  • 希望中央和两省委多派排长以上的军官来。
    We hope that the Central Committee and the two Provincial Committees will send us more officers from platoon leader and company commander upwards.
  • 因为下级干部死伤太多,敌军俘虏兵往往过来不久,就要当排长;
    As the casualties among the lower cadres are heavy, captured enemy soldiers often become platoon leaders or company commanders in a very short time;
  • 不但高级干部要学,排干部也要学,都要懂得现代化战争。
    Not only high-level cadres, but also cadres at company and platoon levels, should study so that they will all know what modern warfare is.
  • 军校毕业之后我当排长,然后我当长,然后我再当旅部联络官。
    After I got out of the Military Academy , I was a platoon leader. Then I was company commander.And then I was a brigade liaison officer.
  • 毕业后,一般的当排长,好的当长。
    Those who graduate with distinction can be put in command of companies, and the others of platoons.
  • 师的动作和团营动作的关系,的动作和排班动作的关系,就是实例。
    Examples are to be found in the relation between the operations of a division and those of its regiments and battalions, and in the relation between the operations of a company and those of its platoons and squads.
  • 局末,平分,盘末平分网球比赛中的一种平局在网球比赛中,比赛对方每方都有40分或者至少有五局,任何一方只有得两分才算赢一局,或者要赢两局才算赢一盘
    A tied score in tennis in which each player or side has40 points, or5 or more games, and one player or side must win2 successive points to win the game, or2 successive games to win the set.
  • 女人踏进这个续不断的家族生活的图画里,并不是要做装饰品或玩物,甚至根本也不做妻子,而是做家族的树的主要部分——使家族系统赓续着的要素。
    Into this picture of the continuous family life comes woman, not as a decoration or a plaything, nor even essentially as a wife, but as a vital and essential part of the family tree the very thing which makes continuity possible.
  • 曲调优美的音响续或排列
    A pleasing succession or arrangement of sounds.
  • 牡蛎在英国一度取之不尽、用之不竭,甚至穷人都认为是一种便宜的食品。
    Once in plentiful supply in Britain, oysters were considered a cheap food, even for the poor.
  • 虽然丈夫一根钉都钉不直,但他们被认为是天生的电气技师、木匠、管子工和机械师。
    Even husbands who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.
  • 或物主代词之後与一复数名词
    Used after the or a possessive with a plural
  • 她很快把通知放进口袋里,看都没看。
    She quickly pocketed the note without reading it.
  • 不久以后,戴尔计算机在广告中描写了一个在锁店里的没有头脑的销售员,用此来尖锐地攻击康柏。”
    Not long after that, Dell Computer pointedly attacked Compaq in ads that depicted an empty-headed sales guy in a chain store."
  • 测面仪一种仪器,当机械结的探针扫过平面图形的周线时能测出图形的面积
    An instrument that measures the area of a plane figure as a mechanically coupled pointer traverses the perimeter of the figure.
  • 指极星大熊星座中两颗线后指向北极星的星中的任一颗
    Either of the two stars in the Big Dipper that are aligned so as to point to Polaris.
  • 近极地的关于北极或南极的,与极地相的,或位于北极或南极附近的
    Relating to, connected with, or located near the North Pole or South Pole.
  • 甚至我用了30年的老车也用来应急,送选民去投票站。
    Even my thirty-year-old car was pressed into service to take voters to the polling-station.
  • 在建立健全环境法律体系的过程中,中国把环境执法放在与环境立法同等重要的位置,续4年开展了全国环境执法检查,对污染和破坏环境的行为进行严肃查处,对环境违法犯罪行为进行严厉打击。
    In the process of establishing and improving the environmental statutory framework, China attaches equal importance to environmental law enforcement and environmental legislation. For four years in a row, China has conducted nationwide checks on the enforcement of environmental legislation to seriously deal with acts of polluting and damaging the environment and severely punish environmental law violations.
  • 三角形一种由直线线段接不在一条直线上的三点形成的平面图形;三边图形
    The plane figure formed by connecting three points not in a straight line by straight line segments; a three-sided polygon.
  • 对顶的接多面体任意两个不在同一面上的顶点直线
    Joining two vertices of a polyhedron not in the same face.
  • 他空话篇,是个自负的蠢材。
    He's just full of wind, the pompous fool!
  • “你最好马上换,“他坚持着,逃到门廊上(他们是在马厩里)又坚持说:“你非换不可,要是我说出来你打我,你可要本带利挨一顿。”
    `You'd better do it at once,' he persisted, escaping to the porch (they were in the stable): `you will have to; and if I speak of these blows, you'll get them again with interest.'
  • 针对这种情况,1989年8月,中国政府统一部署了全国范围的“扫黄”“打非”工作,至今已续开展11年。
    In response, the Chinese Government has for 11 years staged a series of nationwide campaigns against pornographic and illegal publications since August 1989.
  • 保护儿童政策组在四月通互联网,监察儿童色情事业在新闻小组、交谈室和电子布告板系统的发展。
    The CPPU gained access to the Internet in April to monitor the development of child pornography through the systems of newsgroups, chat rooms and bulletin boards.
  • 这艘船在大和上海之间停靠了几个港口。
    The ship called at several ports between Dalian and Shanghai.
  • 她的命运一直与悲哀相
    Sorrow has always been her portion.
  • 一种读、写硬磁盘上数据的独立的磁盘机,可以接在系统设备端口上。
    A stand-alone disk drive that reads and writes data on rigid disks and can be attached to a port on the system unit.
  • 通internet的通信端口大约700个,电话、传真通信端口大约700个,与市内光纤主干网相,并设有卫星接收系统。
    Apart from the satellite receiving system, there are about 700 Internet communication ports and about 700 telephone and fax ports, which are connected with the city's major fibre-optical networks.
  • 号称人民银行的储蓄银行老字号,也将订立最低存款数额,对存款不足500元的户头征收手续费,对象是21岁至62岁之间的人士。有人把这形容为“变相的起价”。
    Then came the announcement that POS Bank, long reputedly "the people's bank", would impose a minimum balance of S$500and slap a fall-below service charge of S$2 monthly on small account holders aged between 21 and 62. "A fee hike in disguise", as some grumbled.
  • 现在投送信件似乎要花费很长时间。噢,这就是当今社会的状况——邮递员的工作效率也不像以前那样高了。
    Letters seem to take ages to be delivered these days. Ah, it's a sign of the times — not even the postmen work as efficiently as they used to.
  • 电路中的一个参考点,该点电位作为标称的零电位,其它所有电位均相对于该点而定。经常,但并非总是,将该点直接接到地。作为动词,指接到地线上的过程,也称作接地。
    A point considered to be at nominal zero potential and to which all other potentials in the circuit are referred, often, but not always, connected to the actual surface of the earth; as a verb to connect to a ground. Also called earth.