  • 对他们的奇特关系他也处之泰
    Nor was he bothered by the strangeness of their relationship.
  • 他可以随心所欲,畅所欲言。这样虽容易授人以柄,给自己造成伤害,但却能保持轻松愉快的心情,使自己不那么压抑。
    Willfully chipper, perhaps, barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.
  • 多年后,当电话用户突开始要求其电话线传输从数据到视频图像的所有东西时,4khz协议就成了瓶颈。
    But years later, when telephone customers suddenly started demanding that their telephone lines carry everything from data to video, the 4KHz protocol became a bottleneck.
  • 目前还不肯定是否已见底,但小投资者还是可考虑趁目前的低价买进一些从前遥不可及的蓝筹股。
    Although there is the risk that stock markets may not have bottomed, the current low stock prices offer an opportunity for retail investors to gradually invest in selected blue chip stocks that may have previously been out of reach.
  • 他猛然冲进房来。
    He bounced into the room.
  • 就在这时他弟弟猛冲进房来。
    Just at the moment his brother bounced into the room.
  • 幸好他跳开了,不他就会受伤了。
    It's lucky that he bounded away, otherwise he would have been hurt.
  • 现在的问题不是伊妮德是否愿意作证。假如她偶听到罪犯的谈话,那么,向警方报告是她义不容辞的责任。
    It's not a case of whether Enid wants to give evidence or not. If she overheard a criminal conversation, it's her bounden duty to report it to the police.
  • 此外,过去20年,中国内地经济发展迅速,成绩斐,也带给我们的经济无穷机会,令香港欣欣向荣,这亦是有助我们成功的因素。
    This has also been made possible because of the past 20 years of rapid and successful economic development in the mainland of China, which has given our economy boundless opportunities to move forward.
  • 此外,过去20年,中国内地经济发展迅速,成绩斐,也给我们的经济带来无穷的机会,令香港欣欣向荣,这也是有助我们成功的因素。
    This has also been made possible because of the past 20 years of rapid and successful economic development on the mainland of China, which has given our economy boundless opportunities to move forward.
  • 此湖是芬兰最美丽的湖泊之一,在这儿你能欣赏极为壮阔的湖泊全景,当这要归功于陆地的平缓起伏,它让你对纯朴而辽阔的乡村美景赞叹不已。
    The lake is one of the most beautiful in the country and offers one of the most panoramic views,thanks to the many small rises in the land,which allow you to admire the un-spoiled and boundless countryside.
  • 我们感激大自对我们的慷慨恩赐。
    We are grateful for the benefits that nature has so bountifully bestowed upon us.
  • 我们的先辈曾以信念和无畏一次次转危为安,比起他们经历过的险阻,我们仍大可感到欣慰。大自仍在给予我们恩惠,人类的努力已使之倍增。
    Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered, because they believed and were not afraid, we have so much to be thankful for Nature surrounds us with her bounty and human, efforts have multiplied it.
  • 大自然的无限恩施
    the overflowing bounty of nature.
  • 对大自的慷慨忘恩负义。
    unappreciative of nature's bounty.
  • 她哽咽着把一小束铃兰塞到我的手里,后转身离去。
    Thrusting a tiny bouquet of lily of the valley into my hand, she made a sort of choking sound turned and ran.
  • 间,那道专用看台的门一下子打开了——这道门本来一直关闭着就很不合时宜,此时此刻打开了就更不合时宜了——监门猛响亮地宣布:“波旁红衣主教大人驾到!”
    the door of the reserved platform which up till then had remained inopportunely closed, now opened still more inopportunely, and the stentorian voice of the usher announced “His Eminence Monseigneur the Cardinal de Bourbon!
  • 在资产阶级看来,它所统治的世界自是最美好的世界。
    The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best;
  • 她总是努力干上一阵,后一呆就是很长时间。
    She has bouts of hard work followed by long periods of inactivity.
  • 我不同意你的意见,但我佩服你经验和知识比我丰富。
    I can't agree with you but I bow to your greater experience and knowledge.
  • 我们决不向自灾害低头。
    We would never bow to natural disasters.
  • 后,柴可夫斯基一言不发地欠了欠身子。
    Then Tschaikovsky bowed without a word.
  • 他脱帽,然後鞠躬。
    He took off his hat and bowed.
  • 它们有助于排除肠道内的毒素,制造维生素b,并且能够有效控制酵母菌和不受欢迎的细菌的生长。而抗生素会使它们遭到破坏。
    Both help to detoxify the bowel, manufacture B vitamins and keep yeasts and undesirable bacteria in check, but are damaged by antibiotics.
  • 露西整理好闺房,后穿上她最好的白色连衣裙。
    Lucy arranged her bower and put on her best white frock.
  • 而,那位头戴黑色圆顶硬礼帽、举止稳重的人,却出了洋相。
    But not so the sedate gentleman in the black bowler hat who made quite a fool of himself.
  • 我虽没打过保龄球,但我一定要尝试一下。
    I thought I would try my hand at bowling, although I had never bowled before.
  • 陶器用潮湿粘土成形后再加热变硬做成的器皿,如花瓶、罐、碗或盘子
    Ware, such as vases, pots, bowls, or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat.
  • 橘子被装入箱中,后很快便运走了。
    The oranges were boxed and sent off quickly.
  • 拳击手被突的一记重拳打弯了腰。
    The boxer doubled up at the sudden heavy blow.
  • 拳击手仍还有对观众反应过分敏感的毛病。
    The boxer was still suffering case of rabbit ears.
  • 经承认的拳击比赛分17个级别,但绝大多数的职业拳击手只参加8个级别的比赛。
    Although there are 17 recognized weight divi sions,a most of the professional boxers com pete in only eight of those classes.