  • 在法国卢瓦尔河谷种植的葡萄。
    white grape grown especially in the Loire Valley in France.
  • 已经添加酒精的葡萄酒(通常是指葡萄兰地)。
    wine to which alcohol (usually grape brandy) has been added.
  • 托考依葡萄酒用这些葡萄制成的葡萄酒
    A wine made from these grapes.
  • 比诺葡萄酒一种由比诺红、葡萄做成的酒
    A white or red wine made from these grapes.
  • 玉米糁看上去就像是团块状的色燕麦粥,如果不拌上大量的黄油、盐和肉汁(尤其是火腿汁,由加蒌叶的烤肉油汁和咖啡制成),那味道比贴墙纸用的浆糊还要差。
    Grits look like white, lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall-paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter, salt, and gravy (especially red-eye gravy, which is made with pan drippings and coffee).
  • 无色的无色的,因零饱和度而没有颜色,如中性灰色,色,或黑色
    Designating color perceived to have zero saturation and therefore no hue, such as neutral grays, white, or black.
  • 外交政策一向由秃顶的、老成的人把把持,他们是容不下像康迪·赖斯这样的人的。
    “ Foreign policy is dominated by bald,graying white men and they're not used to someone like Condi Rice.
  • 正在变成色或灰色的
    Turning white or grayish.
  • 米黄色或灰色的略带灰色或黄色的
    A grayish or yellowish white.
  • 淡褐色浅灰到苍色或浅棕灰色
    A grayish to pale yellow or light grayish-yellowish brown.
  • 象牙色淡黄色或灰黄色到黄
    A pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white.
  • 象牙色的淡黄色或灰黄色到黄色的
    Of a pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white.
  • 偏僻的小溪黎明的时候是乳色的,阳光下是剑蓝色,朦胧的月色下则呈银灰色。
    lonely creeks are opal in the dawn, sword-blue in the sun, grayly silver under misty moons.
  • 天他赶她去放牧,晚上用绳子拴住她的脖颈。
    He suffered her to graze through the day and at night tied a rope round her neck.
  • 北美东部和中部的一种植物,有一乳色花被,饰有绿色、古铜色或紫色。
    plant of eastern and central North America having creamy white flowers tinged with brown or purple; poisonous especially to grazing animals.
  • 的绿色思想在愤怒的睡觉(这是语法家用来说明合语法的句子不一定有意义的一个例句)。
    colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
  • 开小花或绿花的美洲杂草。
    an American weedy plant with small white or greenish flowers.
  • 欧洲南部的一种草本植物,通常由于它的具总状花序的淡绿色的花而栽培。
    southern European plant commonly cultivated for its spikes of small starry greenish-white flowers.
  • 约翰在一个不良的环境长大,可是他很清,没做过错事。
    John grew up in a bad environment, but he grew up with clean hands.
  • 他脸色突然变得苍,"汉娜?
    He suddenly grew pale. "Hannah?
  • 他脸上一阵,一阵红。
    He grew now pale, now red.
  • 她的头发有些花白。
    Her hair is tinged with Grey.
  • 在几星期内她的头发就变灰了。
    She's gone grey within a few weeks.
  • 他的头发已灰白了。
    His hair has turned grey.
  • 我的头发渐变花了。
    My hair is going grey.
  • 她没有什么白头发。
    She has few grey hair.
  • 她没有什么白头发。
    She have few grey hair.
  • 她有几根白头发。
    She has a few grey hairs.
  • 她有几根白头发。
    She have a few grey hair.
  • 这些灰色卡片具有各种深浅不同的色调,包括色和黑色。
    These grey cards are of all possible shades of grey and include white and black.
  • 她的黑发中已有一缕缕发。
    Her dark hair was streaked with grey.
  • 由于忧虑,他的头发在变灰
    Her hair is going grey with worry.