  •  在這樣的低利率環境下,投資者可以慮把一些資金投資在債券,因為他將能取得比現金存款高的回報。
    In such a low interest-rate environment, it may still be good for investors to consider in-vesting some money in bonds because they will be able to achieve a higher return than cash deposits.
  • 就是在安全理事會,美國和其他四個擁有否决權的大國雖然能阻止它們不同意的任何行動,但也必須慮到其他國傢的意見,不能將它們的意願強加於人。
    Even in the Security Council, the United States and the other four powerful, veto-wielding members, though able to stop any action with which they disagree, must take the views of other States into account and cannot impose their will.
  • 對uddi的訪問,從編程角度而言,是通過本程序員參中定義的api來實現的。
    Accessing UDDI programmatically is accomplished via API calls defined in this programmer’s reference.
  • 1.慮到最不發達國傢成員的特殊需要和要求,慮到其經濟、金融和行政壓力,慮到其為造就有效的技術基礎而對靈活性的需要,不得要求這類成員在上文第六十五條第1款所指的適用日起10年內實施本協議的規定,但本協議第三條至第五條除外。
    1. In view of the special needs and requirements of least-developed country Members, their economic, financial and administrative constraints, and their need for flexibility to create a viable technological base, such Members shall not be required to apply the provisions of this Agreement, other than Articles 3, 4 and 5, for a period of 10 years from the date of application as defined under paragraph 1 of Article 65.
  • 從另一方面來說,人腦在高速運轉的時候,不衹可以吸收發自他腦的思想觀念,更是可以賦予一個人那種必要的感受,讓他的潛意識能搜集這些思想的訊息,並參吸收,轉化為新成果。
    On the other hand, when the brain is vibrating at a rapid rate, it not only attracts thoughts and ideas released by other brains through the medium of the ether, but it gives to one's own thoughts that "feeling" which is essential before those thoughts will be picked up and acted upon by one's subconscious mind.
  • 但天才的較佳定義是:“發現了方法,知道該怎麽增強思力的人,可以自在地與非比尋常的知識交流。”
    A better definition of a genius is, "a man who has discovered how to increase the vibrations of thought to the point where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of vibration of thought."
  • 第二十六條 外國人在中國境內對國傢重點保護野生動物進行野外察或者在野外拍攝電影、錄像,必須經國務院野生動物行政主管部門或者其授權的單位批準。
    Article 26 Where any foreigner intends, in the territory of China, to make surveys of or to film or videotape wildlife under special state protection in the field, he must apply for approval by the department of wildlife administration under the State Council or by a unit authorized by the same department.
  • 這肯定是在開玩笑,在維也納音樂大廳舉行的2001年新年音樂會將由尼古勞斯·哈農特指揮。
    It's surely a joke.Nikolaus Harnoncourt is to conduct the New Year's day concert at the Vienna Musikverein.
  • 不過,在哈農特方面,他卻拒絶接受這種看法,即去教他的維也納同行如何塑造華爾茲。
    For his part,Harnoncourt rejects the notion that he will be teaching his fellow Viennese how to shape a waltz.
  • 實際上從各個方面慮,選擇某種網絡防火墻是很重要的。
    On virtually every count, it is important to pick some kind of network firewall.
  • 期末考是用囗試。
    The final examination is viva-voce.
  • 在擬定小學的試題目時,應小心避免詞彙過難。
    When preparing elementary school test , care should be taken not to make the vocabulary more difficult than necessary.
  • 在子女還小時,父母就應當慮他們將來的職業方向並加以培養,因為這時他們最易塑造。
    Let parents choose betimes, the vocations and courses they mean their children should take; for then they are most flexible;
  • 庸俗的風氣,很難經得起時代的驗。
    leather is the latest vogue; he followed current trends; the 1920s had a style of their own.
  • 我們促請國際社會在製訂脆弱性指數時慮到小島嶼發展中國傢的特殊需要。
    We urge the international community to ensure that, in the development of a vulnerability index, the special needs of small island developing States are taken into account.
  • 對觸犯刑律的殘疾人,充分慮到他們在智力上、精神上或生理上對自己行為所能負責的程度,規定免予刑事責任或者從輕、減輕或免除處罰。
    Disabled violators of the criminal law will be exempted from criminal responsibility, or have their punishment mitigated or waived in full consideration of their intellectual, mental or physiological capacity in being responsible for their action.
  • 輕易通過考試
    Waltzed through the exams.
  • 我希望你仔細慮一下。
    I want you to think it over.
  • 而《剋斯報告》卻稱,“當美國製造的衛星、相關設備和文件都在中國時,如果中國不利用美國監控的某些疏漏,這是令人奇怪的”,找不到任何證據說明中國通過商業發射“竊缺美國敏感技術,就采取這種主觀臆斷的方法妄加推測,纔是真正怪事!
    However, the Cox Report claims, "It would be surprising if the PRC has not exploited security lapses while US-built satellites and associated equipment and documents were in the PRC.''This is really surprising to wantonly make such a subjective assumption, especially when it is unable to prove that China has stolen sensitive US technology through commercial launches.
  • 她給他班上的學生補了好幾節課,使全班的學生都及格了,衹有兩個漢語最差的學生沒過關。
    With additional classes, she was able to put all her students through, except two whose Chinese was weakest.
  • 我經過慮認為,工業正使我們越來越富裕。
    It's my consider opinion (that) industry's make us wealthy.
  • 我經過慮認為,工業正使我們越來越富裕。
    It 's my consider opinion that industry 's making us wealthy.
  • 試雖然很難,但我認為自己應付得不錯。
    The examination was difficult but I think I weathered it quite well.
  • 生太多,請把所有不合需要的去掉。
    There are too many candidates.Just weed out all the undesirables.
  • 請原諒我們談談本行事,我們感到甚至在周末也很難不慮工作。
    Please excuse us for talking shop. We find it hard to stop thinking about our work, even at weekends.
  • 他意欲離開房間,但慮了一下,還是回來安慰正在哭泣的那位姑娘。
    He made a movement as if to leave the room but, thinking better of it, returned to comfort the weeping girl.
  • 對她來說無所謂的
    Considerations that do not weigh with her.
  • 我必須慮正反兩面意見。
    You must weigh the pros and cons.
  • 就在這裏,他們非常艱難地工作了四年,稱呀,煮呀,量呀,計算呀,思呀。
    Here for four very difficult years they worked every moment, weighing and boiling and measuring and calculating and thinking.
  • 他在仔細慮是否留下和我們在一起。
    He was weighing up whether to stay with us or not.
  • 權衡仔細慮(一件事),常是慢慢想,如通過權衡各種可供選擇項
    To consider(a matter) carefully and often slowly, as by weighing alternatives.
  • 這位部長將會被撤職,因為經過查發現他不稱職。
    The minister will be discharged from his post, for he has been weighted in the balance and found wanting.