  • 剧院后台的一个房,演员们可以在那里休息或接受记者采访。
    a backstage room in a theater where performers rest or have visitors.
  • 我知道自己把事情的前后顺序都搞乱了,所以最后我回过头来强调为什么事情会发生得那么突然,只是几个星期的事情,尽管我们之的友谊已经存在有几个月了。或许更长些。
    I am jumping and mixing up the time sequence I know, so I backtrack to emphasise how it has happened suddenly, over weeks really, although the friendship was there for months, longer.
  • 政府虽然没有直接参与救济事务,但却为深入民的志愿团体提供了宝贵的“后勤”辅助资源。看来这是个明确的发展方向。
    Voluntary community organisations take the lead, while the Government provides the resources and valuable backup support—this is a development in the right direction!
  • 用来修饰说明一种用于备份存储设备的技术,这种技术应用伯努里原理来防止读写头和旋转磁盘面之的物理接触。
    Pertaining to a technology used for backup storage devices that applies the Bernoulli principle to prevent destructive physical contact between the read/ write head and a rotating disk.
  • 第三世界国家应当利用这段时发展经济,逐渐摆脱贫困落后状况。
    The countries of the Third World should make good use of this time to develop their economies, gradually shaking off poverty and backwardness.
  • 渡船在多佛和加来之的海上来回行驶。
    The ferry travels backwards and forwards between Dover and Calais.
  • 他每月两次往返于大连和上海之
    He goes backwards and forwards between Dalian and Shanghai twice a month.
  • 他每天得往返于伦敦与牛津之
    He has to travel backwards and forwards between London and Oxford every day.
  • 他说只要有时,他会鼎力相助的。
    He said he'd fall over backwards to help, if only he had the time.
  • 男孩们在後院用旧木板盖起一小木屋。
    The boy make a shack out of the old board in the backyard.
  • 体某些细菌细胞中细胞质膜的回旋内陷
    A convoluted invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane in some bacterial cells.
  • 周质在细菌或其它细胞壁之或附近,原生质膜外的地区
    The region near or immediately within a bacterial or other cell wall, outside the plasma membrane.
  • 新的上班时在工人中引起了很大的反感。
    The new working hours caused a lot of bad feeling among workers.
  • 非洲和亚洲南部森林地带夜活动形似獾的食肉动物。
    nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia.
  • 一场羽毛球赛持续多长时
    How long does a badminton game last?
  • 单打在两名选手进行的网球或羽毛球比赛
    A tennis or badminton match between two players.
  • 朗韦带午餐上班,并不是吃不起餐馆,而是因为忙得没时去。
    Longway became a brown-bagger not because he can't afford the restaurant, but because he is too busy to go there.
  • 我们的大力神l-100型飞机继续进行在巴格达和拉纳卡(larnaca)之定期往返。
    Our Hercules L-100 aircraft continues to operate routine flights between Baghdad and Larnaca.
  • 在此期,有20多名极端分子在巴格达聚会并建立行动基地。
    During this stay, nearly two dozen extremists converged on Baghdad and established a base of operations there.
  • 在1月份巴格达的谈判期,伊拉克方面曾同意将伊方陪同的比例保持在一比一。
    During the talks in January in Baghdad, the Iraqi side agreed to keep the ratio to about one to one.
  • 我们在会议中已经就私人采访问题进行了长时的讨论,伊拉克方面曾经在1月20日向我们做出承诺,将鼓励人们接受我们的私人采访要求,不管是在伊拉克内部还是外部,到目前为止我们仅在巴格达进行过这种采访。
    The matter of private interviews was discussed at length during our meeting in Baghdad. The Iraqi side confirmed the commitment, which it made to us on 20 January, to encourage persons asked to accept such interviews, whether in or out of Iraq. So far, we have only had interviews in Baghdad.
  • 委托人将货物转让给受托人,受托人将其保管,直到它们必须还给委托人,如将上衣留放在衣帽或洗衣店。
    Transfer of goods by someone (the bailor) to someone (the bailee) who then holds them until they have to be returned to the bailor (as when leave a coat in a cloakroom or at the cleaner's).
  • 老板对他说:“别浪费时了,要么就干,要不干就走。”
    The boss told him: "Quit wasting time! Fish or cut bait."
  • 她烤糕点要用多长时
    How long does it take her to bake cake?
  • 这位青年服务员会引您去您的房
    The bell boy will bake you to your room.
  • 上星期六她不得不为孩子们的聚会烤了许多糕点,花了一上午的时
    She have to bake lots of cake for a children's party last saturday; it take all morning.
  • 上星期六她不得不为孩子们的聚会烤了许多糕点,花了一上午的时
    She had to bake lots of cakes for a children 's party last Saturday ; it took all morning.
  • 汤姆花了五个月时还清了他欠面包商的账单。
    It took Tom five months to pay off the bill he owed the baker.
  • 烤炉,烤箱如暖炉里用作加热、烤焙或烘烤食物的室或密封小;或如火炉里用于点燃、烤焙、硬化、干燥物体的室或密封小
    A chamber or enclosed compartment for heating, baking, or roasting food, as in a stove, or for firing, baking, hardening, or drying objects, as in a kiln.
  • 双方要求截然不同,我们力图在其寻找适当的处置方法。
    We try to strike a proper balance between the entirely demands of the two parties. (喻)
  • 介于内向性格和外向性格之的相对平衡的性格。
    a balanced disposition intermediate between extroversion and introversion.
  • 与其说记者是“无冕皇帝”,我倒觉得我们更像走钢索的演员,使尽各种平衡术,平衡各社群之不同的需要,平衡思想较保守者和思想较开放者之的愿望。
    Rather than saying that reporters are “uncrowned kings”, I think we are more like acrobats who walk the tightrope - balancing the distinctive needs of a diversity of communities and the different aspirations of the conservatives and the liberals.