  • 到你喜欢的任何地去。
    Go whither you please.
  • 用唱赞美诗的式来赞扬某人。
    praise by singing a hymn.
  • 单个来看,这些房间实际上是正形的;这些纤细的部分要分别处理。
    taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square; the fine points are treated singly.
  • 乡土观念对地兴趣及风格的热心
    Devotion to local interests and customs.
  • 中国方志目录
    bibliotheca of local topography in China
  • 政府所管辖的一片划分出来的领土。
    a territorial division for local government.
  • 退伍军人协会的地分会
    A local organization of military veterans.
  • 他们吟咏的祷文;吟唱般的说话式。
    their chantlike intoned prayers; a singsong manner of speaking.
  • 拥有有限权力的当地地官员。
    a local magistrate with limited powers.
  • 以异常的式或者到了异常的程度。
    in a singular manner or to a singular degree.
  • 这支地队倍受人喜爱。
    The local team was favored.
  • 这些是我们的地特色菜。
    These are our local specialities.
  • 她有时写点地性文章。
    She writes local items betimes.
  • 使得具有地性或者以地为导向。
    made local or oriented locally.
  • 风俗地的风俗或独特性
    A local custom or peculiarity.
  • 住房及地政府事物大臣
    Minister for Housingand Local Government
  • 州政府及地方政府
    State and local government.
  • 方言地方语言现象
    A local linguistic feature.
  • 较为可取的法是使用
    The preferred way, especially in speech, is to useBthey, themborBtheirbwith a singular neutral meaning
  • 分部办公室;图书馆的地分部。
    the local office; local branches of the library.
  • 工业应关心本地的需要。
    Local industry should concern itself with local needs.
  • 税;地学校和教堂;地公汽线路;地权威;地街道和公路;地控制。
    local taxes; local schools and churches; a local bus line; local authorities; local streets and roads; local control.
  • 一个独特的例子;一个现有的独特的多纳笔迹的例子;一份远古手稿唯一的副本;某一类型的问题有它独特的解决法。
    a singular example; the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting; a unique copy of an ancient manuscript; certain types of problems have unique solutions.
  • 地方出版管理机关
    local publishing administrative organs
  • 地方教育行政部门
    local educational administrative department
  • 地方文献目录
    bibliography of local literature
  • 方志目录
    bibliography of local chronicles
  • 我走近这个东西往里瞧,才看出是一种特别样子的老式卧榻,设计得非常便,足可以省去家里每个人占一间屋的必要。
    Having approached this structure I looked inside, and perceived it to be a singular sort of old-fashioned couch, very conveniently designed to obviate the necessity for every member of the family having a room to himself.
  • 康德式康德的主观理解的式,如个体性、普遍性或特殊性,它们将感觉组织为知识
    Kant's modes of subjective understanding, such as singularity, universality, or particularity, that organize perceptions into knowledge.
  • 他在地方法院工作。
    He works in the local court.
  • 他们尽量让这个地不吸引人注意;被迫与他那很是不吸引人的女房东交谈。
    they have made the place as unappealing as possible; was forced to talk to his singularly unappealing hostess.
  • 对方已接通。
    Your party is on.