  • 表明:在健康人群中,那些工作时间很长但是却对工作现状不满的人死于心脏疾病的几率是正常人的两倍。
    Healthy people with stressful jobs who work long hours but get little satisfaction from what they do have twice the risk of dying from heart disease as satisfied employees, according to a study.
  • 波兰果树花卉研究所
    Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach- Polska
  • 您研过仲裁裁决了吗?
    Have you stud the arbitration award?
  • 他们认真研了这一问题,然後才作出决定。
    They stud the question carefully before they make the decision.
  • 他研了导致大萧条的一系列事件。
    He stud the cycle of event leading to the great depression.
  • 我相信贵方已研了我们的重型卡车报盘。
    I believe you have stud our offer on heavy- duty truck.
  • 我们已认真研了合同草案,决定接受你方受训人员。
    We have thoroughly stud the draft contract and decide to receive your trainee.
  • 政府对该委员会的建议研了两个月。
    The government studs the committee's proposal for two months.
  • 同一字词的学者。
    a student of synonyms.
  • 认知过程的学者。
    a student of cognitive processes.
  • 其他研人员曾经探讨过这个问题,但是,这些探讨都是基于传统的统计方法。
    The problem has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches.
  • 他用最精良的显微镜研它。
    He studied it under excellent microscopes.
  • 人们对于这些现象做了哪些研
    How have people studied those events?
  • 这个问题值得研究。
    This problem needs to be studied.
  • 这个问题必须认真研
    This question should be carefully studied.
  • 这个问题要研究。
    This question too should be studied.
  • 我们辛勤地研了整个上午。
    We studied hard all the morning.
  • 哈德尔共研了1617名脑癌患者,并将他们的与人数差不多的非脑癌患者进行了比较。他的研刊登在最近的《欧洲癌症预防》杂志上。
    Hardell, whose study was published recently in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, studied 1,617 patients with brain tumors and compared them with a similar-size group of people without tumors.
  • 通过测量…研究
    ... be studied by measuring...
  • 他是个研动植物的博物学家。
    He is a naturalist who studies animals and plants.
  • 为了进一步深造,我希望到贵校读研生课程,重点研民俗学。
    To further my knowledge, I wish to do graduate study in your University, concentrating on Folk studies.
  • 研究显示
    The studies indicated that
  • 卡特(总统)的班子正在苦心研福利改革方案,但是国会领袖们却开始为此事苦恼地绞扭双手,并叫道:“研!研!可经费又在哪儿呢?”
    The Carter staff was doing an exhaustive study on reforming welfare, but the leaders in Congress started to wring their hands and shout: “Studies, studies! But where are the bills?”
  • 气象学家研气象学的人
    One who studies meteorology.
  • 鸟类的动物学家。
    a zoologist who studies birds.
  • 昆虫的动物学家。
    a zoologist who studies insects.
  • 他坚持不懈地研究。
    He persevered in his studies.
  • 疾病过程的科学家。
    a scientist who studies disease processes.
  • 有生命有机体的科学家。
    a scientist who studies living organisms.
  • 生物 学是对生物的研
    Biology is the study of living things.
  • "一项研表明,车祸中失去性命的人中的百分之四十如果他们系上保险带的话本来是可以得救的。"
    One study showed that forty percent of those killed in auto accidents could have been saved if they had been wearing seat belts.
  • 华为公司在北京、上海等城市设立了研分部,把研机构设在大学。
    Huawei Technologies set up research sub-stations in universities in cities like Beijing and Shanghai.