  • 我想要一有阳台的房
    I'd like a room with a balcony.
  • 客房都建有阳台,从那里可以眺望大海。
    Each room has a balcony overlooking the sea.
  • 客房都建有阳台,从那里可以眺望大海。
    Each room have a balcony overlook the sea.
  • 我想要一有阳台的房
    I 'd like a room with a balcony.
  • 我想要一视野好(有阳台)的房
    I'd like a room with a nice view (a balcony).
  • 这种一居室的寓所都有一个卫生、一个厨房和一个阳台。
    Each studio flat is equipped with a bathroom kitchenette and balcony.
  • balding这个词在本世纪30年代的新闻杂志中颇为流行,并在很长时内与活泼的新闻风格相联系。但随着它的广泛使用,已失去了早期与新闻的关系
    The word balding was popularized by the newsmagazines of the1930's and was for a long time associated with breezy, journalistic style. It has since passed into general usage, however, and has lost its earlier association with journalism.
  • 我和雅克住的房虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
    The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay.
  • 地板上大包大包的棉花
    bales of cotton on the factory floor
  • 在巴厘岛中心的一家木雕作坊,老板马德·布迪尔萨说他手下有75名工匠,大多数人在上班时都在大块的木头边打瞌睡。
    At a wood-carving workshop in the central Bali, owner Made Budiarsa said most of his 75 craftsmen often sleep around huge chunks of log during working hours.
  • 巴厘人,一切托佑,当地导游说,设若家居着火,只余半,他们会庆幸,还好没烧尽,凡事往好处着眼,为巴厘人乐天知命的根本。
    The Balinese entrust everything in life to divine providence. Even when a house is virtually burnt down, our local guide told us, people would celebrate their good fortune if any part of it were spared by the fire. Such contentment is what leads the islanders through life in their peculiar happy-go-lucky manner.
  • 开球区台球桌的橡皮边和阻碍线之的空之一
    One of the spaces between the cushion and the balk line on a billiard table.
  • 前南斯拉夫在巴尔干半岛各国曾处于举足轻重的地位。
    The former Yugoslavia once held the balance of power in the Balkans.
  • 《格萨尔王传》是藏族民艺人创作、加工并一直作为口头说唱艺术在民流传的英雄史诗,被西藏自治区列为重点研究课题,并设立专门机构进行抢救、整理有关研究机构已收集民艺人传唱资料录音5000多盘,录像数百盘。
    The popular "Life of King Gesar," the oral epic of the Tibetan people handed down for generations by ballad singers, has been included in the Region's key research projects, with a special institute founded to take charge of collecting more than 5,000 cassettes and several hundred video tapes dealing with the epic.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少豪华公寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Chen, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast to be cultured.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少豪华公寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Tan, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast (counterweight) to be cultured.
  • ?三层的作战服,外层是防弹层,中层给各种设备传送电能,而内层则负责监控士兵的健康状况。
    The combat uniform,a triple- layered suit with an outer layer of ballistic protection,a middle layer for conducting power to various devices,and an inner layer that monitors the soldier's health.
  • 经济建设也在逐步发展,也搞了一些东西,比如原子弹、氢弹搞成功了,洲际导弹也搞成功了,但总的来说,很长时处于缓慢发展和停滞的状态,人民的生活还是贫困。
    It is true that our economy was gradually expanding and that we succeeded in developing certain things, such as the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb and even intercontinental ballistic missiles. But on the whole, the economy grew slowly or remained at a standstill for long periods, and our people were still living in poverty.
  • 为了节省时,副秘书长代表全体选举人的公意投了一张总选票,选举了阿尔杰博士。
    To save time the assistant secretary cast a single ballot as the unanimous vote of all for Dr. Alger.
  • ibm新的艺术级生产设备上玩的把戏是在raleigh,加利弗尼亚南部,以及其先进的自动实施功能的大肆吹捧,已经减少在零件总量上花费的时,减少了20%的劳动力需求,减少了50%的生产缺陷。
    New tricks in IBM's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Raleigh, North Carolina, with its ballyhooed advanced fulfillment initiative, have reduced the time parts spend in inventory, reduced labor requirements 20 percent, and cut manufacturing defects by 50 percent.
  • 嘿,乔治,很长时没见了。
    Hi, George, long time no see.
  • 波罗的海北部的一个海湾;位于瑞典和芬兰之
    a northern arm of the Baltic Sea; between Sweden and Finland.
  • 在马里兰州巴尔的摩市的三岁马之举行的年度比赛。
    an annual race for three-year-old horses; held at Pimlico in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • 人群向他们蜂拥而去,中隔着一道不牢固的木栏杆,眼看这道围栏在群众挤压下扭弯变曲,就要冲破了。
    The multitude surged towards them, and they already saw the frail wooden balustrade that formed the only barrier between them and the crowd bulge and give way under the pressure from without.
  • 这些系统允许电话公司在现有的光缆接入和局网络上提供更多的高带宽数据服务。
    The systems allow carriers to offer more high-bandwidth data services over their existing fiber-optic access and interoffice networks.
  • 我们不是来扯皮的,我们只是要你腾出这房子。
    We are not going to bandy words. We just require you to vacate this room.
  • 那个谍被不光彩地驱逐出境。
    The spy was dishonourably banished from, the land.
  • 稻田之间的田埂
    a bank of earth between paddy fields
  • 我们燃起篝火做游戏。
    At night we bank up the fire for fun.
  • 炉火是封起来的。
    The fire in the stove was banked up at night.
  • 血库中的血液必须用冰箱保存并只能存放42天,为避免不同血型的不相容所产生的不良反应还必须与病人的血液做交叉配血试验。
    Banked blood lasts only 42 days, has to be refrigerated and must be cross-matched to patients to avoid negative reactions with incompatible blood types.
  • 营业时间
    Banking hours, business hours