  • 他的头发开始变得花
    His hair is beginning to turn grey.
  • 浅灰色或略色的马。
    horse of a light grey or whitish color.
  • 教堂是用当地灰石建成的。
    The church is built of the local grey stones.
  • 时光流逝,我的头发变了。
    The time went on, and I became grey-haired.
  • 他那时50岁头发就渐了.
    He was 50 and greying.
  • 他凝视著镜中自己日见花的头发, 感慨岁月不待人.
    He gazed ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks.
  • 那时她的头发是灰的,现在已全了。
    Then her hair is greyish white, now entirely white.
  • 我并未听明他的话,心里更加气愤不已。
    Not understanding what he was saying, I continued with my grievance.
  • 他要了烤鳎鱼和一杯葡萄酒。
    He ordered a grilled sole and a glass of white wine.
  • 我们还有洋葱铁扒猪排,豆焖猪排,炖羊肉、红酒烩腰花等等。
    We also serve Grilled Pork Chop with Onion, Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, etc.
  • 他带着很重的马赛口音开口说道,露出满口得如象牙一样的牙齿笑着。
    said he, with a broad Marseillaise accent, and a grin that displayed his ivory-white teeth.
  • 鼻子像鸟嘴、头发斑的男人。
    a grizzled man with a beaklike nose.
  • 他用手把住他那有花胡须的下巴,温柔地冲我微笑着。
    He nestled his grizzled chin in his hand and smiled softly at me.
  • 灰鼬产于中南美洲的两种小型食肉哺乳动物(灰鼬属浅灰鼬或半灰鼬),毛灰,体态修长,腿短
    Either of two small carnivorous mammals(Galictis vittata or G. cuja) of Central and South America, having grizzled fur, a slender body, and short legs.
  • 窗帘是蓝底白花的。
    The curtains have white flowers on a blue ground.
  • 对这种捏造事实、颠倒黑、捕风捉影的攻击,中国政府和中国人民表示极大的愤慨。
    The Chinese Government and people are strongly indignant over this groundless attack that fabricates facts and confuses black and white.
  • 比诺葡萄主要生长在美国加利福尼亚州及法国的一种色或红色葡萄,用来酿酒
    Any of several related white or red grapes chiefly grown in California and France and used for making wine.
  • 一种普通的珊瑚兰,茎微黄或微红或淡紫褐色,花呈松散的总状花序,唇瓣色、有紫色斑点;产自从危地马拉到加拿大的地区。
    common coral root having yellowish- or reddish- or purplish-brown leafless stems bearing loose racemes of similarly colored flowers with white purple-spotted lips; Guatemala to Canada.
  • 格恩西奶牛原产于格恩西岛的一种色和褐色相间的奶牛,以生产富于营养的黄色牛奶而闻名
    Any of a breed of brown and white dairy cattle originally developed on the island of Guernsey and noted for producing a rich, golden milk.
  • 无可责难的或无过错的;清无辜的
    Free of blame or guilt; innocent.
  • 背和翅膀是黑色的海鸥。
    white gull having a black back and wings.
  • 硝酸一种色、灰色或无色的硝酸钾kno3,用于制火药
    A white, gray, or colorless mineral of potassium nitrate, KNO3, used in making gunpowder.
  • ……邦迪向华盛顿州刑警凯佩尔坦供认多起谋杀案。做案过程中,年轻女子遭受恐吓、绞杀、强暴、以及……。
    …Bundy spilled his guts to Washington State detective Bob Keppel about a clutch of murders in which young women were terrorized, strangled, raped and…
  • 一种发的橡胶,来自古塔树的凝乳胶。
    a whitish rubber derived from the coagulated milky latex of the gutta-percha tree.
  • 比方说,要是他天在办公室里紧张忙碌,可建议他去公园从容地散散步,而不要催他赶到健身馆去踩踏轮。
    For example,if his day at the office is hectic,recommend a leisurely walk around the park,not a quick trip to the gym to hit the treadmill.
  • 俄罗斯体操选手谢尔博被提名为1993年杰西·欧文斯国际金球奖获得者。
    Gymnast Scherbo of Belarus has been chosen the recipient of 1993 Jesse Owens International Trophy Award.
  • 丝石竹属植物各种丝石竹属植物中的任何一种,开有色或粉色的小花,包括锥花石头花
    Any of various plants of the genus Gypsophila, having small white or pink flowers and including baby's breath.
  • 一种紧密而质地优良的色石膏,用于雕刻。
    a compact fine-textured usually white gypsum used for carving.
  • 硬石膏,无水石膏一种无色,色,灰色,蓝色或淡紫色无水硫酸钙矿物,caso4,出现在石膏沉积岩层中
    A colorless, white, gray, blue, or lilac mineral of anhydrous calcium sulfate, CaSO4, occurring as layers in gypsum deposits.
  • 任何硫酸钙胶结材料,色粉末(硫酸钙的一种形式),与水混合后呈糊状,变硬形成固体,用于制模型和雕塑及给断肢铸型。
    any of several gypsum cements; a white powder (a form of calcium sulphate) that forms a paste when mixed with water and hardens into a solid; used in making molds and sculptures and casts for broken limbs.
  • 穿着色的衣服(或者特别是指色的法衣)。
    dressed (or especially habited) in white.
  • 指头发的颜色;带色的。
    of hair color; whitish.