  • gerstner並未完全忘記機箱。
    Not that Gerstner is ignoring the boxes altogether.
  • 阿爾法當是一個正常的孩子!
    A normal boy,of course!
  • 黑竜江紮竜、吉林嚮海、江西鄱陽湖、湖南東洞庭湖、青海鳥島和海南東寨港等6處自保護區被列為國際重要濕地。
    Another six nature reserves -- Zhalong in Heilongjiang, Xianghai in Jilin, Boyang Lake in Jiangxi, East Dongting Lake in Hunan, Bird Island in Qinghai and Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan -- have been included in the list of the world's important wetlands.
  • 當遇到攔路查問時,傑剋自地否認了他的身分。
    When braced, Jack naturally denied his identity.
  • 而,古詩就如碧玉般晶瑩剔透,而翻譯畢竟是翻譯。
    However, a classical poem is like a translucent jade bracelet, but a translation is still a translation.
  • 儘管現在經濟發展,人民富裕,隨便問一個新加坡人,恐怕至少都出國去過一、兩個地方,但出國並不必地等於開闊視野。尤其是如果出國的目的衹是去,流連於小攤小販之間;或者衹是用照相機、攝像機記下“某某到此一遊”,並以此作為談資吹本;
    True, living in a wealthy state, many Singaporeans are well-travelled. But travelling alone may not broaden their vision, particularly if they just go on shopping trips, visiting stalls and booths in a foreign land, and taking photos or making video-tapes to record their tour so that they can brag about it later.
  • 儘管現在經濟發展,人民富裕,隨便問一個新加坡人,恐怕至少都出國去過一、兩個地方,但出國並不必地等於開闊視野。尤其是如果出國的目的衹是去shopping,流連於小攤小販之間;或者衹是用照相機、攝像機記下“某某到此一遊”,並以此作為談資吹本;
    True, living in a wealthy state, many Singaporeans are good travelers, traveling in one or two places abroad at least. But traveling alone may not broaden their vision, particularly if they just go shopping there, visiting stalls and booths in a foreign land, and taking photos or making video-tapes to record their tour so that they can brag about it later.
  • 天然鎮腦劑
    A natural brain opiate.
  • 一種想法在他腦海裏閃過。
    A sudden, thought flashed across his brain.
  • 而在工業時代,人腦的力量開始比肌肉的力量更為重要。
    During the industrial age, however, brainpower began to count for more than muscle power.
  • 司機突然煞車。
    The driver braked his car suddenly.
  • 我前面那輛小汽車突停住,我衹好剎車。
    The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.
  • 司機突然把車剎住。
    The driver put on the brake suddenly.
  • 別突剎車,後面的那輛車可能會撞着你車的。
    Don't brake suddenly, the car behind might crash into you.
  • 輕踩剎車,不的話發動機會停機的。
    Use the brake gently or you will stall the engine.
  • 別突剎車,後面的那輛車可能會撞着你車的。
    Do not brake suddenly, the car behind may crash into you.
  • 在荊棘叢中我突抓住了衣服的邊緣。
    I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles.
  • 我們前面的那輛汽車突轉入左邊的小路上去了.
    The car in front of us suddenly branched off to the left.
  • 貧窮的威脅:商號巍聳立
  • 他居厚顔無恥地發表演講。
    He had the brass to make a speech.
  • 這支銅管樂隊賣座率仍很高。
    The brass band still plays to packed houses.
  • 生意雖開始時很成功,但終於失敗了。
    The business folded up despite its brave start.
  • 冒着破壞自元素的危險。
    brave the natural elements.
  • 約翰勇敢地沒有藉藥物的幫助就斷戒掉了毒癮。
    John bravely kicked the habit of cold turkey.
  • 士兵們眼看就要被打敗,但他們仍勇敢奮戰。
    Defeat stared them in the face, but the soldiers fought on bravely.
  • 他割破了手指,但仍勇敢地堅持下去,完成了工作。
    He cut his finger, but bravely soldiered on and finished the job.
  • 他的騙術已被人發現,他仍决定厚著臉皮挺住。
    Although his deception has been discovered, he decides to brazen it out.
  • 他的騙術已被人發現,他仍决定厚著臉皮挺住。
    Although his deception have is discover, he decide to brazen it out.
  • 如同在一幅中間式調的畫中,您再泯除中心鐘樂裏一切過於沙啞、過於尖銳的聲音;那麽,請您說說看,世上還有什麽聲音更為豐富,更為歡悅,更為金燦,更為耀眼,勝過這鐘樂齊鳴,勝過這音樂熔爐,勝過這許多高達三百尺的石笛同時發出萬般鏗鏘的樂聲,勝過這渾衹成為一支樂隊的都市,勝過這麯暴風驟雨般的交響樂!
    extinguish, as in a half shade, all that is too hoarse and too shrill about the central chime, and say whether you know anything in the world more rich and joyful, more golden, more dazzling, than this tumult of bells and chimes;--than this furnace of music,--than these ten thousand brazen voices chanting simultaneously in the flutes of stone, three hundred feet high,--than this city which is no longer anything but an orchestra,--than this symphony which produces the noise of a tempest.
  • 新中國成立初期,以美國為首的西方國傢對中國實行政治上不承認、經濟上封鎖、軍事上包圍的全面遏製政策,並於1950年悍發動朝鮮戰爭,把戰火燒到鴨緑江邊,企圖將人民共和國扼殺在搖籃裏。
    In the early period after the founding of New China, the Western countries, headed by the United States, carried out a total-containment policy of political non-recognition, economic blockade and military encirclement against China.They brazenly waged the Korean War in 1950, which was extended to the Yalu River, the border of China, in an attempt to strangle the newly founded PRC in the cradle.
  • 新中國成立初期,以美國為首的西方國傢對中國實行政治上不承認、經濟上封鎖、軍事上包圍的全面遏製政策,並於1950年悍發動朝鮮戰爭,把戰火燒到鴨緑江邊,企圖將人民共和國扼殺在搖籃裏。
    In the early period after the founding of New China, the Western countries, headed by the United States, carried out a total-containment policy of political non-recognition, economic blockade and military encirclement against China. They brazenly waged the Korean War in 1950, which was extended to the Yalu River, the border of China, in an attempt to strangle the newly founded PRC in the cradle.
  • 這顯是違反了合同。
    It's clearly a breach of contract.