  • 每个人都只在这世界上作短暂的逗留,竟为了什么却并不知道,虽然偶尔觉得自己意识到这个问题。
    Each of us is here for a brief sojourn:for what purpose he knows not,though he sometimes thinks he senses it.
  •  (四)专为科学研和实验而使用有关专利的。
    Where any person uses the patent concerned solely for the purposes of scientific research and experimentation.
  • 通过代表会议征求意见,商量研,可以避免主观地决定问题。
    Through conferences of representatives we could solicit opinions and discuss and study problems, so as to avoid making decisions subjectively.
  • 大家知道,上个世纪的化学家们的研确立了这么一个基本事实——原子结构极其稳定。这种性质有助于合成99种已知的化学元素。
    It is known that the efforts of chemists of the last century established as a fundamental fact the extreme solidity of the atomic structures, which go to make up the ninety-two known chemical species.
  • 诱人的香甜味道研表明消费者在充满温馨的香草或熏衣草芳香的商店里,浏览的时间会更长,购买的东西会更多。
    The sweet smell of successStudies show that customers in shops filled with soothing fragrances, such as vanilla or lavender, browse longer and buy more.
  • 巴恩,约翰·西蒙斯生于1930美国作家,著作有烟草代理商(1960年,1967年修订),常常研语言和现实之间的关系
    American writer whose novels, including The Sot-Weed Factor(1960, revised1967), often examine the relationship between language and reality.
  • 他们正在研播种高产草料的问题。
    They are looking into the sowing of high-yielding grasses.
  • 大豆:过去的研显示,常吃豆制品,如豆腐和豆奶的妇女似乎不易患乳腺癌。
    Soy:Previous studies showed that women who eat soy products such as tofu and soy milk are less likely to develop breast cancer.
  • 众所周知大豆对身体是非常有益的,而最新研表明它对记忆力也很有帮助。
    Everyone knows soy is great for the body,but new research shows it helps the mind too.
  • 该研中的妇女每天喝至少4杯豆奶,连续喝一个月,她们血液中雌激的最高值下降了40%。
    Women in the study drank more than four glasses of soy milk a day for one month, and their peak blood levels of estrogen dropped 40%.
  • 这一结果并不意外:大豆有着丰富的异黄酮雌激素———一种对大脑的作用效果类似于雌激素的抗氧化化学物质———以前的研显示正是雌激素提高了记忆力。
    The results were not unexpected:Soy is rich in isoflavone hytoestrogens--an tioxidant chemicals that mimic estrogen's effects on the brain--and previous studies have shown that estrogen improves memory.
  • 科学家们对发动机的研为太空船的发展准备了条件。
    Scientists'work on engines set the stage for the development of spaceships.
  • 对人与人之间在不同文化或不同情况下的空间距离的研
    the study of spatial distances between individuals in different cultures and situations.
  • 中药研院的使命,是通过推动和协调相关活动,以及为科研和实证发展计划提供策略上的支援,引领中药发展成为香港的高增值行业。
    Its mission is to spearhead the development of Chinese medicine as a high value-added industry for Hong Kong through promotion and co-ordination of related activities and strategic support for scientific and evidence-based development programmes.
  • 中世纪专家研中世纪的专家
    A specialist in the study of the Middle Ages.
  • 这位专家致力于癌症起因的研
    The specialist employed himself studying the cause of cancer.
  • 关于动物研的一支生物学方面的专家。
    a specialist in the branch of biology dealing with animals.
  • 我在大学所学的专业和你们研所所涉及的范围刚好对口。
    My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with.
  • 那位医生专门研儿科疾病。
    That doctor specializes in children's illnesses.
  • 他从医十年后,决定专门研儿童疾病。
    After he had worked as a doctor for ten years, he decided to specialize in children's diseases.
  • 各位是研国际问题的,请好好了解和研一下我们对台湾、香港问题提出的解决方式。
    Since you specialize in international issues, I hope you will have a better understanding of our proposal for the solution of the Hong Kong and Taiwan questions and make a study of it.
  • 辅修专业学术研的第二个特定领域,其要求的课程和学分比主修课要少
    A secondary area of specialized academic study, requiring fewer courses or credits than a major.
  • 专门研政治的社会科学家。
    a social scientist specializing in the study of government.
  • 所以现在,他在成为乡绅的过程中,对各种农场进行专门研
    So now, in process of becoming gentleman farmer, he was specializing at various farms.
  • 他专门研的领域是古法语。
    His specialty is ancient French.
  • 专业,主修课选作学术专业的一个研领域
    A field of study chosen as an academic specialty.
  • ——环境科学技术研领域不断拓展。
    -- The research spectrum of environmental science and technology has been steadily broadened.
  • 我们可以为价值、资本、利润、工资和地租下定义,我们可以把它们分解成元素,从而研足以影响它们涨落的是些什么,等等,而不必牵涉到国家的政治环境。
    we can define the ideas of value and capital, profit, wages, and rent; we can resolve them into their elements, and speculate on what may influence their rising or falling, &c. without thereby taking into account the political circumstances of the nation.
  • 实施西部大开发,要研适应新形势的新思路、新方法、新机制,特别是要研制定并适时出台一些切实可行的政策措施,加快中西部地区改革开放和经济建设的步伐。
    Western China development needs new ideas, new measures and new mechanism, which can fit into new circumstances. Practical policies especially are needed to be worked out and promulgated in a timely manner so that reform, opening up and economic construction in western China can be carried out speedily.
  • 我知道这件黑衬衫使我看上去像个懒汉,但我是不能太讲的,漂亮衣服得花钱哪。
    I know the black shirt makes me look like a spiv, but I can’t be too particular, for good clothes cost money.
  • 她的母校发言人说:“她在这里学习的专业只是研影响小麦和烟草的各种疾病。
    "Her work here was only on diseases affecting wheat and tobacco," a spokeswoman for her former university said.
  • ibm是互联网2赞助商之一,它的研人员正使互联网2更上一层楼,使显示屏质素变得完美,让你能用桌面电脑看到电视节目。
    Researchers at IBM, an Internet 2 corporate sponsor are working on the next step, which is to perfect high-quality video that would enable you to watch TV programming at your desktop computer.