  • 沿背部有灰色毛的雄性成年大猩猩。
    an adult male gorilla with gray hairs across the back.
  • 日前,一位英国的外科医生为一只患有先天眼疾的大猩猩进行了一次内障摘除手术,开创了眼科治疗领域的先河。
    A British surgeon has carried out a pioneering operation to restore the sight of a gorilla who was born blind.
  • 他不必去增加骇人听闻的细节了,只是带着恶意和快意看着他们的听众们的脸变得煞
    There was no need to add the gory details except for the malicious pleasure of watching his audience turn a whiter shade of pale.
  • 你明白我的意思吗?
    Have you got that?
  • 你明白了。
    You've got it.
  • 现在我明白了。
    Now I've got it.
  • (明白了吗?)
    Have you got it?
  • 明白这意思了吗?
    Got the message yet?
  • 希钦斯,乔治·赫伯特生于1905美国生化学家,因研制出治疗血病及痛风的药而获1988年诺贝尔奖
    American biochemist. He shared a1988 Nobel Prize for developing drugs to treat leukemia and gout.
  • 在二战中,玛格丽特的孤独感加深了,那时玛格丽特和伊丽莎被送到离伦敦18英里的温莎堡,一直由家庭教师玛丽昂·克劳福德照料。
    Her sense of isolation deepened during World War II, when Margaret and Elizabeth were spirited away to a stripped-down Windsor Castle, 18 miles from London.The princesses remained in the care of their governess, Marion Crawford.
  • 北美洲优雅的黑色鸢鹞鹰。
    graceful North American black-and-white kite.
  • 一张端正的小嘴轮廓分明,柔唇微启,露出一口洁如奶的牙齿;
    draw a regular mouth with lips parting gracefully over teeth as white as milk;
  • 淡色通过加色使浓度变化而形成的一种颜色分级
    A gradation of a color made by adding white to it to lessen its saturation.
  • 由于浓度差异,蛋质或药物等物质透过细胞膜在不同细胞之间传送的过程;需要消耗能量。
    transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy.
  • 第四届中国戏剧梅花奖和第五届上海戏剧玉兰表演艺术主角奖获得者。1961年毕业于上海市戏曲学校首届昆剧演员班,工小生,擅演冠生戏。
    The Fourth Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Fifth Shanghai Drama Magnolia Prize Winner, Cai Zheng-Ren is a graduator of Shanghai Traditional Opera School, mainly acts young male character in Kunju Opera.
  • 虽然《华盛顿邮报》正处于巨大的财政风险当中--《邮报》公司刚刚上市招股,同时尼克松政府威胁不批准《邮报》公司的电视转播许可证--格雷厄姆还是顶住了来自宫的重重压力。
    Though the Post was at considerable financial risk? ? the Post Company had just gone public and the Nixon administration was threatening the Post's television licenses Graham stood up against the pressure from the White House.
  • 格雷厄姆昨晚同他女朋友一起外出,他要我对他妻子说他整个晚上同我在一起。但我不明我为什么要自讨苦吃,去帮他隐瞒他的风流韵事。
    Graham was out with his girlfriend last night and he asked me to tell his wife that he spent the evening with me. But I don’t see why I should put my head in a noose to conceal his affair.
  • 《中国的粮食问题》皮书
    The Grain Issue in China
  • 雪花石膏一种不透明的、色或浅色的纹理细密的石膏
    A dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum.
  • 考里松木这种树的色的纹理细密的木材
    The white, close-grained wood of one of these trees.
  • 新西兰一种高大的木材树种,色木,木纹整齐。
    tall timber tree of New Zealand having white straight-grained wood.
  • 贝壳杉属的树木(尤指新西兰贝壳杉)色的纹理细密的木材。
    white close-grained wood of a tree of the genus Agathis especially Agathis australis.
  • 黍粒,粟粒这种植物的色谷粒
    The white grains of this plant.
  • 一种苏丹高粱具有大而软的色种子为特征。
    a Sudanese sorghum having exceptionally large soft white grains.
  • 伊丽莎大妈去世后,她的钱由她的8个孙子平分了。
    When Aunt Elizabeth died, her money was apportioned among her eight grandchildren.
  • 一种急性血病特征是粒状血球增多。
    acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular leukocytes; most common in adolescents and young adults.
  • 质微粒许多种子胚乳中存在的颗粒状蛋质或构成谷类最外层的颗粒状蛋
    A granular protein found in the endosperm of many seeds or forming the outermost layer in cereal grains.
  • 嗜中性细胞嗜中性染料细胞,尤指多种吞噬微生物的细胞
    A neutrophil cell, especially an abundant type of granular white blood cell that is highly destructive of microorganisms.
  • vlan仅以一种不分青红皂的方式和仅在严格定义的用户群中控制网络流量,而qos提供不同应用程序的点式优先权,这些应用程序跨越整个企业环境。
    While VLANs control network traffic only in an undifferentiated way and only within a strictly defined set of users, QoS provides granular prioritization of the diverse applications that course across the entire enterprise environment.
  • 卡勃耐酒一种无甜味的红色的酒,用卡勃耐葡萄的变种黑葡萄制成
    A dry red wine made from the black grape variety Cabernet sauvignon.
  • 加里佛尼亚种植的制葡萄酒的葡萄。
    white wine grape grown in California.
  • 生长于欧洲和加里佛尼亚的葡萄。
    white grape grown in Europe and California.