  • 霰弹一个内弹丸的金属制圆筒,当圆筒发射后这些弹丸会散开;霰弹
    A metallic cylinder packed with shot that are scattered when the cylinder is fired; case shot.
  • 军舰上的露天炮塔军舰上旋转炮塔四周的保护性甲圆柱体
    An armored protective cylinder around a revolving gun turret on a warship.
  • 发条盒一圆柱形物,内含有主发条的表的零件
    The cylinder within the mechanism of a timepiece that contains the mainspring.
  • 他让把活塞从车床上卸下来到汽缸上去。
    He ordered the piston taken off the lathe and fitted to the cylinder.
  • 带有远距离寄存的置的柱状测速器。
    a cylindrical log with a distance-registering device.
  • 口红于圆柱形盒中用于描画嘴唇的蜡质小棒
    A small stick of waxy lip coloring enclosed in a cylindrical case.
  • 煤气罐一种用来气体燃料的储藏容器,尤其指既大又可伸缩的圆柱形的容器
    A storage container for fuel gas, especially a large, telescoping, cylindrical tank.
  • 由音步操作的圆盘式张力置。
    cymbals that are operated by foot.
  • 现代露营备变得一年比一年更讲究,这对那些厌世嫉俗者来说是一件有趣的自相矛盾的事情。
    That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic
  • 原产加州的一种灌木状小型树种;经常做饰用;包括俾格米柏和矮柏。
    small sometimes shrubby tree native to California; often used as an ornamental; in some classification systems includes the Pygmy cypress and the Santa Cruz cypress.
  • 他伪成了沙皇的女儿。
    She posed as the Czar's daughter.
  • 你为什么不请我修你的起居室,我很会修。
    Why don't you let me decorate your sitting-room for you; I am a dab hand at decorating.
  • 在剑或者匕首的刀柄上的一个球形饰品。
    an ornament in the shape of a ball on the hilt of a sword or dagger.
  • 机器包必须防湿、防潮、防锈、防震。
    The machines must be well protected against dampness, moisture, rust and shock.
  • 但这些货物必须经过长途运输才能抵达我港。包受潮怎么办?
    Look, these goods will have to go a long way before they arrive at our port. What if dampness gets into the package?
  • 纨绔子弟一个过于注重衣着和仪表或常以自己的束和仪态而自负的人;花花公子
    A man who is preoccupied with and often vain about his clothes and manners; a dandy.
  • 这种鲜艳的包只是为了美观。
    The gay package is only for dandy.
  • 我们已完成了起居室的饰,现在看上去一切都十全十美。
    We've finished decorating the living room and it all looks fine and dandy.
  • 莎士比亚的戏剧并不总是取材于英国,他的人物常常穿着外国的服——意大利的、法国的、丹麦的、凯尔特的、罗马的,等等,但是人物的思想感情,他们对生活的态度和对彼此的态度却是属于莎士比亚的时代。
    The stories of Shakespeare's plays do not always originate in England ar1d his characters are often clothed in foreign dresses Italian, French, Danish, Celtic, Roman, etc., but the thoughts and feelings of the characters, their attitudes towards life and towards each other belong to the age of Shakespeare.
  • 用羽毛来饰像箭或标枪镖头。
    decorate with feathers, as of an arrow or dart.
  • 卵形与尖形饰图形由一系列蛋形和镖形、锚形或舌形交替组成的饰图形
    A decorative molding consisting of a series of egg-shaped figures alternating with dart-shaped, anchor-shaped, or tongue-shaped figures.
  • 可以对数据进行编码的一种置。
    A device that encodes data.
  • 装配机器;汇集数据
    Assemble a machine; assemble data.
  • 允许装卸时间
    lie days; laying day
  • 她的服装光彩夺目。
    She's in dazzling fig.
  • 精美的包、温馨的风格、符合现代时尚的设计和令人眼花缭乱的花样翻新,还有许多许多,无一不体现出日本人的聪明才智和对物质文明的不懈追求。
    The attractive packaging, eye-catching style, modern design and dazzling innovations are all manifestations of the ingenuity and perseverance of the Japanese in their pursuit of material comfort.
  • 发生意外事件时核武器的自动保险置会自动解除动员。
    a fail-safe device in a nuclear weapon to deactivate it automatically in the event of accident.
  • 尤指用包使声音或噪音消失。
    deaden (a sound or noise), esp. by wrapping.
  • 司机安了新的消声器减少汽车嗓音。
    The driver deadened the noise of the car with a new muffler.
  • 制音器在各种键盘乐器中,一种用来消除琴键震动的
    A device in various keyboard instruments for deadening the vibrations of the strings.
  • 装运截止日期。
    The deadline of the loading period.
  • 他假装是聋哑人。
    He passed himself off as a deaf-mute.