  • 连续猛击,殴打
    The act of beating or pounding.
  • 向移动的目标续射击
    pour bullets into the moving object
  • 采用钢的续浇铸法很重要。
    Of great importance is the introduction of continuous steel pouring.
  • 一种有时用于表示功能单元接或功能单元和软件可以与其一起使用的装置之间接的难易程度和实用程度的术语。
    A term sometimes used to indicate the ease or practicality of connecting functional units; or to the facility with which software can be used together.
  • 真理不须多言;谎言累牍篇。
    Truth needs not many words; but a false tale a long preamble.
  • 到了开会的日期和时间,每个与会者拨预先分配的会议电话号码,建立起声音和数据接。
    At the date and time of the call, each participant dials the preassigned conference telephone numbers to establish the voice and data connections.
  • 地震前常发生一串的微震。
    A series of tremors often precedes an earthquake.
  • 串主语接一个谓语。
    use of a series of subjects with a single predicate.
  • 系词将一个句子的谓语和主语起来的动词,如be或seem的一种形式
    A verb, such as a form of be or seem, that identifies the predicate of a sentence with the subject.
  • 被困扰的续地占据头脑的
    To preoccupy the mind of excessively.
  • 与表示地点或时间的副词或介词短语
    with anadvior a prepositional phrase indicating position in space or time
  • 通常与副词或介词短语用表示目的;仅用于完成时态
    usued with anadv or a prepositional phrase indicating destination; in the perfect tenses only
  • 苏格兰教会苏格兰的基督教长老会,与the
    The Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Used with the.
  • 他获选连任总统。
    He was elected to a second presidency.
  • 署,副署第二次或确定性签名,如在已签文件上
    A second or confirming signature, as on a previously signed document.
  • 许多价值城的古董被放置在拍卖台上
    Many priceless antiques went on the block.
  • 弹药,军火用枪炮或其它推动形式发射的抛射物,如同其引信和导火线的子弹、弹药
    All projectiles, such as bullets and shot, together with their fuses and primers, that can be fired from guns or otherwise propelled.
  • (印刷)写或印在其它字后面的或成一行。
    (printing) written or printed immediately following another character and aligned with it.
  • 能够传送少量数据通常在调制解调器和鼠标之间的端口。
    an interface (commonly used for modems and mice and some printers) that transmits data a bit at a time.
  • 分帧,分页,分隔把(续的表格或打印输出文件)分成单独的页
    To separate(a continuous form or printout) into individual sheets.
  • 在一份包含20个有机体的新鲜样本上,利用生物制剂的聚合酶锁反应进行分析的最高纪录大约是12分钟,霍利斯说。
    The record for analyses using the poiymerase chain reaction of a bioagent, Hollis says , is about 12 minutes, based on a pristine sample containing more than 20 organisms.
  • 最高人民检察院检察长每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,续任职不得超过两届。
    The term of office of the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate is the same as that of the National People's Congress; he shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
  • 他们全都和食物生产有牵,他们的报酬都取自所生产的食物。
    They are all concerned in producing food, and depend for their remuneration on the food produced;
  • 他说出了一串下流话。
    He uttered a stream of profanities.
  • 我们已经收到了对该节目的一串投诉。
    We have had a string of complaints about the program.
  • 更大、更快的程序完成主要任务,而tcl程序把它们在一起。
    The larger, faster programs do the heavy lifting;the Tcl program ties them together.
  • 青洲填海工程将在坚尼地城北面填造约186公顷土地(包括约十公顷在卑路乍湾接路工程下已平整的土地),供住宅发展及兴建重要接路,以及提供游憩用地,包括海滨长廊及市镇边缘地区公园。
    The Green Island Reclamation will produce about 186 hectares of land (including some 10 hectares already formed under the Belcher Bay Link Project) on the north of Kennedy Town for residential development and strategic road links as well as provision of open spaces including waterfront promenades and an urban fringe park.
  • 把带子两端接起来的东西;通常含有宽松的插真。
    fastens together two ends of a belt or strap; often has loose prong.
  • 的其他代词用时,尤其来得庄重
    Shall is more formal, especially when used with pronouns other thanIiorwe
  • 碰归碰,碰了却有如碰到墙壁,牵牵嘴角都嫌麻烦或不好意思,那再碰上个10年,这些熟面孔也只不过是组屋生活的活道具。
    Some, however, may be too shy or too lazy to show a bit of smile when meeting people. To them, familiar faces seem to be mere living props in the drama of HDB life.
  • 此外,系统也应该要求所有用户每月上下改变口令,如果用户续三次没有输入正确的口令,系统应把他们排除在预期的用户之外。
    In addition, the system should require all users to change passwords every month or so and should lock out prospective users if they fail to enter the correct password three times in a row.
  • 大宗的财产或财运。
    a large amount of wealth or prosperity.