  • 所有单词变形的系统排
    systematic arrangement of all the inflected forms of a word.
  • 一系用声音或传统符号来交流的方式。
    a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols.
  • 在表格中的消息。
    information set out in tabular form.
  • 以周期律为基础按原子量大小顺序排的化学元素表。
    a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements according to atomic number as based on the periodic law.
  • 入表中,制表将…入名单或表格;把…制成表格
    To enter in a list or table; tabulate.
  • 他要找我的办公室,结果他去了卡称索街,而不是卡纳毕街,因此他完全走错路了。
    He was looking for my office and went to Carlisle Street instead of Carnaby Street, so he was on the wrong tack altogether.
  • 在xhtml规范中,该语言再次成为结构化的,标记用来标出文档中的题目、段落、表、超级链接和其他结构化部件。
    In the XHTML specification, the language is once again only structural.Tags are used to mark up headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links and other structural parts of the document.
  • 对下动作,裁判员给分:摔倒,摆脱成功,反控制翻上,完全摔倒(两肩着地),接近摔倒(两肩着地)或接近压下(两肩着地)。
    The referee awards points for a takedown, an escape position, a reversal of control, a fall, a near fall, or near pin.
  • 他们赢得15枚金牌,在金牌总数中名第四。
    The Chinese won 15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally.
  • 当英国队的积分在记分板上一路攀升时(记分板最后显示英国以145枚奖牌名第一,比第二名的美国多出98枚),叫屈不平的声浪迭起。
    British victories mounted on the scoreboard the final tally showed Great Britain with 145 medals, 98 ahead of the second-place United States team-the cries of unfavorable treatment mounted.
  • 这与2000年悉尼奥运会相比实在是大相径庭,因为这次中国队总分显赫,名第三,位居美国和俄国之后,共进帐目59枚奖牌,其中金牌28枚。
    This was a far cry from the 2000 Sydney Olympics at which China finished third overall behind the United States and Russia with a tally of 59 medals, including 28 golds.
  • 以某些国家的所谓导弹威胁作为要求修改《反导条约》的借口是根本站不住脚的。修改《反导条约》的文本内容,即是破坏这一条约,必将引发一系消极后果。主张修改这一条约的国家必将对此承担全部责任。
    Emphasizing that it is totally untenable to press for amending the ABM Treaty on the pretext of socalled missile threats from some countries, the Presidents point out that to amend the text of the ABM Treaty is tantamount to an act of undermining the ABM Treaty and will inevitably bring about a series of negative consequences, and that the country which presses for amending this treaty will have to bear the full responsibility for all these consequences.
  • 关税通常以下两种方式的一种征收:从价关税或从量关税。
    Tariffs are commonly levied in one of two ways:ad valorem tariff or specific tariff.
  • 下表出了监视任务以及用以执行每项任务的主要和/或次要(备用)界面:如果监视活动是用来.
    The following table lists monitoring tasks and the primary and/or secondary (alternate) interface to use to perform each task:If the monitoring activity is to.
  • 中即举杯大笑,至茶倾覆怀中,反不得饮而起。甘心老是乡矣!故虽外忧患困穷而志不屈。于是几案罗,枕席枕藉,意会心谋,目往神授,乐在声、色、狗、马之上。
    When a guess wasi correct,we would lift the cup high-and break out 'into a loud laughter, so much so that'sometimes; her tea-was spilled on our dress and we were not able to drink.We were then-content to live,and row old in such a world! Therefore we held our heads,high, although we were living in poverty, arid sorrow.In time our collection grew bigger and bigger and the books arid art objects were piled up on tables and desks and beds, and we i enjoyed them with-our eyes and our minds and: planned and discussed over ithem," tasting a happiaess above those enjoying dogs and-horses and'music'and dance.
  • 金牛座之五星群金牛座的一组星,其中最亮的五颗呈v字形排,古代天文学家认为,当它们同太阳一起升起时预示着要下雨
    A cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus, the five brightest of which form a V, supposed by ancient astronomers to indicate rain when they rose with the sun.
  • (生物学)包含一个或一个以上序的分类组。
    (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders.
  • 一种或一类生物体逐步向前发展的事件序
    the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms.
  • 下面表中的值都是在uddi类别分类法中定义的。
    The following list of values are defined in the UDDI:types taxonomy.
  • 一个tmodel的附加集已经被预先建立,以协助使用对标识符和分类别的使用,例如使用工业分类法进行分类。
    An additional set of tModels has been established to assist in identification and categorization, for example within industry taxonomies.
  • 事实上,她这个夏天已经宣布推出另一系产品的计划,目标是十几岁的少女。
    " Indeed, already this summer she announced plans to launch another new line of business -- selling to teenage girls.
  • 她的门牙排不整齐。
    Her front teeth were irregular in formation.
  • 纸张电池有限公司,以色特拉维夫的一家小公司,已经开发出一种可以直接压印在纸张、塑料或其他弹性材料上的电池。
    Power Paper Ltd., a tiny company based in Tel Aviv, Israel, has developed a battery that can be printed directly onto paper, plastic or other flexible material.
  • 根据你方...月...日电报及我方...月...日电报,我方确认接受下订单。
    We confirm having booked the following order as per your telegram of... and our telegram of...
  • 电话号码薄中有电话用户的姓名、住址和电话号码。
    The telephone directory gives people's names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
  • 布达拉宫、大昭寺等一批寺庙为全国或自治区重点文物保护单位。
    The Potala Palace, the Jokhang Monastery and some other monasteries and temples have become national or regional key cultural preservation centers.
  • 关于时间发生顺序的,或按时间发生顺序排的。
    relating to or arranged according to temporal order.
  • 前提对一系事实进行说明的暂时解释,它能被进一步的调查检验;一个理论
    A tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory.
  • 在张布架上挂衣物的一系钩的一个。
    one of a series of hooks used to hold cloth on a tenter.
  • 一位特别有前途的执行官很有可能会被入我们的ceo名单当中,即使他的任期并不长——只要他在公司的成功发展中发挥了重要的角色。
    An especially promising executive could make the list even without a long tenure as CEO--so long as the candidate had already played a major role in a company's success.
  • 鲁珀特王子港加拿大的不颠哥伦比亚西部一城市,位于阿拉斯加边界附近的太平洋沿岸,是铁路和公路的终点和终年不冻港,也是制造加工和造船中心。人口16,197
    A city of western British Columbia, Canada, on the Pacific Ocean near the Alaska border. A railroad and highway terminus and ice-free port, it is a processing and shipping center. Population,16, 197.
  • 郡大不颠和爱尔兰的行使行政、司法和政治功能的疆土分支
    A territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and Ireland.