  • 我哥哥今天早上开时精神非常紧张。几个星期以来,他一直在想着考试的事情。
    When my brother left the house this morning he was all keyed up. The examination had been on his mind for weeks.
  • 准备踢球时支撑足球地的装置。
    a device that supports a football off the ground preparatory to the kickoff.
  • 千克米米-千克-秒单位制中能量和功的单位,等于在1千克力作用下沿力方向移动1米距时力所作的功
    A unit of energy and work in the meter-kilogram-second system, equal to the work performed by a one-kilogram force acting through a distance of one meter.
  • 车站我家有五公里路。
    The station is five kilometer from my house.
  • 全程为40公里的赛程要选手们先在体育场跑道上跑5圈,然后开体育场,踏上尘土飞扬、凹凸不平的土路,上上下下越过了7个山包。
    The 40 kilometer course started with five laps around the stadium track.The runners then left the stadium and embarked on a dusty,unpaved course that took them up-and-down over seven different hills.
  • 在美国,测量距用英里,不用公里
    In the USA distance is measured in mile, not kilometre
  • 在发展中国家,如果在家一公里的步行范围内每人每天得20升水,便被视为有淡水者。
    People in developing countries are considered to have access to freshwater if they are able to obtain 20 litres of water per person a day within one kilometre walking distance from the household.
  • 他们最後相互亲吻而分.
    They exchanged a final kiss before parting.
  • 我们把几床床单打结连起来当绳子用才得以逃烈焰腾腾的旅馆。
    We escaped from the burning hotel by knotting several sheets together and using them as a rope.
  • 现已知与未知之事间的距极大。
    The gap between the now knowable and unknowable is vast.
  • 在哥伦比亚电视广播公司“面对全国”节目里,葛[市长]与人权联合会负责人西格尔辩论时,否认市府政策目的在将无家可归的少数族裔驱曼哈顿的富人住宅区的论点,并将此种论点斥为荒谬。
    Koch, squaring off with American Civil Liberties Union director Norman Seigel on CBS' "Face the Nation," rejected as "outrageous" an argument that the policy has focused on driving homeless minorities out of wealthy Manhattan neighborhoods.
  • 你将何时开香港呢?
    When will you leave Hong Kong?
  • 在海湾战争中,中国使馆帮助滞留在科威特的台湾劳务人员安全撤险境。
    During the Gulf War, the Chinese Embassy helped Taiwanese labour service personnel stranded in Kuwait pull out of dangerous places safely.
  • 她出生于科威特,父母是巴勒斯坦人,20世纪60年代早期开约旦河西岸移居到科威特。
    She was born in Kuwait to Palestinian parents who left their home on the West Bank of the Jordan River in the early 1960s.
  • 她的生活始终受到政治的影响。巴勒斯坦解放组织在海湾战争中支持萨达姆·候塞因,使她家被迫开科威特,这是她受到的最大政治影响。
    Politics affected her life throughout, but rarely more so than when her family was forced to leave Kuwait after the PLO backed Saddam Hussein in the gulf war.
  • 大阪与京都两大城市的直线距为40英里。
    Forty miles apart, as the stork flies, stand the great cities of Osaka and Kyoto.
  • 体力劳动与脑力劳动分
    separation between manual labour and mental labour
  • 您把这古老的巴黎浸没在沉沉黑夜里,看一看在那阴暗的建筑物迷宫中光与影的奇古怪游戏;
    drown it in profound night and watch the odd play of lights and shadows in that sombre labyrinth of edifices;
  • 达赖喇嘛开拉萨后,叛乱分子调集约7000人,于3月20日凌晨向党政军机关发动全面进攻。
    After the Dalai Lama left Lhasa, about 7,000 rebels gathered to wage a full-scale attack on the Party, government and army institutions before dawn on March 20.
  • 误了火车而上班迟到是一个站不住脚的辩解,你应该早一点开家才是。
    Missing the train is a lame excuse for getting to work late; you should have left home earlier.
  • 我们在兰开斯特转弯开了高速公路。
    We turned off the motorway at Lancaster.
  • 长矛南非部落所用的轻便长矛或标枪,尤指那种适于近距搏斗用的短杆长刀片武器
    A light spear or lance, especially one with a short shaft and long blade for close combat, used by southern African tribesmen.
  • 那枚导弹落在目标十英里的地方.
    The missile landed ten miles short (of its target).
  • 100年后,黑人依然在美国社会中间向隅而泣,依然感到自己在国土家园中流漂泊。
    One hundred yearslater, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of Americansociety and finds himself an exile in his own land.
  • 经叛道的天主教徒;不再参加活动的俱乐部成员
    A lapsed Catholic; a lapsed club member.
  • 为她的开感到不快乐;对她的升职感到不满;争论之后,他们陷入了难过、沉默;在学校里有段不快乐的时间;令人不快(悲伤)的消息;他看起来非常难过。
    unhappy over her departure; unhappy with her raise; after the argument they lapsed into an unhappy silence; had an unhappy time at school; the unhappy (or sad) news; he looks so sad.
  • 为了分出杂质而溶化(脂肪,猪油等)。
    melt (fat, lard, etc.) in order to separate out impurities.
  • 凯文终于下决心与拉里一同去。
    Kavin finally made up his mind to walk off with Larry.
  • 他在几年前脱了那个非法团体。
    He broke away from that lawless group years ago.
  • 黄鼠开了满是洞眼的草地
    The gophers left the lawn covered with pockmarks.
  • 现在是3:45分,比赛结束只剩5分钟了,我们队以4比0领先,现在只是在打防守战。
    It's a quarter to4 o'clock.There are only5 minutes left to the end of the game.Our team, with a4 to0 lead, are simply running out the clock.
  • 她不断地流血,生命随之逐渐去。
    With the continued loss of blood, her life was steadily leaking away.