  • 我总不明白,为什么假定造物主有幽默感是一件有损其誉的事情。
    I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to the Creator to suppose that he has a sense of humor.
  • 基于交换用户和密码的约定的安全模式就属于这一类。
    Security schemes that are based on the convention of exchanging User ID and password credentials fall into this category.
  • 毕业生标准认为(大学学习)毕业生所需的标准——获得进入著的更高级学府学习的准许或获得从事职业实践的证明
    To recognize(an institution of learning) as maintaining those standards requisite for its graduates to gain admission to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice.
  • 因为他们在业内有望,还拥有潜在的客户。
    Because of the ir credibility within the industry and with potential customers.
  • 加快建立企业、中介机构和个人的信用档案,使有不良行为记录者付出代价,誉扫地,直至绳之以法。
    We need to accelerate the establishment of credibility records for enterprises, intermediary agencies and individuals, making those with a record of bad conduct pay a price for what they have done, and have their credibility ruined and even punishing them according to law.
  • 他以擅长管理和营销而著称,又以挽救克莱斯勒汽车公司、使其免于破产而闻
    He is highly praised as a good manager and marketer, and is credited with saving Chrysler Corporation from bankruptcy.
  • 在首张专辑中就有4支单曲列摇滚电台榜首,"信念"是有史以来首例乐队。在歌曲昙花一现随即消逝的今天,这一业绩便更难能可贵了。
    Creed was the first band in history to have four Number One Rock Radio singles from a debut album--a feat even more impressive in these days of love-'em-and-leave-'em,one-hit wonders.
  • 这两只加拿大水獭是一年前来到苏格兰中部地区一个为"水獭溪"的地方的。目前被收容在一个室内小海豹育儿室中。
    The pair arrived at the center's Otter Creek a year ago and are currently being housed in an indoor seal pup nursery.
  • 在古希腊奥运会上,获胜者被授予神圣的橄榄枝桂冠,他们的字通报整个希腊城邦,艺术家们为他们塑像,诗人们为他们写颂歌,古老的传统和习惯一直沿袭至今。
    In ancient times, winners were crowned with wreaths of the sacred olive . Their names were proclaimed throughout the Creek city-states. Artists dedicated statues to them. Poets wrote odes to Olympic winners. Things have not changed much in this regard.
  • (4)同“红十字”、“红新月”的标志、称相同或者近似的;
    those identical with or similar to the symbols, or names, of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent;
  • 今天,国际红十字会以及红新月运动已成为世界上最为庞大的志愿者组织。它拥有2.5亿会员,几乎世界上所有国家都有一个国家级协会。
    Today the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the world's largest voluntary organization, with a global membership close to 250, 000, 000 and a National Society in almost every country of the world.
  • 欧罗巴的三个独生子都是希腊神话中赫赫有的人物。弥诺斯做了克里特的国王,死后成为阴曹的法官;拉达曼提斯也被认为幽冥间的国王和法官;而萨耳珀冬则是吕西亚人的祖先。
    Her three sons are famous in Greek myth: Minos, who became king of Crete, and after his death a judge in the lower word; Rhadamanthus, who also was regarded as king and judge in the world of ghosts; and Sarpedon, who was ancestor of the Lycians.
  • 这艘船上有250船员。
    The ship carried a crew of 250.
  • 这艘船上有250船员。
    The she ship carry a crew of 250.
  • 船上载有1,316旅客和891船员。
    She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891.
  • 一个板球队由11队员组成。
    A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.
  • 那年轻的板球运动员在他的首次县级比赛中不出局获80分,那次他立功出了。
    The young cricketer won his spurs when he scored eighty not out in his first county game.
  • 他徒劳地叫着她的字。
    He cried her name in vain.
  • 那个臭卓著的罪犯终于被判处死刑。
    That infamous criminal was finally sentenced to death.
  • 他是个出名的罪犯。
    He'd a known criminal.
  • 研究结果表明,总的来说,一组1万激素长期服用者每年会额外地受到31次疾病的困扰(中风、心脏病、血栓、乳腺癌),而仅仅能避免11次骨折和结肠癌。
    The study suggests that,on balance,a group of 10,000 long-term estrogen users would suffer 31 excess health crises each year(strokes,heart attacks,blood clots,breast cancers),while avoiding only 11 bone fractures and colon cancers.
  • 当有多个不同种类的参数同时传入时,对商业实体的匹配应当遵循逻辑与的规则(多个的传入仍然遵循逻辑或)。
    When more than one distinct named argument is passed, matching businesses are those which match on all of the criteria.
  • 当有多个不同种类的参数同时传入时,对服务的匹配应当遵循逻辑与的规则(多个的传入仍然遵循逻辑或)。
    When more than one distinct named argument is passed, matching services are those which match on all of the criteria.
  • 你读过那个著的批评家写的这篇文章吗?
    Have you read the article written by that famous critic?
  • 每千罪犯平均拥有14.8张病床,病重的送监外医院治疗或依法批准保外就医。
    On an average, there are 14.8 hospital beds for every thousand prisoners, and those critically ill are sent to hospitals outside the prison for treatment or, on approval, may seek medical treatment on bail according to law.
  • 也有乱取华文的。就如电视连续剧《何日军再来》,对文字背后的文化和历史语境不加重视,引起了一些观众口诛笔伐。
    On the other hand, there was another serial earlier this year with a highly disputable Chinese title “何日军再来”. It shows the lack of emphasis by the production team on the cultural and historical context of the title and irate viewers were quick to criticise the station.
  • 批判追求利的思想。
    Criticize the ideology of going after fame and wealth.
  • 我开始患风湿病了,常感觉似乎真象一老朽了。
    I'm beginning to suffer from rheumatism, and at times I feel like a right old crock.
  • 随后在1966年,他的侄女弗朗斯·德布鲁安和同事菲利普·塔凯,一位古生物学家,将这种生物命为sarcoauchus之王,即"鳄鱼之王"。
    In 1966 his niece France de Broin and fellow paleontologist Philippe Taquet named the creature Sarcosuchus imperator, the " flesh crocodile emperor."
  • 骗子拿到易上钩者的单,就开始向他们发售那些无价值的货物。
    The crook got hold of a sucker list and started out to sell his worthless stock.
  • 如果你儿子有一份前途光明的工作,这对你儿子、我女儿来说,并不是一件坏事。然而,要他去当一歌手?哎呀,我看你是有点疯了。
    It wouldn't have been such a bad idea for your son and my daughter if he had a nice job with prospects, but a crooner? Have, you've got a screw loose.
  • 农场主雇佣3工人收割庄稼。
    The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop.