  • 这个集箱的体积是20立方米。
    The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters.
  • 本公司生产的8或8。5立方英尺的冰箱,与旧型6立方英尺的运体积大小相似,所占运空间不大。
    These 8 and 8.5 cubic feet refrigerator take no more shipping space than the old style 6 cubic feet model.
  • 载吨船舶内部容积单位,等于一百立方英尺
    A unit of internal capacity of a ship equal to100 cubic feet.
  • 登记吨海运中测定货能力的单位,通常被确定为四十立方英尽
    A unit of capacity for cargo in maritime shipping, normally estimated at40 cubic feet.
  • 这种对世界的立体感开创了绘画史上的一个新时期,并影响了20世纪上半叶的自我表现的各种形式:雕塑、建筑、舞剧、舞台设计和所有的饰艺术。
    This Cubist vision of the world introduced a new period in the history of art and influenced all the forms of self-expression in the first half of the twentieth century: sculpture, architecture, ballet, theater design, and all the decorative arts.
  • 可是本田并不要从底特律比它大的竞争对手那里学样。底特律的对手通常会把工人闲置一个星期或更久。本田也会减产,可是俄亥俄州的[本田车厂]工人仍继续工作,以较慢的进度配轿车、跑车以及旅行车。
    But Honda will not take its cud from larger Detroit rivals, which customarily idle workers for a week or more, Honda production will be cut back, but workers in Ohio will stay on the job, assembling sedans, coupes and station wagons at a slower pace.
  • 胸甲骑兵欧洲军队中其备包括有上半身铠甲的骑兵
    A horse soldier in European armies whose equipment included the cuirass.
  • 保护背部的一种甲板;是胸甲的一部分。
    plate armor protecting the back; worn as part of a cuirass.
  • 经常作为饰性植物种植。
    often cultivated for the decorative foliage.
  • 请把这个杯子满水,
    Please fill the cup with water.
  • 这个食橱能下足够一个月之用的食物.
    This cupboard can store enough food for a month.
  • 给…装马勒
    To furnish with a curb.
  • 薄而卷的刨花,用作包材料和填塞料。
    thin curly wood shavings used for packing or stuffing.
  • 在计算机程序执行中,把一个计算机程序段入在此以前被当前不需要的程序部分所占用的存储器区域中。参阅formoverlay。
    In the execution of a computer program, to load a segment of the computer program in a storage area hitherto occupied by parts of the computer program that are not currently needed.
  • 现时法例只规定私家车后座须设安全带。
    The rear seat belt law currently applies only to private cars.
  • 抑制不必要的电流的置。
    a device for suppressing unwanted currents.
  • 记录变动的电压或电流的波纹形式的置。
    a device for making a record of the wave forms of fluctuating voltages or currents.
  • 在线路上用来防止过电压或过电流损坏交换设备或用户设备的置。
    Device used to prevent excessive voltages and/or currents on a line from damaging exchange equipment or subscribers′ apparatus.
  • 备学生应付未来的挑战,不同科目的课程均已加入相关的资讯科技应用技巧。
    To prepare students for future challenges, relevant information technology competencies have been incorporated into various subject curricula.
  • 按照现代战争的特点,努力提高武器备现代化建设的水平,改革和完善军队的体制编制,改进部队的训练和院校教育的内容与方法。
    In view of the characteristics of modern wars, no effort will be spared to improve the modernization level of weaponry, reform and perfect the army system and setup, and improve the training of troops and curricula and teaching methods of military academies.
  • 控制杆手动的控制或游标置,如在计算机上的控制杆
    A manual control or cursor device, as one attached to a computer.
  • 能够在计算机屏幕上移动指针的手动数据输入置。
    a hand-operated data input device that moves the cursor on a computer screen.
  • 流畅的曲线(尤指书法或饰方面的)
    Flowing curve, esp in handwriting or decoration
  • 钩呈曲线形或急剧弯曲的金属置,用于抓、拉、挂或固定其他东西
    A curved or sharply bent device, usually of metal, used to catch, drag, suspend, or fasten something else.
  • 叶形饰在尖顶的交叉拱门之间的一块曲线的、常为裂片状的空间,在哥特式的窗花格交织线条和马蹄型拱的饰上尤为多见
    A curvilinear, often lobelike figure or space formed between the cusps of intersecting arcs, found especially in Gothic tracery and Moorish ornament.
  • 导缆钳一种金属或木制的沉重置,有两个向内弯曲的钳口可使绳子或纲索穿于其中上下移动
    A heavy fitting of metal or wood with two jaws curving inward, through which a rope or cable may be run.
  • 巴洛克风格的约1550到1700年间盛行于欧洲的一种艺术和建筑风格,属于、关于或有这种风格的特点的。这种风格强调拉紧的效果,其特征是有大胆的曲线结构、复杂的饰和无联系部分间的整体平衡
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of a style in art and architecture developed in Europe from about1550 to1700, emphasizing dramatic, often strained effect and typified by bold, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of disparate parts.
  • 饰目的的一种小垫子。
    a small cushion that is used for decorative purposes.
  • 由于接触能够减少震动的垫子状置。
    a cushion-like device that reduces shock due to contact.
  • 缓冲置一种减小震动或冲撞力的置,如一捆绳子或一块木头,用在船或船坞的侧面以承受撞击或摩擦力
    A cushioning device, such as a bundle of rope or a piece of timber, used on the side of a vessel or dock to absorb impact or friction.
  • 除军人员外,新聘的非羁管人员,例如临床心理学家和工艺导师等,也获安排接受入职训练。
    Apart from uniformed staff, orientation/recruit training courses are also arranged for newly appointed non-custodial staff, such as clinical psychologists and technical instructors.
  • 剪贴工艺用从纸上剪下来的图案饰表面的技艺
    The technique of decorating a surface with cutouts, as of paper.