  • 当那女孩昏厥时,他她些樟脑使她苏醒。
    He gave the girl some camphor to bring her to after she had fainted.
  • 我买了几种糖果。
    He bought some candies for me.
  • 母亲孩子们发糖果。
    The mother distributed candy among children.
  • 把糖分你弟弟一点。
    Share the candy with your brother.
  • 我答应你一块糖果。
    I promise to give you a candy.
  • 我回头望望,只见约瑟夫狗送进一桶粥,希刺克厉夫太太俯身向着火,烧着火柴玩;这堆火柴是她刚才把茶叶罐放回炉台时碰下来的。
    and on looking round I saw only Joseph bringing in a pail of porridge for the dogs, and Mrs Heathcliff leaning over the fire, diverting herself with burning a bundle of matches which had fallen from the chimney-piece as she restored the tea canister to its place.
  • 这架钢琴可以卖你 60 英镑, 琴凳我奉送.
    You can have the piano for 60, and I'll throw in the stool as well.
  • 主教发下属教堂牧师的津贴。
    the stipend assigned by a cathedral to a canon.
  • 给我来两罐。
    Give me two cans.
  • 职员们共同出钱买离别礼物送餐厅女经理。
    The staff clubbed together to buy the canteen manageress a leaving present.
  • 在复旦曾听闻一个外地学生要到学生餐厅用餐却遭拒,理由是:“这里只本地学生用餐,你们留学生到留学生楼去。”
    I had been told of an incident in which a foreign student at Fudan was not allowed to eat at the student canteen - foreign students have to go to a different canteen meant for them.
  • 那时学校里发生了问题,许多同学被抓进捕房去了,许多同学搬了家,也有些回去了的,厨房不肯赊账,他再不愿意开饭我们吃了。
    It was because the school where I studied had got into trouble. Many students had been arrested and taken to the police station. Some students had moved house and some had gone home. The school canteen was closed because it refused to serve meals on credit.
  • 在全国,即使敌能占领广州、武汉、兰州之线及其附近的地区,但以外的地区是难于占领的,这就了中国以进行持久战和争取最后胜利的总后方和中枢根据地。
    Taking China as a whole, even if the enemy manages to occupy the line connecting Canton, Wuhan and Lanchow and its adjacent areas, he can hardly seize the regions beyond, and this gives China a general rear and vital bases from which to carry on the protracted war to final victory.
  • 该中心全日24小时运作,可向电话查询者提供粤语、普通话或英语的录音资料,并可把中文或英文的资料单张传真电话查询者。
    The centre operates round-the-clock in providing callers with pre-recorded messages in Cantonese, Putonghua or English and information leaflets in Chinese or English by fax.
  • 这位年轻画家我看了他近来的油画。
    The young artist showed me his recent canvases.
  • 我把那个帽子扔了他。
    I threw him the cap.
  • 抵押利率定一个上限
    Placed a cap on mortgage rates.
  • 决定生活费用的上涨制定一个上限
    Decided to cap cost-of-living increases.
  • 装上华丽衣饰;马等。
    put a caparison on; of horses.
  • 他(里根)派国务卿舒尔兹到国会山庄去意志动摇的共和党议员打气。
    He(Reagan) sent Secretary of State Shultz to Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans.
  • 他(里根)派国务卿舒尔兹到国会山庄去意志动摇的共和党议员打气。
    He (Reagan) sent Secretary of State Shultz to Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans.
  • 此外,投诉警察课亦已在六月增设一条投诉热线,以图文传真方式将投诉表格传送市民。
    A complaint hotline for CAPO was introduced in June to supply complaint forms by facsimile to members of the public.
  • 碳水化合物我们的身体提供热量和能量。
    Carbohydrates provide our bodies with heat and energy.
  • …涂碳,使…与碳化合
    To coat or combine with carbon.
  • 全国上下,那些有家室的人会把他们的“韦伯”烤架打扫干净,孩子们打开一袋袋的热狗,大人们则准备了一盘盘的鸡、牛排和猪排,把一块块的煤浸在气味难闻的易燃液体里,接着把肉炭化,污染空气,刺激人们的胃。
    All across the country homeowners dust off their Weber grills, open packs of hot dogs for the children and trays of chicken, steak, or ribs for the adults, douse lumps of charcoal in evil-smelling flammable liquids, and proceed to carbonise the meat, pollute the air, and irritate their stomachs.
  • 准备启动泵加水或汽化器内加汽油,从而使发动或进入工作状态
    To prepare for operation, as by pouring water into a pump or gasoline into a carburetor.
  • 这是给你们的请帖。
    Here is your invitation card.
  • 由于不能供充足的氧而导致身体崩溃。
    (pathology) bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; caused by loss of circulating blood or cardiac arrest or obstruction or poor distribution of the blood flow; characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor.
  • 美国有关医院打了电话之后,玛丽·安妮·威兰从好几家儿科心脏病外科医生那里得到答复说他们愿意暂时承担财经上的义务,免费为笑笑治疗,但他们要求他要在中国进行导管插入手术,以确认对通向他肺部的血管造成的损伤程度。
    After calling hospitals throughout the United States, Mary Anne Wehland received tentative commitments from several pediatric cardiac surgeons to treat Shao-Shao for free. But they required that he undergo a catheterization in China to assess the extent of damage done to the blood vessels leading to his lungs.
  • 如果她儿子要求的话,她就他买一件羊毛衫。
    She will buy him a cardigan if her son asks her to.
  • 心血管系统发生障碍,不能提供身体组织以足够的血液。
    failure of the cardiovascular system to supply adequate amounts of blood to body tissues.
  • 她还说:"对于人类来说,体重超重不仅会引起心血管疾病,还会关节和韧带造成不必要的负担。
    She added: "As in humans, being overweight is not only a cardiovascular danger, it also puts unnecessary strain on joints and ligaments."