  • 随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对 生活和社会渐持较为宽的态度。
    As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.
  • 使变得有内、有意思、有价值。
    act of making fuller or more meaningful or rewarding.
  • 很多探头只收集简单的测量数据或者没有量储存收集到的足够的数据,供作有意义的分析。
    Many probes collect only simple measurements or don't have capacity to store enough collected data for meaningful analysis.
  • 那本书颇有内容。
    The book was full of meat.
  • 这番议论没有什么实质内
    There is not much meat in this argument.
  • 这篇文章内很丰富。
    The article was very meaty.
  • 硬盘的内存量常用兆字节表示。
    the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes.
  • 以能源、交通建设为例,今后五年,中国将新增发电装机量8000万千瓦,新建铁路16000公里,高速公路2800公里,光纤通讯线路150000公里,新增电话交换机7000—8000万门。
    In the next five years, China will increase its installed power-generating capacity by 80,000 megawatts and build 16,000-kilometres-long new railways plus another 2,800 kilometres of freeways. It also plans to build another 150,000 kilometres of optic fibre cables and increase telephone switching capacity by 70-80 million lines.
  • 以能源、交通建设为例,今后五年,中国将新增发电装机量8000万千瓦,新建铁路16000公里,高速公路2800公里,光纤通讯线路150000公里,新增电话交换机7000—8000万门。
    An example is the market demand for energy and communications construction. In the next five years, China will increase its installed power-generating capacity by 80,000 megawatts and build 16,000-kilometres-long new railways plus another 2,800 kilometres of freeways. It also plans to build another 150,000 kilometres of optic fibre cables and increase telephone switching capacity by 70-80 million lines.
  • 这支乐曲有很多同时出现的谱线,因此很易丢掉其中的某一条。
    The music has so many melodic lines occurring simultaneously that it is easy to lose track of any particular one of them.
  • 所有的金属在加热后都会熔化(水银熔点比一般金属低),钨不易熔化,只有烧到很热时才会熔化。
    All metals melt when they get hot. (Mercury melts at a lower temperature than our usual ones.) Tungsten does not melt easily. It has to be very hot before it melts.
  • 融化奶油很容易。
    It is easy to melt butter.
  • 融化冰很容易。
    It is easy to melt ice.
  • 盐和糖都易溶解于水。
    Both salt and sugar melt easily in water.
  • 钨丝不易熔化或折断。
    The tungsten does not easily melt or break.
  • 找错容易改错难。
    A fault is sooner find than mend.
  • 这种商品很容易脱手
    This merchandise will turn easily.
  • 用商用航行器运载的最大的船。
    the largest boat carried by a merchant sailing vessel.
  • 我瞧着所有这些东西,每一件都使我联想到那个可怜的姑娘的一次肉体买卖。我心想,天主对她尚算仁慈,没有让她遭受通常的那种惩罚,而是让她在晚年之前,带着她那花月貌,死在穷奢极侈的豪华生活之中。对这些妓女来说,衰老就是她们的第一次死亡。
    As I contemplated all these things, each to my mind standing for a separate prostitution of the poor girl, I reflected that God had been merciful to her since He had not suffered her to live long enough to undergo the usual punishment but had allowed her to die at the height of her wealth and beauty, long before the coming of old age, that first death of courtesans.
  • 同时,这句话也是使我宽忍耐的不尽源泉。认识到这一点,就能安心地缓减那易于使人气馁的沉重的责任感,并使我们不至于对自己对他人都过分苛求;
    This realization mercifully mitigates the easily paralyzing sense of responsibility and prevents us from taking ourselves and other people all too seriously;
  • 充满包容的心
    A heart full of mercy.
  • 以宽和仁慈为特点。
    characterized by tolerance and mercy.
  • 在法庭的宽容下
    At the mercy of the court.
  • 我们对坏人是决不情的。
    We never show mercy to bad people.
  • 空洞只是卖弄而毫无实质内;外在的表现
    Mere show without reality; outward appearance.
  • 因此,如果某条消息大于超过所允许的最大尺寸量,这条消息被分成几个较小的消息来传送。
    Hence, if a message is larger than the maximum allowed size, it is broken into several smaller messages for delivery.
  • pushservice构建于可伸缩的消息传送体系结构之上,支持向多种设备发送大量的消息。
    The Push Service is built on a scalable message delivery architecture that supports large volumes of messages to many different types of devices.
  • “先生,”他说,“您以为,就拿这个厅来说,可以纳多少床位?”
    "Monsieur," said he, "how many beds do you think this hall alone would hold?"
  • 这些实验是约里奥先生和我共同进行的,为了方便起见,我们俩把演讲内进行了分工处理。
    These experiments have been made together by Monsieur Joliot and me, and the way in which we have divided this lecture between us is a matter of pure convenience.
  • 这种金属容易切削。
    This metal cuts easily.
  • 用来存放汽油或液体的大的器(金属制成的)。
    a large (usually metallic) container for holding gases or liquids.
  • 这就难了。所以,我们做细致的工作,不是比过去更易。
    This will be difficult, making it harder than ever to do our work meticulously.