Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在你开前把你的珠宝好好锁藏起来。
    Lock your jewellery up before you go away.
  • 那女孩如此无知与轻信,第一个为她买了几件漂亮衣服和几件珠宝的人便诱她家出走。
    The girl was so innocent and unsuspecting that she was enticed away by the first man who offered her some pretty dresses and a few pieces of jewellery.
  • 教师开教室后,学生们就打闹起来。
    The students had high jinks in the classroom when the teacher left.
  • 最近,乔尔有事开了镇子,这给了我一个机会,让我能潜入他的办公室,在他的机器硬盘上安装了一个监视软件。
    Joel went out of town recently, which allowed me to duck into his office and install spying software on his hard drive.
  • 1972年英国脱欧洲自由贸易联盟, 加入了欧洲经济共同体.
    In 1972 Britain left EFTA and joined the EEC.
  • 关节分离的;脱臼的
    Out of joint; dislocated.
  • 对拿破仑来说,他与约瑟芬婚不久形势就急转直下了。
    For Napoleon the turn of the tied came soon after he divorced Josephine.
  • 拉德电辐射吸收的能量的单位,等于受照射物质每克100格或每千克0。01焦耳
    A unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to100 ergs per gram or0.01 joule per kilogram of irradiated material.
  • 开学校后开始从事新闻工作。
    When he left school he took up journalism.
  • 开大学后当了教师,后来转向新闻界。
    After the left the university he became a teacher, but later turned to journalism.
  • 所有外国公民,包括记者和核查员,为了他们自己的安全起见,应该立即开伊拉克。
    For their own safety, all foreign nationals, including journalists and inspectors, should leave Iraq immediately.
  • 他要在期末开, 也就是7月30日.
    He will leave at the end of term, to wit 30 July.
  • 远征队员于七月二十二日开。
    The expeditioner left on July 22.
  • 我计划7月1日来拉斯,7月8日开。
    I plan to arrive at Las Vegas on July 1 and leave on July 8.
  • 把降落伞绑在飞机上的当跳伞员跳飞机时打开降落伞的一种绳索。
    a cord attached the pack of a parachute to an aircraft to open the parachute after the jumper is clear of the plane.
  • 跳的动作;推动身体开地面的动作。
    the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground.
  • 我预备在6月10号开。
    I'll be leaving on June 10th.
  • 象群排成纵队开,走进了丛林。
    The elephants filed away into the jungle.
  • 木卫五距木星第四远的木星卫星
    The satellite of Jupiter that is fourth in distance from the planet.
  • 梅第星距木星第二远的木星卫星
    The satellite of Jupiter that is second in distance from the planet.
  • 开了,卡伦就搬了进来。
    I left, Karen moved in.
  • "他们家那条狗样子很凶恶,因此我们决定它远一点。"
    "Their dog looked dangerous, so we decided to keep our distance from it."
  • 我们不开我们认识的路。
    We kept to the roads we knew.
  • 鹿不相信我们,和我们保持一定的距
    The deer did not trust us and kept their distance.
  • 使自己与其他人隔开。
    keep away from others.
  • 他在开前送我一张照片做为纪念。
    He gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.
  • 加热将会使原子子化。当原子达到几百刀开尔文摄氏度时,就会释放x射线。
    The heating ionizes the atoms, and when the atoms reach a few million degrees Kelvin, they emit X-rays.
  • 格林广告公司主管玛丽·劳伦斯行将挂冠求去的谣言再度掀起。她现已出国接洽业务。该公司全球业务总裁奥尔尚正式否认她将去。
    Rumors that Mary Wells Lawrence, the boss at the Wells Rich Greene ad agency, is going to pack it in have started up again. She's out of the country on a business trip, and Ken Olshan, the agency's worldwide chairman, officially denies she's leaving.
  • 为了调查何时、何因导致哪方开哪方,一群生物行为学家和数学家对一种住在海边的肯特郡鸟进行了研究。
    To investigate what causes who to leave whom, and when, a group of animal behaviourists and mathematicians has been studying a shore dwelling bird called the Kentish plover.
  • 开普勒第二定律指行星的轨道速度与其和太阳的距
    Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun.
  • 汽车慢慢驶离路边.
    The car drew slowly away from the kerb.
  • (把你的汽车)停放在路边石九英寸的地方.
    Park (your car) about nine inches clear of the kerb.