  • 蛹全變態昆蟲從幼蟲到成蟲的變形時期的不進食階段,這一階段,幼蟲在一種起保護作用的繭或硬殼中獨特地完成變形的全過程
    The nonfeeding stage between the larva and adult in the metamorphosis of holometabolous insects, during which the larva typically undergoes complete transformation within a protective cocoon or hardened case.
  • 然而,html這個多數部網文檔使用的語言非常簡單卻難以編寫,這一實事的存在,使這些産品的推廣由此受到影響。
    However, these wares are held back by the fact that HTML, the language of most intranet document, is so simple and hard coded.
  • 雖然它們僅直接適用於聯邦法院的訴訟,但是它們在32個州都作為證據法的範本。
    While they are applicable directly only to proceedings in federal courts, they serve as the model for evidence codes in 32 states.
  • 基因區位於對蛋白質合成指定的遺傳密碼不起作用的神經軸突之間的基因體節
    A segment of a gene situated between axons that does not function in coding for protein synthesis.
  • 突變,變種突變發生的過程,是通過基因的脫氧核糖核酸密碼的核苷酸順序的改變或者通過染色體部的物理重新排列
    The process by which such a sudden structural change occurs, either through an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome.
  • 總鰭魚鼻孔亞綱的各種大多已滅絶了的硬骨魚,腔棘魚為其現存種類代表
    Any of various mostly extinct bony fishes of the subclass Crossopterygii, of which the coelacanth is a living representative.
  • 中膠層一種將腔腸動物的外細胞層分開的膠狀物質層
    The layer of gelatinous material that separates the inner and outer cell layers of a coelenterate.
  • 乃近查邊區境,竟有不顧大局之徒,利用各種方式,或強迫農民交還已經分得的土地房屋,或強迫欠戶交還已經廢除的債務⑵,或強迫人民改變已經建立的民主制度,或破壞已經建立的軍事、經濟、文化和民衆團體的組織。
    However, recent investigations in the Border Region have disclosed that, disregarding the public interest, some persons are using various means to force the peasants to return land and houses that have been distributed to them, to compel debtors to pay back old cancelled loans,[2] to coerce the people into changing the democratic system that has been built up, or to disrupt the military, economic, cultural and mass organizations that have been established.
  • 在黨和人民部的政治生活中,衹能采取民主手段,不能采取壓製、打擊的手段。
    In political life within the Party and among the people we must use democratic means and not resort to coercion or attack.
  • 所以,和平共處的原則不僅在處理國際關係問題上,而且在一個國傢處理自己政問題上,也是一個好辦法。
    So the principles of peaceful coexistence provide a good solution not only to international issues, but to domestic problems as well.
  • --各國應在相互尊重主權和領土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉政、平等互利、和平共處五項原則基礎上建立國與國之間的關係。
    -- The relations among nations should be established on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.
  • 唯一的出路,是不同社會制度的國傢在五項原則基礎上和平共處、相互合作,而不是干涉別國政、挑起別國亂。
    The only solution is peaceful coexistence and cooperation of all countries with different social systems on the basis of the Five Principles, not interference in other countries' internal affairs and provoking disorders.
  • 有共同邊界的包含在相同邊界之的;同嚮延伸的
    Contained in the same boundaries; coextensive.
  • 在最新的分類中,與纖毛綱同延;發現於腐爛的微型有機體的浸液中。
    in some recent classifications, coextensive with the Ciliata: minute organisms found in decomposing infusions of organic matter.
  • 嵌齒輪在機構的一組嵌齒輪之一
    One of a set of cogged wheels within a mechanism.
  • 認知的容;思考中最重要的東西。
    the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about.
  • 知識管理的四項基本功能是:外部化、部化、中間層和認知。
    The four basic functions of knowledge management are externalization, internalization, intermediation and cognition.
  • 學術界關註的年輕人中越來越多的吸毒者現象,就表明了那些被剝奪了知識手段的人們難以忍受的心世界,他們尋求對現實的擺脫,擺脫那種無力對待現實的恐懼心理。
    The spread of drug addiction among young people brought up on today's intellectual fashions, demonstrates the unbearable inner state of men who are deprived of their means of cognition and who seek escape from reality -- from the terror of their impotence to deal with existence.
  • 聚性的由不能粘着的質點組成。用於土壤
    Composed of particles that do not cohere. Used of soil.
  • 在一個範圍突出而且引人註目並有連貫性結構的一個整體知覺對象。
    a unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the object of attention and that stands out against a ground.
  • 將數據獲取和其他處理集成在一個係統的自動數據處理過程。
    automatic data processing in which data acquisition and other stages or processing are integrated into a coherent system.
  • "要想贏得下屆大選的勝利,最重要的是我們黨要更加團结。"
    The most important thing is more cohesion within the party to win the next general election.
  • 在家庭單位元中表現出強聚性
    Exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit.
  • 固體的內聚能
    cohesive energy of solids
  • 高聚物內聚能密度
    cohesive energy density of polymers
  • 會有什麽情況發生呢?比如,10年大學生文化(目前崇尚寬帶並且在少年聊天室生活的年輕人)是否會退化成在綫群體和同伴的虛擬存在?
    What would happen,for instance,if in 10 years,the college student culture (those current youths who now worship the WB and live in pre- teen chat rooms) were to degenerate into a virtual existence of online communities and cohorts?
  • 電動機馬達能把任何形式的能量轉換機械能的一種裝置,尤指燃型發動機或一組能把電流轉化為機械動力的綫圈和磁鐵
    A device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, especially an internal-combustion engine or an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electric current into mechanical power.
  • 决定在西藏照地之例,設立鑄錢局,鑄造官錢行使,銀幣正面背面分別用漢藏文字鑄“乾隆寶藏”字樣。
    A mint will be set up in Tibet along the lines established by those in the interior to make official money for circulation. On the two sides of the silver coinage the words "Qianlong Treasure" will be cast in the Han Chinese and Tibetan.
  • 一些體育用品業人士認為"飛火流星"的不受歡迎很可能是商業競爭的結果。因此受阿迪達斯的商業對頭--耐剋贊助的巴西隊對"飛火流星"提出這麽多批評也就可能不是什麽巧合了。
    Industry insiders say it may be no coincidence that players from Brazil, sponsored by Adidas rival Nike, have been among the ball's most vociferous critics.
  • 在此,我留意到一件巧合的事,《基本法》規定的時間表涵蓋的時間,恰巧與貴國由一七七六年製定聯邦憲法進展至一七八七年取而代之的美國憲法所經歷的時間相同,在該段期間,貴國由一個衹把註意力集中在國傢立法機關的非常鬆散制度,發展至一個集權中央的聯邦制度。
    Here, I note an interesting coincidence, that the timetable in the Basic Law covers a period as long as that between your 1776 Articles of Confederation and the 1787 Constitution, when you moved from a very loose system focused on state legislatures to a much more centralised federal system.
  • 腹痛由中空髒器官,如腸等的腫脹、阻塞或痙攣引起的劇烈腹痛,嬰幼兒期的腹痛常以持續的躁怒和哭喊為特徵
    Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera, such as the intestines. Often a condition of early infancy, colic is marked by chronic irritability and crying.
  • 香港體育館和伊利沙伯體育館均由臨時市政局管理,是亞洲區其中兩個設備最完善的多用途室體育館。
    The Provisional Urban Council manages the Hong Kong Coliseum and the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, which are two of the best-equipped,multi-purpose indoor stadia in Asia.