  •  她曾数次赴香港、台湾演出,又先后赴美、、丹麦、瑞典和日本等国演出。她的非凡表演,为观众所倾倒。
    She has performed in Hongkong, Taiwan for several times. She also has been to United States, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, etc and her remarkable performances have received high praises.
  • 格兰西北部的一座城市,位于利物浦东方里;格兰人口最密集地区的中心。
    a city in northwestern England (30 miles east of Liverpool); heart of the most densely populated area of England.
  • 印刷密度一个印刷品中字的密度,常以每寸多少个字来表示
    The density of characters in a printed line, usually expressed as characters per inch.
  • 该地区人口密度为每平方里五人
    The area has a population density of five people per square mile
  • 该地区人口密度为每平方里五人。
    The area have a population density of five people per square mile.
  • 因为它的锯齿状叶子,这种植物的文名字来自法文"狮子的牙齿"这几个字。
    This plant got its name from the French dent de lion--lion’s tooth--because of its jagged leaves.
  • 你真的认为修补一下我车上的那块凹痕需要40镑吗?
    Do you mean to say it will cost me forty pounds just to repair one small dent in my car?
  • 英语的齿音t和d
    The English dental consonants t and d.
  • “到20世纪末,大学教育将对每个男人和女人都免费,会建立起几所全国有名的大学,孩子们会学习简单语语法以适应简化语,在拉丁医学视察人员定期检查之后,公立学校都会给贫穷的小孩免费配眼镜,免费看牙医,以及提供各种免费的医疗护理。”
    "A university education will be free to every man and woman [by the end of the 20th Century]. Several great national universities will have been established. Children will study a simple English grammar adapted to simplified English and not copied after the Latin Medical inspectors regularly visiting the public schools will furnish poor children free eyeglasses, free dentistry, and free medical attention of every kind."
  • 布拉托,托马斯1658-1713美国商人,因谴责塞勒姆的巫术试验和反对科顿和克里斯·马太(1692年)的严酷的清教主义而闻名
    American merchant known primarily for his strong denunciation of the Salem witch trials(1692) and his opposition to the rigid Puritanism of Cotton and Increase Mather.
  • 1967年冬天,我和妻子从城市搬到离丹佛东南25里远的科罗拉多州的帕克,打算趁我在一家目录商店当管理人之机饲养一些良种马,以便维持收支相抵的生活。
    In the winter of 1967, my wife and I moved from the city to Parker, Colo. , 25miles southeast of Denver. We were going to breed and raise Thoroughbred horses, while I worked as a supervisor in a catalogue house to help make ends meet.
  • 国的戏剧作家中鲜有人能否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位。
    Among english playwright, few will deny that shakespeare holds sway.
  • 国的戏剧作家中鲜有人能否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位.
    Among English playwrights, few would deny that Shakespeare holds sway.
  • 英灵永在。
    The spirits of the brave departed will be immortal.
  • 这条河往下流了几里后改变了流向。
    The river departed from its original course several miles downstream.
  • 是英语系吗?
    Is that the English Department?
  • 含税275英磅。
    It comes to 275 pounds, including departure tax.
  • 包括不列颠联合王国和他的附属国以及许多原来国的殖民地、现在的君主国但仍对国王室效忠的国家的联合。
    an association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and its dependencies and many former British colonies that are now sovereign states but owe allegiance to the British Crown.
  • 《海峡时报》最近刊登了一系列介绍中国各大都市的报道,该报记者一再用“hip”这个文字来形容所见所闻。
    The Straits Times recently carried a series of reports on major cities in China. It was notable that the reporters kept using the word “hip” to depict what they had seen and heard.
  • 很多年以前, 国已定罪的犯人可能被驱逐到澳大利亚.
    Years ago convicted criminals in England could face deportation to Australia.
  • 我们有500镑了. 够不够作押金的?
    We've got 500. Will it be enough for a deposit?
  • 大西洋上空的低气压通常给国带来恶劣的天气。
    A depression over the Atlantic usually brings bad weather in Britain.
  • 剥夺(国国教)的地位。
    deprive (an established church) of its status.
  • 中央电视台科教部《希望—语杂志》俱乐部
    《Outlook—English Magazine Club》, Science & Education Dept.
  • 中央电视台科教部《希望——语杂志》(outlook—englishmagazine)将于近期筹备成立“希望语”俱乐部。
    CCTV Science & Education Dept. Outlook English Magazine, will establish a "Outlook English" club recently.
  • 这雪有2英尺厚。
    The snow is two feet in depth.
  • 有特定的深度;“深六尺”。
    having a specified depth; six feet in depth (or deep).
  • 威斯敏斯特大学和德比大学的讲师说,绝大部分历史系的学生无法用语很好地表达自己的思想,而莱斯特大学的教师认为,学生的文书写能力也在下降。
    Westminster and Derby lecturers said most history students were unable to express themselves well in English, while Leicester believed that written English skills were declining.
  • 国,1986年我们对资本市场进行自由化和破除陈规的改革-后来我们称之为"重拳出击"这是对金融服务行业改革迈出的一大步。
    In the UK, the liberalisation and deregulation of the capital markets in 1986-which we came to call the 'Big Bang'-was an important step forwards for the financial services industry.
  • 许多语词汇源于拉丁文。
    Many English words are derived from Latin.
  • 这些文字起源于希腊文。
    These English words derive from Greek.
  • 文有成千上万的字源于拉丁文。
    Thousands of English words derive from Latin.