  • 大理石拱门是名的伦敦标志。
    Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
  • 穿过拱门,沿那条路走.
    Go through the arch and follow the path.
  • 其中一项名为"香港法定古迹"的展览展出64项法定古迹和从考古遗址发掘所得文物,另一项名为"香港文物六千年"的展览则介绍香港在不同历史时期的丰富遗物,并重介绍考古文物和历史建筑物。
    The exhibition Hong Kong's Declared Monuments included 64 declared monuments and relics excavated from archaeological sites. The second exhibition Hong Kong's Heritage - A History of 6 000Years introduced the very rich relics of Hong Kong from different historical periods with an emphasis on archaeological finds and historical buildings.
  • (古旧用法)情绪高涨,特别是带自豪。
    (archaic) exalted emotionally especially with pride.
  • (古旧用法)穿好或者装饰好(例如为了参加战斗)。
    (archaic) dressed or adorned (as for battle).
  • 女大公自己掌握一公国命脉的女子,尤指奥地利公主
    A woman, especially an Austrian princess, holding an archduchy in her own right.
  • 猫拱着背。
    The cat has arched its back.
  • 道路被浓密的树荫遮覆
    The road was arched over with thick foliage.
  • 在一张流露难以描绘其风韵的鹅蛋脸上,嵌两只乌黑的大眼睛,上面两道弯弯细长的眉毛,纯净得犹如人工画就的一般,眼睛上盖浓密的睫毛,当眼帘低垂时,给玫瑰色的脸颊投去一抹淡淡的阴影;
    Upon an oval of indescribable loveliness, place two dark eyes beneath brows so cleanly arched that they might have been painted on; veil those eyes with lashes so long that, when lowered, they cast shadows over the pink flush of the cheeks;
  • 她的手臂一直裸到肘部,露出了被日光晒成褐色的那部分,美得象维纳斯女神的手一样。她那双柔软好看的脚上穿纱袜,踝处绣灰蓝色的小花,由于内心焦燥不安,一只脚正在轻轻地拍打地面,好象故意要展露出她那丰满匀称小腿似的。
    her arms, bare to the elbow, brown, and modelled after those of the Arlesian Venus, moved with a kind of restless impatience, and she tapped the earth with her arched and supple foot, so as to display the pure and full shape of her well-turned leg, in its red cotton, gray and blue clocked, stocking.
  • 原肠胚一种囊胚之后的胚胎,含有中空、两层的外胚层和内胚层,包围通过胚孔跟外界交流的原肠
    An embryo at the stage following the blastula, consisting of a hollow, two-layered sac of ectoderm and endoderm surrounding an archenteron that communicates with the exterior through the blastopore.
  • 把射手的弓通过挤压的方式使底部逆中心而支住。
    brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center.
  • 因为——或者尽管——这种训练异乎寻常,韩国统领世界射箭运动。
    Because of -- or despite -- the bizarre training, South Korea dominates international archery.
  • 〔18〕这句话引自《孟子·尽心上》,大意是说善于教人射箭的人,引满了弓,却不射出去,只摆跃跃欲动的姿势。
    [18] This reference to archery is taken from Mencius.It describes how the expert teacher of archery draws his bow with a histrionic gesture but does not release the arrow.
  • 一个炎热的下午,被遮天蔽日的大树覆盖的沙伯尔街吸引年轻的警官埃文·马海尼。
    It was the trees arching over Sabal Lane that called to young officer Evan Mahoney one afternoon.
  • 世界第三大岛屿;爪哇北面西太平洋中;大面积的覆盖浓密的丛林;马来西亚群岛的一部分。
    3rd largest island in the world; in the western Pacific north of Java; largely covered by dense jungle and rain forest; part of the Malay Archipelago.
  • 此外,历史档案馆也重向市民推广该馆的服务,协助市民认识本港历史文献,引导他们欣赏各项珍藏,并鼓励他们多应用该等历史文献。为此,该馆不断致力介绍其库藏历史档案,推广各项服务。
    With a strong public focus, the PRO also helps promote knowledge, appreciation and use of local documentary heritage and has been working continuously to promote its archival holdings and services.
  • 在莫斯科克格勃总部的秘密档案柜里保存希特勒的一块下巴骨,而他的一块头骨碎片则被放在俄罗斯联邦的国家档案馆里。
    In the KGB's headquarters on the fringes of Moscow, his skull is stored in the state archive of the Russian Federation.
  • 这意味在san中,用户可以把不同服务器上的数据备份或归档到同一存储系统上,允许储存的信息为所有服务器所自取,当数据生成时建立和储存数据的镜像图,以及在不同的环境之间共享数据。
    This means that within a SAN, users can backup or archive data from different servers to the same storage system;allow stored information to be accessed by all servers;create and store a mirror image of data as it is created;and share data between different environments.
  • 正在这时,阿尔戈斯发现了他们,他赶开了伊俄,自己坐在河堤上,监视四周的一切动静。
    While he thus lamented, Argus, observing, drove her away and took his seat on a bank from whence he could see in every direction.
  • 墨丘利在岩石上坐下来,谈个不停,大说故事,直到天色渐渐地暗了下来;这时他又吹起了箫,奏最能安神的乐曲,企图催那些警觉的眼睛进入梦乡,但没有奏效;因为阿尔戈斯虽然闭上了其中一些眼睛,但总有别一些还是睁的。
    Mercury sat down, talked, told stories till it grew late, and played upon his pipes his most soothing strains, hoping to lull the watchful eyes to sleep, but in vain; for Argus still contrived to keep some of his eyes open, though he shut the rest.
  • 但她脸上总是洋溢欢乐和幸福。
    But she looks as cheerful arid happy as ever.
  • 告诉同志们,遇事要沉
    Tell our comrades to keep calm when problems arise.
  • 后勤现在也在开会,也要重研究后勤工作方面在新的历史条件下出现的新的情况和新的问题。
    The logistical departments are also holding a conference at present.They too should concentrate on the new conditions and new problems in their work that have arisen in the new historical situation.
  • 三、皇帝和贵族的专制政权是被推翻了,代之而起的先是地主阶级的军阀官僚的统治,接是地主阶级和大资产阶级联盟的专政。
    The autocratic rule of the emperors and nobility has been overthrown, and in its place there have arisen first the warlord bureaucrat rule of the landlord class and then the joint dictatorship of the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie.
  • 可是随商人或者说中产阶级势不可挡的崛起,贵族和工人从这个格局中被排挤出去。中产阶级将自己划分成了上、中、下3个阶层。
    However,with the irresistible rise of the merchant or middle class,the aristocracy and workers were squeezed out of the frame and the middle class turned its attention to dividing itself into an upper,middle and lower class.
  • 我跟那些比我先来的好奇的名媛淑女在住宅里漫步溜达。
    I wandered from room to room in the wake of these inquisitive aristocratic ladies who had arrived before me.
  • 书籍朋友较之有生命的朋友有这样的长处:任何时候只要你愿意,你可以接触到世界上最真正高贵的人们,从他们那儿获得乐趣。
    Book-friends have this advantage over living friends: you can enjoy the most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it.
  • 苏格兰是一个独特的地方,自然条件虽不得天独厚,历史的厚重感却随处可见。豪门望族的府第与城堡历历在目,仪仗队的士兵也还穿传统服装。
    Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history, where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes.
  • 所谓“金属贵族”都保持一种贵族武的排他性,这使它们免于生锈或失去光泽,而铁却特别热爱社交,尤其爱与氧交往。氧依恋铁,比兄弟还亲密。
    While the "noble metals" maintain an aristocratic exclusiveness which protects them against rust or tarnish, iron is passionately fond of society, especially that of oxygen, which, cleaves to it closer than a brother.
  • 大约两千三百年以前,在希腊住一位名叫亚里斯多德的伟大的思想家。
    About 2, 300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.
  • 他忙着做算术题。
    He occupied himself with solving some arithmetic problems.