  • 一种能使头发既易管理又富有光泽的润发油。
    a pomade to make the hair manageable and lustrous.
  • 一个好的设计要考虑到加工工序是否易进行及工程如何掌握问题。
    Good design also takes into account if the machining operations will be easily performed and how the work is held.
  • 扩大投资需求,加快基础设施建设,是去年我国宏观调控政策的重要内
    One of the key aspects of the macroeconomic policy of China in 1998 was to expand the investment demand and to speed up the construction of infrastructure facilities.
  • 在这个世纪,希特勒、麦迪逊大道、约翰逊、尼克松。里根,这些政治形象的策划者们和他们手中牵着的笑可掬的傀儡总统们使我们明白:谎撒得越大,人民越易相信。
    This century, with Hitler and Madison Avenue and Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, the political image-makers and their line of puppet presidents with smiling faces have taught us that.
  • 现在要找个女佣不易。
    Nowadays you cannot readily get a maid.
  • 马来俗语说:“教一个愚蠢的人比教一个固执的人易”。
    There is a Malay saying:“It is easier to teach a stupid person than a stubborn one”.
  • 男子更易感染疾病有多种原因。
    There are various reasons why males are affected more by disease.
  • 在全体年轻人当中,男子较女子更易发生或大或小的事故。
    Among all young people males were more likely to suffer major and minor accidents than females.
  • 威尔逊说:“在雌性比雄性块头大的物种当中,雌性往往也更易患寄生虫病。
    "In those species in which females are larger than males, the females also tend to be more heavily parasitised, "Dr Wilson said.
  • 年轻人比老年人易受影响.
    The young are more malleable than the old.
  • 瓦莱塔马耳他首都,位于主岛东北海岸线上,从16世纪开始,它纳了许多马耳他骑士的遗骸。人口14,013
    The capital of Malta, on the northeast coast of the main island. Dating to the16th century, it contains many relics of the Knights of Malta. Population,14, 013.
  • 也许是因为那一年漫长的夏天酷暑难耐,也许是妈妈在杂志或书中读到了有关帽子的内,反正她认为大热天爸爸不该戴那么厚的毡牛仔帽,不然他就要掉头发。
    Maybe it was the heat of the long summer, maybe Mama read about hats in a magazine or book, but in someway she got the idea that Papa should not wear a heavy wool cowboy hat in the hot weather. She began to believe that Papa would lose his hair if he did.
  • 生意规模逐渐缩小到易管理的规模。
    The business has been wound down to a size which becomes manageable.
  • 而在以最优方式将每一应用程序送达各种设备时,大量的内源增加了管理的复杂性。
    The large amount of content sources increases the complexity of having a manageable way to deliver each application to every type of device in the most optimized fashion.
  • 好在这种疯狂的暴力相对在酒吧还比较少,但是不否认的是最近几年暴力行为呈稳步上升的态势。
    Mercifully, this kind of maniacal violence is still comparatively rare in pubs. But there's no denying that there has been a steady increase in physical violence during recent years.
  • 易引起争论的方式。
    in an explosive manner.
  • 我无法忍无礼的举止。
    I can't tolerate bad manners.
  • 尽管军方的此类行动很易遭人嘲笑,但这种露骨的干涉后面却另有隐情。
    Although it's easy to laugh at such military manoeuvring,there's a dark underside to such blatant interventions.
  • 盖茨认为这只是个度的问题,即使得远地pc机变得较为易管理而已。但有些用户从更基本的概念上看待这个问题。
    But where Gates frames the issue as a matter of degree -- making it marginally easier to administer PCs -- some users see the issue in more fundamental terms.
  • 非常明显;易注意到。
    strongly marked; easily noticeable.
  • 这张桌子很易留下印痕。
    The table marks easily.
  • 这些内被转换为oracle9iaswirelessxml格式后提交到请求设备的标记语言中。
    The content is transformed into the Oracle9iAS Wireless XML format and then rendered to the requesting device’ markup language.
  • 最后,因为每个用户都能够使用一个或多个不同的设备访问internet,而每个设备使用不同的标记语言,所以oracle9iaswireless要转换内,将内提交给适合所用设备的标记语言。
    Finally, since each user has the ability to use one or more different devices to access the Internet and each device speaks a different markup language, Oracle9iAS Wireless transforms the content rendering it to the markup language appropriate to the device being used.
  • 为此,服务器要从内源检索内,为单个用户进行个性化处理,然后将其转换为所用无线设备使用的特定标记语言。
    To do so, it retrieves the content from the content source, personalizes it for individual users, and transforms it to the specific markup language spoken by the wireless device being used.
  • “再见,梅森先生。”她回答说,脸上带着无力的笑
    “Good-night, Mr. Mason,” she said with a weak smile.
  • 他好不易才把这两个证人的证词吻合起来。
    He had some difficulty in matching up the statements taken from the two witnesses.
  • 她那旷世无双的美貌无法形
    Her matchless beauty is beyond description.
  • 数学考试非常容易。
    The math exam was a clay pigeon.
  • 那个女看守看上去内心平静,待人像慈母一般,但是只要被收者有迹象自作主张,她可就不那么客气了。
    The matron looked a comfortable, motherly soul but she soon showed her teeth if any of the inmates gave signs of having minds of their own.
  • 你的文章内不错, 但是文体很糟。
    The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable.
  • 指盆栽;对器来说长得太大结果根部缠成了一团。
    of a potted plant; grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling of the roots.
  • 根满盆的,盆缚的长大得超过了其器,以致于根都纠缠在一起的。用来指盆栽植物
    Having grown too large for its container, resulting in matting or tangling of the roots. Used of a potted plant.