  • 在今天的语中,用“东方人”一词来指某人时,往好了说,听起来没有时代感,往坏了说,则有贬义。
    In today's English, the word "Oriental", when used to refer to a person, sounds old-fashioned at best and derogatory at worst.
  • 社会和文化的中坚分子,尤其是旧新格兰家族的后裔。
    a member of a social and cultural elite especially a descendant of an Old New England family.
  • *在1999-2000学年,留学美国人数最多的前10位国家分别是(按序排列):中国,日本,德国,韩国,印度,加拿大,俄罗斯,法国,国,意大利。
    * During the 1999-2000 academic year,the top 10 countries of origin of foreign students in the United States were (in descending order):China,Japan,Germany, South Korea, India, Canada, Russia, France, Britain and Italy.
  • 许多美国人的祖籍是国。
    Many Americans are of English descent.
  • 英国人后裔中的男人
    A man of English descent.
  • 英国人后代中的女人
    A woman of English descent.
  • 印混血儿有国和印度血统的人
    A person of English and Indian descent.
  • 战士们唱起了歌颂他们勇战斗的凯歌。
    The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.
  • 吃亏的是德国和美国工商业者,他们兜心受到了一拳——这一拳原是应当由国人自己受的——他们完蛋了。
    The German and American manufacturers receive the blows which were deserved by the English -- they are ruined.
  • 舰队司令官用作国海军上校的非正式名称,暂时用在舰队师或小舰队内
    Used as an unofficial designation for a captain in the British Navy temporarily in command of a fleet division or squadron.
  • 1943年,588团被授予新的精团队称号:即46警卫团.战争结束后,师长为全团指战员通令嘉奖,23名女兵授予光荣的苏维埃联盟雄称号。
    In 1943 the 588th was awarded elite status with a new designation: the 46th Guards Regiment. By the War's end the division commander had decorated every woman in the regiment, and 23 were honored with the coveted title Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • 至于亚洲开发银行(adb)、亚太经济合作组织(apec)等地区性经济组织,台湾的加入系根据中国政府与有关方面达成的协议或谅解,明确规定中华人民共和国作为主权国家参加,台湾只作为中国的一个地区以“中国台北”(文在亚行为taipei,china;在亚太经济合作组织为chinesetaipei)的名称参加活动。
    As to regional economic organizations such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Taiwan's participation is subject to the terms of agreement or understanding reached between the Chinese Government and the parties concerned which explicitly prescribe that the People's Republic of China is a full member as a sovereign state whereas Taiwan may participate in the activities of those organizations only as a region of China under the designation of Taipei, China (in ADB) or Chinese Taipei (in APEC).
  • 桥的跨度有4,260尺。桥梁很长,所以它的设计师不得不考虑地球的形状。
    It has a span of4260 feet. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer.
  • 克雷格,爱德华·戈登1872-1966国戏剧制作者、导演和舞台设计师,他的革新主义作品和简化的舞台设计影响过现代的戏剧院
    British theatrical producer, director, and designer whose innovative productions and simplified stage designs influenced modern theater.
  • 我一生一直为了令自己喜欢格兰人而努力,但我不得不在绝望中放弃这一项实验。
    I have been trying all my life to like Scotchmen, and am obliged to desist from the experiment in despair.
  • 表现出极度的勇敢;特别是指在绝望中采取作为最后一搏的勇行动。
    showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort.
  • 彩蛋的里面还另有玄妙,让人叹为观止:在这枚小小的水晶蛋里面还有一个盛满精美花朵的花篮,每一朵花都是由一块白色的石雕刻而成的,花茎和花蕊由金线制成,叶子由玉石制成,而叶子的中心则是绿色的石榴石。
    Contained within the egg is a detachable surprise -- a basket of delicate spring flowers, each carved from a single piece of white quartz fashioned with gold wire stem and stamens, jade leaves and green garnet centers.
  • 在王同志勇牺牲后,指挥突击分队的任务落到了年青的共产党员吴明身上。
    After the heroic death of Comrade Wang, the command of the assault detachment devolued on the young communist Wu Ming.
  • 被捕者曾供出他们的目标是国。
    The detainee who helped piece this together says the plot also targeted Britain.
  • 一些地震检波器能探测相当于十亿分之一米或亿分之四寸的地面运动。
    Some seismometers are capable of detecting ground motion as small as 1 billionth of a meter, or about 40 billionth of an inch.
  • 片一种用该种材料制成的电子部件,如振荡器和检波器,
    An electronic device, such as an oscillator or a detector, using such a material.
  • 表示所指事物的特性(如语中的`the')。
    a determiner (as `the' in English) that indicates specificity of reference.
  • 镑一贬值使我们的估计数差了几千镑
    The devaluation of the pound has put our estimate out by several thousands
  • 镑一贬值使我们的估计数差了几千镑。
    The devaluation of the pound have put our estimate out by several thousands.
  • 葛:美元贬值迫在眉捷,镑也承受巨大的压力,我们不能冒险行事。
    U. S. dollar devaluation was imminent, and Sterling was also under heavy pressure. We couldn't afford to take any chances.
  • 国船舰故意纵火并迅速冲向西班牙的无敌舰队,对敌造成毁灭性后果。
    The English ships that were deliberately set on fire sailed rapidly into the Spanish Armada with devastating effects.
  • 在发展现代技术方面国落後於日本。
    Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology.
  •  当国哲学家,实验科学先驱弗兰西斯-培根在四百年前讲出这句传世名言时,当时的世界刚刚开始从人类社会经济发展的第一阶段“农业经济”转向第二个阶段“工业经济”。
    When Francis Bacon, English philosopher and a pioneer of experimental science, uttered this famous quote 400 years ago, the world was just moving out of its first economic developmental stage - the "agricultural economy" - into the second stage, the "industrial economy".
  • 在这些方面国政府都有长足贡献。
    The British rule has made significant contributions in these developments.
  • 德文牛一种毛色微红的牛的品种,原产于国德文郡,主要用于食用牛肉
    Any of a breed of reddish cattle originally developed in the English county of Devon and raised primarily for beef.
  • 国南部的有角羊;其羊肉价值高。
    horned sheep of Devonshire in England; valued for mutton.
  • 他是国圣公会的一名虔诚的信徒。
    He is a devout disciple of the Episcopal Church.