  • 朝阳把天染成金色。
    The morning sun gilds the sky.
  • 虽然我们看不到气,但是我们周围却充满了气,它充满在每个细小的间和裂缝。
    Spread out, boys and girls.
  • 喜做白日梦的或爱想的
    Given to daydreams or reverie.
  • 耽于不现实的幻想的;爱想的
    Given to unrealistic fantasies; fanciful.
  • 全家在林中的地上吃了午饭。
    The family had their lunch in the glade.
  • 游客们坐在森林中的一块地上。
    The tourists are sitting on a sylvan glade.
  • 洒满阳光的林中空地
    A glade that was transfused with sunlight.
  • 英航发言人卡米拉-莱在接受美国广播公司新闻在线采访时说:"对时装业而言,性感是魅力的表现。魅力是神奇的:如果姐每天工作时感觉非常自信的话,她们就一定会给乘客提供最好的服务。
    "In the world of fashion sexy is actually glamorous," Spokeswoman Camilla Wrey told ABCNEWS.com. "Glamorous is great and if the staff feel confident every day they come to work then they are able to offer the best level of customer service.
  • 他们跳起了剑舞,这时明月当,使景色更加增添了迷人的气氛。
    The moon-light cast a glamour over the scene as they danced the Sword Dance.
  • "他看了看手表,然后又看了看天。"
    He glanced at his watch and then looked at the sky.
  • 正在燃烧的村庄上映出炫目的红光。
    There was a red glare over the burning village.
  • 火光照亮了天空。
    The glare from the fire lit up the sky.
  • 正在燃烧的城市上映出炫目的红光。
    There was a red glare over the burning city.
  • 冰映光冰原上中一种带黄色的光
    A yellowish glare in the sky over an ice field.
  • 以目光呆滞的双眼凝视;他长满胡须的脸上有一种虚呆滞的神情-康纳·克鲁斯·奥布。
    with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare; his bearded face already has a set hollow look- Connor Cruise O'Brien; a face rigid with pain.
  • 在高用滑翔机进行飞行。
    gliding in a hang glider.
  • 那架滑翔机在山谷上滑翔。
    The glider was soaring above the valley.
  • 飞机;航器能够在中飞行的机器或装置,如飞机、直升机、滑翔机或飞船
    A machine or device, such as an airplane, a helicopter, a glider, or a dirigible, that is capable of atmospheric flight.
  • 天文展览厅及太科学展览厅长期展出55组互动式展品,让观众触摸和亲自操作,现更增添了一项新展品"虚拟滑翔风筝"。
    A new exhibit, the Virtual Glider, was added to the original 55 groups of permanent interactive exhibits in the Hall of Astronomy and Hall of Space Science.
  • 新加坡动物园的野生蛇从33英尺高的塔上飞到地面的录像和照片显示,它先悬挂在枝条上,并将身体弯成j字形,然后用力加速弹入中,同时将身体铺平至正常宽度的近两倍。
    Videotapes and photographs of wild-caught snakes gliding from a 33-foot-high tower to the ground at the Singapore Zoological Gardens reveal that the animal first dangles from a branch and loops its body into the shape of a J. It then launches itself into the air by accelerating up and away from the branch, and flattens its body to nearly twice its normal width.
  • 因第一丝曙光而呈淡红色。
    The sky was pink with the first glimmer of the dawn.
  • 莫里斯·格林每天上午会在大约9点钟打开阳台的门,站在阳台上眺望波光粼粼的海面,深深吸一口略带咸味的气。
    Maurice Greene opened the door to his balcony each day around 9 a.m., stepped outside, looked at the glittering sea and took a deep breath of salt air.
  • 死亡已经净化了这个富丽而淫秽的场所的气。再说,如果有必要,她们可以推托是为了拍卖才来的,根本不知道这是什么样的人家。
    Death had purified the air of this glittering den of iniquity, and in any case they could always say, if they needed the excuse, that they had done no more than come to a sale without knowing whose rooms these were.
  • 环球航,有什么事吗?
    Global Air. Can I help you?
  • 象徵上帝的荣耀。
    The heavens declare the glory of God.
  • 这场火把城市上映得一片通红。
    The fire cast a ruddy glow over the city.
  • 夏季的天带着柔辉露出笑容;
    Where smiles in softened glow the summer sky;
  • 日落后常在天中看到的光。
    a glow sometimes seen in the sky after sunset.
  • 晚霞;余晖日落后,天中的大气所发散出的短暂光辉
    The atmospheric glow that remains for a short time after sunset.
  • 中微弱的亮光;宪法阐述中含糊不清的地方
    The twilight glow of the sky; a twilight area in the interpretation of the Constitution.
  • 对日照一个暗弱的、闪烁的点,位于天中与太阳位置相对
    A faint, glowing spot in the sky, exactly opposite the position of the sun.
  • 气中飞扬着的是细细的白色粉末,在一个长桌上是一些从学校拿来的废牛奶纸盒以及家里的烧烤架,烧烤架已经被发红的炭烤到了极热,发着白光。
    There was fine white powder everywhere. On a long table were small milk cartons from school, and our family's hibachi grill was glowing with red hot coals at maximum heat.