  • 报上不断提到他的字。
    His name kept cropping up in the newspapers.
  • 这本书一定很有趣,因为到处都在提到它的字。
    The book must be interesting because its name was cropping up everywhere.
  • 你如果不会签,画一个十字也可以。
    If you can't sign your name, make a cross instead.
  • 我把他的字从单上划掉了。
    I crossed his name off the list.
  • 他们把他的字从单上划掉。
    They crossed his name off the list.
  • 少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。
    A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform.
  • 他们从那篇遗嘱里取出了“自由”、“平等”、“三民主义”、“不平等条约”这些词,颇生硬地应用在他们的生活上。
    They pick out the terms "freedom", "equality", "the Three People's Principles" and "unequal treaties" and apply them, if rather crudely, in their daily life.
  • 他以残忍出名。
    He is famed for his cruelty.
  • 尼禄的字使人联想到残忍。
    The name of Nero is associated with cruelty.
  • 为了成,克鲁斯参加表演训练班,为各种各样的电视商业广告试镜。
    In his search of fame, Cruise attended drama classes and auditioned for various TV commercials.
  • 中国女队曾在80年代两次夺得世界杯,两次世界锦标赛摘冠,一次奥运会加冕,在这次奥运会上惨败地跌到第七,这是该队自1981年以来最低的次。
    The Chinese women's team, which won two World Cups, two World Championships and on Olympic tournament in the 80s, suffered a crushing defeat to drop to the 7 th place, the lowest ranking since 1981.
  • 补偿贸易,有时也叫做对销贸易,简称ct,顾思义,就知道它是怎么回事了。
    Compensation trade, sometimes also called counter trade or simply CT, is just what the name suggests.
  • 作为一初出茅庐的记者,他要了解报界生涯的内幕。
    As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of life in the newspaper world.
  • 泰迪小熊是世界闻的经典玩具。关于它的来历有很多种版本,流传最广的说法是与美国酷爱打猎的总统西奥多·罗斯福有关的一个传说。
    The most frequently told story of its origin, however, says it was invented in the United States and inspired by then President Theodore Roosevelt, a noted hunter, who refused to shoot a bear cub that had been tethered to serve as an easy target.
  • 洪堡男爵,(卡尔)威廉·冯1767-1835德国哲学家和外交家,以其对语言与文化的关系的探索和对巴斯克语言的研究而著
    German naturalist and writer. His expedition to South America, Cuba, and Mexico(1799-1804) advanced the science of ecology.
  • 孩子是在1999年的11月幸免于难的,此次船只遇难夺去了他母亲和另外10古巴非法偷渡者的性命。
    The boy survived a November 1999, boatwreck that killed his mother and 10 other illegal Cuban immigrants.
  • 今年她创立了一个为"通过教育手段改变近亲婚姻歧视法"的组织。
    this year she founded a group called CUDDLE- Cousins United to Defeat Discriminating Laws through Education.
  • 作为一优秀演员最重要的因素之一是要能够适时而准确地接上台词。
    One of the most important factors of being a good actor is to be able to pick up his cue properly.
  • ……供应法国菜(新潮的法国菜)。
    The ... serves French Haute Cuisine (French Nouvelle Cuisine).
  • 今天我们吃的是世界闻的川菜。
    It's the world famous Sichuan cuisine.
  • 墨西哥菜以辣闻名。
    Mexican cuisine is famous for its hot dishes.
  • 嗯,黄先生!中国饭菜风味闻全世界。
    Well, Mr. Huang, Chinese cuisine is famous the world over.
  • 嗯,张先生,中国饭菜风味闻全世界。
    Well, Mr. Zhang, Chinese cuisine is famous throughout the world.
  • 戴维斯先生,您知识吗,这家饭店的中国茶可是很有的。
    You now, Mr. Davis, there is typical Chinese style cuisine in this hotel.
  • 中国有八大菜系,世界闻,本店的广东菜和北京菜尤为有特色。
    There are eight major world famous culinary cuisines in China, and our restaurant features Gugangdong style and Beijing style.
  • 在三月香港食品节举行期间,又筹办"中西美食大奖",并从世界各地邀请了41位国际知的美食家、饮食专栏作家和厨担任评判。
    In March, in conjunction with the Hong Kong Food Festival, the Culinary Awards competition was judged by 41 international gourmets, food-writers and chefs from around the world.
  • 他供出了主犯的字。
    He gave the name of the chief culprit..
  • 他何时成了一狂热的信徒?
    When did he join the cult?
  • 加拿大雷连教宣布,该教计划克隆一个孩子;一引起颇多争议的科学家理查德·西得博士昨天再次提出他要克隆他的妻子。
    The Raelian religious cult in Canada has announced plans to clone a child, and controversial scientist Dr Richard Seed yesterday reiterated plans to clone his wife.
  • 他总想结识有钱及有的人。
    He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people.
  • 犹太人的文化很著
    Jewish culture is famous.
  • 在报纸或电视资讯,公司称后若附有“cd”,表示该股票包括股息,而“xd”则表示不包括股息。
    In the newspapers or Teletext, a share with 'cd' behind the company name indicates cum-dividend and 'xd' means ex-dividend.