiencely.
  • 比方,如果你是爵士乐爱好者,你就要练习在一段音乐中只听中高音萨克斯管,其他乐器声和歌唱声一律不听。
    For example, if you're a jazz lover, you might practice by turning on some music and listening only to the alto saxophone, blocking out all the other instruments or vocals.
  • 总的来, 我们的成绩是很大的。
    A-our achievements are very great.
  • 这对我来是太奢侈了。
    It's altogether too extravagant for me.
  • 旧金山加利福尼亚太平洋医疗中心的移植服务主任罗伯特·奥索里奥他担心腐败会"吓跑"那些无私的人。
    Dr. Robert Osorio, director of transplant services at San Francisco's California Pacific Medical Center, says he worries that corruption might scare away altruism.
  • 报告有百分之四十二的校友响应了捐款
    The report states that42 percent of the alumni contributed to the endowment.
  • 总是说些不适宜的话
    Always making inapt remarks.
  • 他总是说话
    He is always talking.
  • 她老是在说话。
    She is always talking.
  • 这本小始终吸引许多读者。
    This novel always draws.
  • 当代高科技顶端的半导体技术,可以是集各种最新科技之大成者。
    The semiconductor industry is at the top-end of modern high technology. (%s)It is the amalgamation of the latest advancements in the various technological fields.
  • 我听讲法语的瑞士人,提早读英文,不读本国另一语文,而读一种不属于瑞士的语文,是对德、法语族群文化溶合的一种障碍。
    A French-speaking friend explained that learning English instead of the other Swiss languages is an impediment to the cultural amalgamation of the German and French-speaking groups in Switzerland.
  • 因而,在你:“阿曼达和史蒂夫分手了”时,你会认为一句话就足够了。
    So when you say: "Amanda and Steve are splitting up," you think that's enough.
  • 换一句话,我主张各方面的人士都有业余活动的习惯。
    That is lo say, I am for amateurism in all fields.
  • 你要走,我很惊讶。
    It amazed me to hear that you were leaving.
  • 她忽然会话,家里的人,都觉得奇特。%$
    Every one in the household was amazed when suddenly she could speak again.