  • 我们的党已经从两战线斗争中巩固和壮大起来了。
    Our Party has consolidated itself and grown strong through the struggle on the two fronts.
  • 第四十一 国家鼓励土地整理。
    Article 41 The State encourages land consolidation.
  • 现时,这方面由《业主与租客(综合)例》作出规管。
    The present governing legislation is the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance.
  • 租住权保障等与租赁有关的事宜,由《业主与租客(综合)例》规管。
    Tenancy-related matters, including security of tenure, are governed by the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance.
  • (二)抗日战争胜利的基本件,是抗日统一战线的扩大和巩固。
    2. The basic condition for victory in the War of Resistance is the extension and consolidation of the anti-Japanese united front.
  • 巡凫一种体形小的欧洲鸭(鸭属白眉鸭),在公鸭的每个眼圈周围和头的后部有非常明显的白色
    A small European duck(Anas querquedula) having a conspicuous white stripe over each eye and down the back of the head in the male.
  • 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字交给了我.
    She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air.
  • 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字交给了我
    She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air
  • 年轻的警察环视周围,意识到他已误入皮客和妓女的黑窝。
    The young constable looked around him and realized he had strayed into a lion's den of pimps and prostitutes.
  • 狗总跟在他的后面。
    The dog trailed him constantly.
  • 一个不断给她添麻烦的不利
    A back condition that bothers her constantly.
  • 如果这也成了一罪状,那怎么行?
    How can that constitute a "crime"?
  • 就高等教育来说,大专院校是一腿,各种半工半读的和业余的大学是一腿,两腿走路。
    In higher education, colleges and universities constitute one leg, while work-study universities and spare-time universities constitute the other.
  • 这是第一个条件。
    This constitutes the first condition.
  • 《行政长官选举例》体现了这些宪制规定,并使这些规定得以在本港实施。
    These constitutional provisions are reflected in and effected locally through the Chief Executive Election Ordinance.
  • 高级法院将对这新法规的合宪性作出裁决
    The high court will rule on the constitutionality of the new law.
  • 在某些约束件下,获得相连物体最佳位置的过程。
    Under some constraint conditions, a procedure to get the optional position of connected objects.
  • 里根总统任内的中情局局长凯西是一个成见很深、不顾事实的人-要做一件事,也不管什么规。他蔑视法律,认为是对掌权者的束缚。
    William Casey, President Reagan's D.C.I., was a man who would not let facts get in the way of preconceived ideas – or rules get in the way of what he wanted to do. He had contempt for law as a constraint on those who hold power.
  • 编筑用枝条编筑
    To construct from wattle.
  • 修这渠道要多少人工?
    How many man-days will be needed to construct this irrigation canal?
  • 作一垂直线从某一给定基线建(如一垂线)
    To construct(a perpendicular, for example) from or on a given base.
  • 后来这道路开始得到了修建。
    Then they started construction.
  • 第十一 建筑构件和建筑材料的防火性能必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。
    Article 11 The fire proof performance of constructional elements and construction materials must conform to the state standards or industrial standards.
  • 制造师坚持把他们装置在工作件下进行试验。
    The constructor insisted on his device being tested under operating conditions.
  • 第二十一 新建、扩建、改建建设工程,应当避免危害气象探测环境;
    Article 21 When building, expanding or renovating construction projects, the constructors shall avoid jeopardizing the environs for meteorological observation.
  • 明年将要修建一超级高速公路。
    A superhighway will be constructed next year.
  • 第四十九 违反本法第二十第四款规定,在生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区内新建、扩建与供水设施和保护水源无关的建设项目的,由县级以上人民政府按照国务院规定的权限责令停业或者关闭。
    Article 49 If any unit, in violation of the provisions of the fourth paragraph of Article 20 of this Law, constructs or expands, within a first-grade surface sources protection zone for domestic and drinking water, the people's government at or above the county level shall, pursuant to the limits of power authorized by the State Council, order the unit to suspend operation or to close down.
  • 但我们的目的是按照最高法院的解释向大家阐明成文法,而不是作道德评判--我们认为作为正式起草并经过授权的成文法,它无异议,第七并没有规定仅仅带有性倾向的骚扰是非法的。
    But we are called upon here to construe a statute as glossed by the Supreme Court, not to make a moral judgment -- and we regard it as settled law that, as drafted and authoritatively construed, Title VII does not proscribe harassment simply because of sexual orientation."
  • 以及(三)在香港特区设立领事机关的相关事宜--设立外国领事机构和其他官方或半官方机构的事务,由特派员公署负责处理(第一百五十七)。
    and (c) matters relating to the establishment of consular missions in the HKSAR — the establishment of foreign consular and other official or semi-official missions is handled by the MFA Office (BL 157).
  •  第一百五十七外国在香港特别行政区设立领事机构或其他官方、关官方机构,须经中央人民政府批准。
    Article 157 The establishment of foreign consular and other official or semi-official missions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall require the approval of the Central People's Government.
  • 二、帝国主义列强强迫中国订立了许多不平等约,根据这些不平等约,取得了在中国驻扎海军和陆军的权利,取得了领事裁判权,并把全中国划分为几个帝国主义国家的势力范围。
    The imperialist powers have forced China to sign numerous unequal treaties by which they have acquired the right to station land and sea forces and exercise consular jurisdiction in China, and they have carved up the whole country into imperialist spheres of influence.
  • 领事裁判权,是帝国主义国家强迫旧中国政府缔结的不平等约中所规定的特权之一,开始于一八四三年的中英《虎门约》和一八四四年的中美《望厦约》。
    Consular jurisdiction was one of the special privileges provided in the unequal treaties which the imperialist powers forced on the governments of old China -- beginning with the supplementaq treaty to the Sino-British Treaty of Nanking, signed at Humen (the Bogue) in 1843, and with the Sino-American Treaty of Wanghia in 1844.