  • 你愿意的话,可以买高级的,不过得很多钱。
    You can have the deluxe model if you like , but it will cost you.
  • 为达到这一政治目的,报告不惜采用歪曲事实、移接木、主观臆断、捕风捉影、蛊惑人心等种种卑劣手法。
    To achieve this political purpose, the report leaves no stone unturned to distort facts, substitute one thing for another, make subjective assumptions and groundless accusations and resort to demagoguery.
  • 公子衣着举止过分讲究的人
    A man who is very fancy or sharp in dress and demeanor.
  • 上海金山区的全国三八卉示范基地,总面积231亩,可生产卉、苗木、盆景、盆200多个品种,已发展成为颇具规模和实力的巾帼实业有限公司,承揽了市区多项绿化、美化工程,拥有总资产142万元,年产值130多万元。
    The March 8th Flower Demonstrative Base in Jinshan, Shanghai, covers a floor space of 231 mu. Producing more than 200 varieties of flowers, nursery stocks, miniature trees and rockery. It has developed into a large women's company and has contracted many projects of greening and beautifying the urban areas of the city. Now its total assets reach 1.42 million yuan and annual output value more than 1.3 million yuan.
  • 希尔倍受鼓舞,开始更多的时间试唱,录样带和写歌。
    Encouraged,Hill began devoting more of her time to auditioning,cutting demos,and writing.
  • 韦伯说,他非常惊讶,竟然有7%的有钱人愿意象南非富翁马克·沙特尔沃斯和美国富翁丹尼斯·蒂托一样,2千万美元沿着轨道飞行一周。
    Webber said a surprising 7 percent of the wealthy polled said they would be willing to take a two-week flight to an orbiting space station, paying the $20 million that the Russians charged the two pioneering space tourists who have already made the trip, South African Mark Shuttle worth and American Dennis Tito.
  • 长有紧密的绿色蕾的植物。
    plant with dense clusters of tight green flower buds.
  • 美国西南部一种树枝稠密的树,多刺,鲜黄色,树皮蓝绿色,;有时被归为。
    densely branched spiny tree of southwestern United States having showy yellow flowers and blue-green bark; sometimes placed in genus Cercidium.
  • 土耳其多年生低矮密集丛生草本植物,开白色小;干燥地区用作地被;有时归入母菊属。
    low densely tufted perennial herb of Turkey having small white flowers; used as a ground cover in dry places; sometimes included in genus Matricaria.
  • 牙医要他咬住棉花。
    The dentist told him to bite on the cotton.
  • 我狠狠地把他们顶了回去:有些阔佬来看望他们死去的亲人,一年来不了四次,他们还自己带束,看看都是些什么
    I told them straight, I did; very well-to-do folks who can't even come four times a year to pay their respects to their departed.
  • 的钱完全靠从她女儿那里得到。
    She is completely dependent on her daughter for money.
  • 明年,我们的日历将会有五彩缤纷的朵。
    Next year, we shall depict a riot of flowers on our calendar.
  • 这笔费已使我们的资金所剩无几.
    This expense has depleted our funds.
  • 由于炎热脱水而导致的头晕眼恶心等症状。
    a condition marked by dizziness and nausea and weakness caused by depletion of body fluids and electrolytes.
  • 卡尔光了钱,又负了债,现在只好受处罚了。
    Karl spent all his money, then went into dept, and now must face the music.
  • 从某人的园中获得乐趣。
    derive pleasure from one's garden.
  • 红花草疮
    Chinses milk vetch dermatitis
  • 一种一年生的、高大的沼生接骨木,它常见于北美中部的潮湿沃土上,造成接触性皮炎;产生许多粉,是引起粉热的主要原因。
    tall annual marsh elder common in moist rich soil is central North America that can cause contact dermatitis; produces much pollen that is a major cause of hay fever.
  • 起重机吊臂抓住棉包,把它们吊进货舱。
    The aim of the derrick latched onto the cotton bales and lifted them into the hold.
  • 起重机吊臂抓住棉包,把它们吊进货舱。
    The arm of the derrick latched on to the cotton bales and lifted them into the hold.
  • 最后,视线越过平野的夏特赫寺院——与司法宫同时代的富丽堂皇的建筑物,有着分隔成格子状的小园——,再越过少有人迹的沃维尔废墟,向西望去便是圣日耳曼—德—普瑞教堂的三座罗曼式尖形屋顶。
    lastly, after having left behind, full in the country, the Monastery des Chartreux, a rich edifice contemporary with the Palais de Justice,with its little garden divided into compartments, and the haunted ruins of Vauvert, the eye fell, to the west, upon the three Roman spires of Saint-Germain des Près.
  • 大家对花的爱好
    Descant on one's love of flowers
  • 下山差不多了两个小时。
    The descent down the mountain took nearly two hours.
  • 下山差不多了两个小时。
    The descent of the mountain took nearly two hours.
  • 图案分为:美术式,北京式,彩式。
    Designs: Aesthetic Design, Beijing Design, Floral Design, and Scenery Animal Design.
  • 用一些样进行装饰。
    decorating with a design.
  • 你能说出你想要的吗?
    Will you designate the flowers you wish?
  • 广告宣传的目的是诱使人钱.
    Advertisements are designed to entice people into spending money/to spend money.
  • 这个人画了一幅园的图样。
    The man designed a garden.
  • ”他在德索莱申海峡的一个已了3年时间的课题去年由于伐木而被迫中断了。
    One of his projects, a three-year effort at Desolation Sound, was interrupted last year by the logging.
  • 把这个园管理好是我力不能及的事。
    Trying to keep this garden in order is the despair of my life.