  • 此外,信保局亦為出界及銀行界提供咨詢服務和舉辦專題講座。
    Consultancy services and feature seminars were also arranged and conducted for the export and banking communities.
  • 除了貨物和商品的進出貿易以外,國傢之間還進行服務貿易,如保險、金融、飯店、咨詢、旅遊及運輸。
    In addition to goods and commodities, countries also trade in services, such as insurance, banking, hotels, consulting, travel and transportation.
  • 伯恩:因為進紡織品要辦理的手續費時之長可以讓人發瘋。
    Because the procedures the imported textiles have to go through can be outrageously time-consuming.
  • 旋轉一係列接觸並且被擱在出的操作點刷。
    a conducting arm that rotates over a series of contacts and comes to rest on an outlet.
  • 檢疫期,隔離期當運輸工具、人或材料被懷疑帶有傳染性疾病,被扣留在港進行強行隔離的一段期限,以防止疾病傳入某個國傢
    A period of time during which a vehicle, person, or material suspected of carrying a contagious disease is detained at a port of entry under enforced isolation to prevent disease from entering a country.
  • 要人下降,方法可謂繁多。
    There are many ways to contain population growth.
  • 有單一開的軟質容器。
    a flexible container with a single opening.
  • 鐵器皿由馬鐵製成的容器或盒子
    A container or box made of tin plate.
  • 受細菌感染的傷口
    a wound contaminated by bacteria
  • 第十七條 輸入植物、植物産品和其他檢疫物,經檢疫發現有植物危險性病、蟲、雜草的,由岸動植物檢疫機關簽發《檢疫處理通知單》,通知貨主或者其代理人作除害、退回或者銷毀處理。
    Article 17 On discovering through quarantine inspection that import plants, plant products or other quarantine objects are contaminated with diseases, pests or weeds dangerous to plants, the port animal and plant quarantine office shall issue the Quarantine Treatment Notice notifying the owner or his or her agent to conduct such treatments as disinfection and disinfestation, returning or destruction.
  • 第十三條 裝載動物的運輸工具抵達岸時,岸動植物檢疫機關應當采取現場預防措施,對上下運輸工具或者接近動物的人員、裝載動物的運輸工具和被污染的場地作防疫消毒處理。
    Article 13 On arrival at a port of a means of transport for carrying animals, the port animal and plant quarantine office shall for the prevention of epidemics adopt on-the-spot preventive measures and conduct disinfection of persons embarking on or disembarking from the means of transport or having contracts with the animals, the means of transport for carrying the animals and the contaminated fields.
  • 第十九條 輸入動植物、動植物産品和其他檢疫物,經檢疫發現有本法第十八條規定的名錄之外,對農、林、牧、漁業有嚴重危險的其他病蟲害的,由岸動植物檢疫機關依照國務院農業行政主管部門的規定,通知貨主或者其代理人作除害、退回或者銷毀處理。
    Article 19 On discovering through quarantine inspection that import animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects are contaminated with diseases, insect pests or harmful organisms which are not covered by the catalogues specified in Article 18 of this Law but are extremely harmful to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, the port animal and plant quarantine office shall, in accordance with relevant regulations of the department of agriculture administration under the State Council, notify the owner or his or her agent to conduct such treatments as disinfection and disinfestation, returning or destruction.
  • 埃皮扣拉斯這句話說得不好——“我們互相看起來,就是一座夠大的舞臺了”。好象生來本當曠觀天界及一切高貴之物的人類不應該做別的而衹應跪在一座小小的偶像前面,自己把自己做成個奴隸似的,雖然這不是為舌底奴隸——如禽獸一般——而是為眼目底奴隸(而眼目是上帝給人為高貴的用途的)。
    but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept It is a poor saying of Epicurus, satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus: as if man, made for the contemplation of heaven and all noble objects, should do nothing, but kneel before a little idol, and make himself subject, though not of the mouth (as beasts are) yet of the eye; which was given him for higher purposes.
  • 世謂李林甫‘有蜜,腹有劍’。”
    He was known to his contemporaries as a man with "honey on his lips and murder in his heart".
  • 他應該是位不錯的老師,因為在我的同班同學當中,好些人不但能講一流利的華語,還會寫文章。
    Lao shi must have been a good teacher, because a number of my contemporaries became fluent in both spoken Mandarin and written Chinese.
  • 中國近現代人口思想
    modern and contemporary thoughts of population in China
  • 過快增長是當今世界面臨的一個十分嚴重的問題。
    Excessive population growth is an extremely serious problem facing the contemporary world.
  • 有些人以輕衊的吻議論政府。
    Some people speak in contempt of the government.
  • 他有濃重的美國音。
    he couldn't suppress his contemptuous accent; she had a very clear speech pattern.
  • 在吵鬧時,辛德雷和凱蒂先是甘心情願地又看又聽,直到秩序恢復,兩個人就開始搜他們父親的袋,找他答應過的他們的禮物。
    Hindley and Cathy contented themselves with looking and listening till peace was restored: then, both began searching their father's pockets for the presents he had promised them.
  • 缺乏本土産品,老是靠進,滿足於文化碼頭的地位,這說明我們不缺錢,缺的是遠見,缺的是對藝術規律的瞭解。
    A dearth of local talent, a reliance on imports and being contented as a venue for cultural activities are indications that what we lack is not money, but a vision and a good grasp of what is needed to promote the arts.
  • 把腹內的東西吐出來。
    eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth.
  • depend指條件或可能性,其後通常跟有on或者upon,例如這取决於誰是負責人。在非正式語中,通常省略介詞
    Depend, indicating condition or contingency, is always followed by on or upon, as in It depends on who is in charge. Omission of the preposition is typical of casual speech.
  • 連續地操作使他的傷發炎。
    The continued exertion angered his wound.
  • 中斷連續性的突然中斷;缺
    A sudden interruption of continuity; a gap.
  • 中國在人出生率已明顯下降的情況下,每年的出生和人工流産的比例相當於目前世界各國的中等水平,這是中國大力貫徹以避孕為主的方針的結果。
    In a situation of a notably lower birthrate, the ratio of annual births to artificial abortions is about the medium level in the current world. This has resulted from effective practices of contraception.
  • 炔雌醇甲醚一種合成的雌激素,化學式為c21h26o2,與孕激素合用作服避孕藥
    A synthetic estrogen, C21H26O2, used in combination with a progestin in oral contraceptive preparations.
  • 素質明顯提高,全國人受教育年限達到發展中國傢先進水平,群衆享有基本的醫療保健和生殖健康服務,普遍實行避孕措施的知情選擇,出生性別比趨於正常。
    With an obvious improvement of its population quality ,the period of time for the people to receive education would be among the longest in developing countries. The people would have access to basic medical health care and reproductive health services. Informed choice of contraceptive measures is to be practiced widely and the sex ratio at birth is expected to gradually become normal.
  • 'I am'在語中常常縮略為'I'm'。
    'I am' is usually contracted to 'I'm' in oral speech.
  • (生物學)壇狀的,壺狀的,缸狀的,甕狀的;小肚大。
    (biology) urn-shaped; large below and contracted toward the mouth.
  • 在大力發展外貿進出、積極招商引資的同時,今年以來我國對外承包工程與勞務合作、對外投資等其他各項外經貿業務也都取得了新的進展,多雙邊經貿關係進一步得到加強。
    While actively developing import and export and promoting business and investment, we have also made fresh achievements in other foreign economic and trade areas such as foreign project- contracting, labor cooperation and outward investment, and further consolidated the multilateral and bilateral economic and trade ties .
  • 無論是何種情況,第三方實體都被鼓勵直接與uddi操作入站點個體進行磋商以建立合適的合約化的商務關係。
    In all cases, third parties are encouraged to work directly with individual UDDI Operators in order to set up the appropriate contractual business relationships.