  • 一种由电脑产生的假定的三维间世界。
    a hypothetical three-dimensional visual world created by a computer; user wears special goggles and fiber optic gloves etc., and can enter and move about in this world and interact with objects as if inside it.
  • 一手希都落空了。
    All hope is gone.
  • 维多利亚瀑布地区维持着一种雨林气候,这在当地是十分独特的。瀑布冲向谷底时飞溅出大量水珠,从而使这一地区的气保持湿润。
    In the case of Victoria Falls they sustain a rain forest type environment which is very unique to that area and this is due to the constant moisturization of this area by the spray that's being thrown up from the falls as they plunge to the bottom of the gorge.
  • 星斗万千,夜璀璨。
    The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.
  • 想让自己光彩照人并不意味着要掏腰包。
    Getting gorgeous doesn't mean you have to empty out your wallet.
  • 这个理论清楚地阐述了一种新的、影响深远的有关间、时间、运动、质量、能量的特性及控制这些的关系的结论。
    The theory set forth new and farreaching conclusions about the nature of space, time, motion, mass, energy, and the relations governing all these.
  • 中国国家航天局是中华人民共和国负责民用卫星管理及相关的政府间国际间合作的政府机构。
    The China National Space Administration CNSA is China's governmental organization responsible for the management of satellites for civilian use and inter-governmental space cooperation with other countries.
  • 其中海口达到一级标准。14个城市气质量为三级。
    Haikou has attained Grade I while 14 of them attained Grade III.
  • 在星星的掩映下,美国的一架无人驾驶侦察机悄无声息地盘旋在夜中,向美国传回颗粒状图像。
    Invisible under the stars, an ummanned American spy plane circled inaudibly over a stretch of dark landscape, transmitting grainy images back to the United States.
  • “也许我太守旧了,亲爱的,但我不喜欢眼看着洗耳恭听涤工作直拖至礼拜天才做。”“可是,奶奶,只有这一天我才有来帮忙;况且俗话说,礼拜日,好做事。”
    “I may be old-fashioned, dear, but I don’t like to see the washing hung out on a Sunday.” “But, Granny, this is the only day I’m free to come over and help you and anyway, as people say, the better the day the better the deed.”
  • 空见蒲桃入汉家。
    Only to bring back grapes from over the frontier.
  • 在计算机图形学中,提供显示间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。
    In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space.
  • 在计算机制图学中,虚间的预先定义部分。
    In computer graphics, a predefined part of a virtual space.
  • 在计算机制图技术中,在显示间上指定一个位置,用于显示一组图或正文(的方法或过程)。
    In computer graphics, indicating in a display space the location at which a specified display group is to be place.
  • 然而,像许多事情说起来容易做起来难一样,在我看来,我们所生活的社会重视即时满足高于一切,而没有什么地方能像网络间那样让人们更快地获得即时满足,因为在网络世界你可以随心所欲。
    However, like most things that is easier said than done, it seems to me that we are a society that values immediate gratification above all else, and what better place is there to achieve it than in cyberspace, where the cyberworld is your cyberoyster?
  • 但虽然气不是财富,可人类却由于能无偿地获得它而富了许多,因为无需花时间和劳动来满足这一最迫切的需要,所节省的时间的劳动可用于别处。
    But though air is not wealth, mankind are much richer by obtaining it gratis, since the time and labour which would otherwise be required for supplying the most pressing of all wants, can be devoted to other purposes.
  • 例如,气虽然是绝对必需的,但因为可以免费获得,在市场上却没有任何价格,把它储藏起来不会使任何人获利或得到好处,其生产和分配规律是与政治经济学很不相同的研究主题。
    Air,for example, though the most absolute of necessaries, bears no price in the market, because it can be obtained gratuitously: to accumulate a stock of it would yield no profit or advantage to any one; and the laws of its production and distribution are the subject of a very different study from Political Economy.
  • 如果没有引力,我们人本身以及其他东西就会离开地球.飞向太
    if there were no gravitation, we and everything else would fly off the earth into space.
  • 外逸层地球大气层的最外圈,位于热层之上,并向太延展几千公里,在那里分子具有足够的速度可以逃出地球的吸引力
    The outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, lying above the thermosphere and extending thousands of kilometers into space, from which molecules having sufficient velocity can escape Earth's gravitation.
  • 由恒星坍塌所形成的间中的一个区域;一个具有极强引力场的区域。
    a region of space resulting from the collapse of a star; extremely high gravitational field.
  • (航)飞行物接近一个行星星体以从其引力场中获取能量的轨道。
    (spaceflight) a trajectory that passes close to a planetary body in order to gain energy from its gravitational field.
  • 月亮是太中离我们最近的邻居,它也像我们一样,被地球引力紧紧地拉住。
    It is our nearest neighbour in space, and like ourselves it is kept tied to the earth by the earth's gravitational pull.
  • 在黑洞形成之后,引力作用继续吸人太中的残骸和其它物质,导致内核质量增加,黑洞越来越强大有力。
    After a black hole is created, the gravitational force continues to pull in space debris and other type of matters to help add to the mass of the core, making the hole stronger and more powerful.
  • 天文学家们制作了几张图表,他们相信如果你有办法活着穿过黑洞的中心,就会有足够的重力让你在太中弯曲翱翔,并可能将你带到宇宙的另一个尽头,甚至另一个宇宙。
    Several diagrams were made showing how astronomers believe that if somehow you were to survive through the center of the black hole that there would be enough gravitational force to possible warp you to another end in the universe or possibly to another universe.
  • 如果没有地心吸力,我们将被抛入太中。
    Without gravity we would be hurtled into space.
  • 月球的微弱引力允许气体逃到太里去。
    Moon's weak gravity let the gasses slip away into space.
  • 杰克在军当过飞机检修工。
    Jack was a grease monkey in Air Force.
  • 空谈家是大骗子。
    Great talker is great liar.
  • 加湿器一种用于增加房间、温室或其它封闭间内湿度的装置
    A device for increasing the humidity in a room, greenhouse, or other enclosure.
  • 臭氧层的洞、温室效应和酸雨都是我们所为而致。我们的行为所造成的后果影响着全世界。
    The hole in the ozone layer,the greenhouse effect and acid rain are all caused by things we do,and the consequences of our actions are felt all over the world.
  • 然后开始了一段天稍稍阴沉的假日生活。
    Into a life of greeny-grey holidays.
  • 我一向喜欢海滩,并且认为尼尔心目中的理想假日正是天稍稍有些阴沉。
    I had always liked the beach and thought of Neil's ideal holiday as greeny-grey.