| - 诸兄弟,让我们假设你或我将变成脱离了躯壳的自由精灵。
Let us suppose that you or i, brethren, shall become a free and disembody spirit. - 暴风雨即将来临。
A storm was brewing. - 风暴即将到来
There 's storm brewing - 风暴即将来临。
The storm is brewing. - 一场可怕的风暴即将来临.
An ugly storm is brewing. - 他预感到问题即将发生。
He scented that trouble was brewing. - 恐怕暴雨即将来临,您看见那边打闪了吗?
I feel a thunderstorm is brewing. Do you see the sheet-lightning there? - 下周末我们将举行一次聚会,真希望你和布赖恩能一起来参加。
We're having a party next weekend and I do hope you and Brian can make it. - 早在1998年,英国伦敦瑞丁大学研究控制论(对信息传递和控制的研究,尤其涉及人及动物大脑与机器及电子装置的差异)的教授布雷恩·沃里克就曾经将一枚芯片植入自己的胳膊,他进行这项实验的目的是为了测试自己的电脑能否在楼内无线跟踪他的行迹。
Back in 1998, Brian Warwick, a professor of cybernetics at Reading University in London, implanted a chip into his arm as an experiment to see if Warwick's computer could wirelessly track his whereabouts with the university's building. - 如果你想学,我将把你们带上这条布满荆棘的道路,大多数人都会选择避开这条路。
If you want to learn, I'll take you boys into the briar patch. That place where almost everyone else avoids. - 155.香港被誉为世界上营商环境最公平公开的城市之一,主要是因为本港廉政公署肃贪倡廉的成绩卓越。对於利用行贿或贪污手法谋取不当利益的人,不论背景或者阶层,廉政公署都会将他们绳之於法。
155. That Hong Kong has a reputation as one of the most fair and open cities in the world in which to do business, is in large part due to the excellent work of the ICAC, which continues to bring to justice, regardless of background, those who use bribery and corruption to gain an unfair advantage. - 当一个违法者在其组织中隐藏较深以至于用于普通犯罪的一般手段(比如密探、线人、监视)根本无法深入到犯罪头目或当犯罪头目已经将非法收入和合法收入混合在一起时,对刑事税法的这种适用方法非常有用。
This use of tax laws is especially useful when an individual is so insulated or highly placed in an organization that normal law enforcement tactics (undercover agents, informants, surveillance) relative to the primary violation (narcotics trafficking, prostitution, bribery, smuggling) cannot reach the target “kingpin” criminal or when the “kingpin” criminal has commingled his illegal income with income from legal sources. - 不久克里特将接纳收容你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。
So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be. - 简婚前充满喜悦的激动心情在一天夜里受到严重打扰,她醒来十分恐慌地看见一个陌生的丑女人正在试戴她的婚纱,然后又将它撕成碎片。
Jane's happy excitement before the wedding is interrupted one night when she awakens in horror to see a strange, ugly woman trying on her bridal veil and then tearing it to pieces. - 新娘的母亲将她交给新郎。
The bride was given away by her mother. - 在婚礼上将(新娘)交给新郎
To present(a bride) to the bridegroom at a wedding ceremony. - 新公路上将没有十字路口,而代之以过街桥和立交桥。
Cross-roads will not exist on these new highways, but will be replaced by bridges and flyovers. - 当将平台独立性应用于封闭的公司环境时,多个专有产品的复杂的网络路由连接和桥接等头疼的问题就迎刃而解了。
When applying platform independence to a closed corporate environment, the headache of complex network routing and bridging multiple proprietary products is eliminated. - 2.无线应用程序服务器安全网关:从安全的观点看,无线网关一般起到安全中介的作用,比如将无线端的wap/wtls保护环境桥接到有线端的http/ssl保护环境。
2. Gateway to Wireless Application Server Security: From a security point of view, a wireless gateway typically performs a security intermediary function such as bridging a WAP/WTLS protection environment on the wireless side with a HTTP/SSL protection environment on the wired side. - 公司已将案件委托给最好的律师进行辩护。
The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it. - 他将所有文件都装进公文包。
He put all the files into his briefcase. - 他将手伸入他的公文包,拿出一个小首饰盒、一封信和一叠用纸巾仔细包好、用一个褪了色的粉丝带系住的旧信封。
He reached into his briefcase and brought out a small jewelry box,a letter,and a stack of envelopes neatly wrapped in tissue paper and tied with a fading pink ribbon. - 昨天国防部长切尼和鲍威尔将军的简报发人深省。二人都警告说死亡将继续增加。他们警告说萨达姆可能暗藏惊人之笔。
Yesterday's briefing by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney and Gen. Colin Powell was sobering. Both man warned that the death toll will continue to rise. They warned that Saddam Hussein may have surprises up his sleeve. - 美国国务卿曾经在几天前向安理会展示了情报部门搜集的新证据,证明伊拉克为了准备迎接检查而对一些地区进行了清理,转移了很多关于被禁止的武器计划的证据,也就是关于在照片中被分析家认为是正在一个军火库清理化学污染物的卡车,对此我想说明一下,那个地区是一个公开的地区,当然,也是伊拉克预计我们要进行检查的地点,我要说明的是,这两张卫星照片相隔了几个星期,报告中所谓的转移武器的行动很有可能只是例行公事,是为了迎接即将到来的检查所做的正常工作而已。
The presentation of intelligence information by the US Secretary of State suggested that Iraq had prepared for inspections by cleaning up sites and removing evidence of proscribed weapons programmes. I would like to comment only on one case, which we are familiar with, namely, the trucks identified by analysts as being for chemical decontamination at a munitions depot. This was a declared site, and it was certainly one of the sites Iraq would have expected us to inspect. We have noted that the two satellite images of the site were taken several weeks apart. The reported movement of munitions at the site could just as easily have been a routine activity as a movement of proscribed munitions in anticipation of imminent inspection. Our reservation on this point does not detract from our appreciation of the briefing. - 将自己覆于水下
To submerge oneself briefly in water. - 将头或身体短时间浸入水中
To submerge the head or body briefly in water. - 我们将简单扼要地,按顺序解释其中的每一个问题。
We will explain each of these, briefly, in order. - 一个军衔位于准将之上和中将之下的将官。
a general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general. - 杨荣文准将曾说过:共患难能让人们团结起来。
Brigadier-General George Yeo once said, braving storms together will make a people more united. - 进行这段对话的两个人都是伊拉克共和国卫队的高级军官,一名上校和一名准将。
The conversation involves two senior officers, a colonel and a brigadier general, from Iraq's elite military unit, the Republican Guard. - 上校美国陆军、空军或海军陆战队中校之上准将之下的军衔
A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general. - 美国陆海空三军陆战队中军衔高于陆军中尉低于准将的委任军官。
a commissioned military officer in the US Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general.