  • 一段短的計算機程序,它常駐計算機或很易裝入計算機中。引導程序的執行能把另一個較大的程序如操作係統或其裝入程序引入到內存中。
    A short computer program that is permanently resident or easily loaded into a computer, whose execution brings another, larger program, such as an operating system or its loader, into memory.
  • 這樣比較易找到人們要唱的歌。
    That makes it easier to locate the songs people want to sings.
  • 如果你分類整理一下文件,就會很易找到了。
    If you sort out all your files, you can locate them much more easily.
  • 在院內停放汽車;把這些兒童寄放在收所。
    park the car in the yard; park the children with the in-laws; park your bag in this locker.
  • 不能進行修改的一種存儲設備,除非是一個特殊用戶或者在特定條件下方可進行寫操作。例如,通過鎖定而防止寫入內的存儲設備。同fixedstorage,permanentstorage,readonlymemory。
    A storage device whose contents cannot is modified, except by a particular user, or when operating under particular condition, for example, a storage device in which writing is prevented by a lockout.
  • 跳舞很容易。
    Dancing is as easy as falling off a log.
  • 這跟從圓木上滾下來一樣易。
    It is as easy as falling off a log.
  • 基於證書的認證機製及相似的安全機製不需要這個附加的“登錄”步驟就可以直接在每個發佈api消息中提供的authinfo元素中傳遞兼的認證令牌信息(如一個證書的值)。
    Certificate based authentication and similar security mechanisms do not require this additional step of “logging in” and can directly pass compatible authentication token information (such as a certificate value) within the authInfo element provided on each of the publishers API messages.
  • 討論義務與權的模態邏輯。
    the modal logic of obligation and permissibility.
  • 堅持勤儉建軍,建立和完善三軍一體、軍民兼、平戰結合的聯勤保障體製。
    It is essential to persist in building the army through diligence and thrift and establishing and improving an integrated logistic support system for the three armed services, for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime.
  • 經過兩年多的改革實踐,聯勤保障逐步規範,保障效益明顯提高,開始嚮三軍一體、軍民兼、平戰結合的方向發展。
    After more than two years' practice of reform, the joint logistics system has been standardized gradually with notably improved efficiency. The system will be further developed into one that integrates the three armed services, unites the army with the people, and combines peacetime and wartime footing.
  • 當局花了不少心血,好不易纔把“鎖匙標”銀行打入人民的心目中。
    Meanwhile, the bank's long-time efforts to serve the masses have earned a place in people's hearts for its logo of the big key.
  • 銀行花了不少心血,好不易纔把“鎖匙標”銀行打入人民的心目中,在街頭巷尾設立提款機,人手一卡,成為衆多新加坡人生活中不可欠缺的一部分。
    Meanwhile, the bank's long-time efforts to serve the masses have earned a place in people's hearts for its logo of the big key. Its ATM machines at every turn of the street, along with the ATM cards in almost everyone's pocket, have become an integral part of life for many Singaporeans.
  • 當局花了不少心血,好不易纔把“鎖匙標”銀行打入人民的心目中,在街頭巷尾設立提款機,人手一卡,成為衆多新加坡人生活中不可欠缺的一部分。
    Meanwhile, the bank's long-time efforts to serve the masses have earned a place in people's hearts for its logo of the big key.Its ATM machines bearing the key design at every turn of the street, along with the ATM cards in almost everyone's pocket, have become an integral part of life for many Singaporeans.
  • 我無法再容忍了。
    I am not any longer tolerant.
  • "這位著名的演員即使年老了,他仍保持着好看的貌。"
    The famous actor kept his good looks even in old age.
  • 好的貌沒有好的心腸重要。
    Good looks are not as important as kindness.
  • 該消息的內容如下:
    This message looks like:
  • 二十世紀初的哲學家凡竜(vanloon)以“寬”為遺産留給後世,今天的人類在經歷一百年的波折之後,是不是比一個世紀前的祖先具備更多的智慧和意識,有沒有鍛煉出同樣的胸襟,以寬的心去對待“異己”,去接納“異見”,並且培養出比上一代更優秀的心靈,以溫暖的掌心傳給下一代?
    Van Loon, a philosopher in the early 20th Century, left the legacy of "tolerance" to future generations. Humanity today possesses more wisdom and awareness than its forebears a century ago. Have we achieved the broad-mindedness to treat people who are different from us, and who hold different views, with tolerance? Can we nurture a human spirit which is superior to the generation before, and with our warm hearts, hand it down to future generations?
  • 二十世紀初的哲學家凡竜(vanloon)以“寬”為遺産留給後世,今天的人類在經歷一百年的波折之後,是不是比一個世紀前的祖先具備更多的智慧和意識,有沒有鍛煉出同樣的胸襟,以寬的心去對待“異己”,去接納“異見”,並且培養出比上一代更優秀的心靈,以溫暖的掌心傳給下一代?
    Van Loon, a philosopher in the early 20th Century, left the legacy of "tolerance" to future generations. Do humanity today possess more wisdom and awareness than its forebears a century ago? Have we achieved the broad-mindedness to treat people who are different from us, and who hold different views, with tolerance? Can we nurture a human spirit which is superior to the generation before, and with our warm hearts, hand it down to future generations?
  • 鬆弛的綫易糾纏在一起。
    Loose string is easily entangled.
  • 决不許別人在我們頭上作威作福。
    We will not be lorded over.
  • 讓我們先關註一下易做的决定,安全/多用途因特網郵件擴展(s/mime)應該是信息加密和數字簽名的格式,因為它是已被認可的標準,被做進了主要的電子郵件客戶端軟件中,如微軟的outlook98/2000和蓮花公司的notesr5。
    Let's take care of the easy decisions.Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) should be the message encryption and digital signature format because it's the accepted standard and is built into leading e-mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook 98/2000 and Lotus Notes R5.
  • 為何如此消磨,溫柔的戀人,形暗淡?
    Why so pale and wan, fond lover?
  • 低溫壓力容器
    low temperature pressure vessel
  • 對於其他幾乎所有內:方法、字段(成員變量)以及對象句柄名稱,可接受的樣式與類樣式差不多,衹是標識符的第一個字母采用小寫。
    For almost everything else: methods, fields (member variables), and object reference names, the accepted style is just as it is for classes except that the first letter of the identifier is lowercase.
  • 潤滑油能使運動的機器零件比它們乾燥的時候更易運動。
    The lubricating oil can make the machine part of motion moves easier than the motion of time that they are dry.
  • 清楚明了的易被理解的;清楚的,清晰的
    Easily understood; clear or lucid.
  • 在殖民地時代,受英文教育的人比較易在政府部門找到待遇優厚的差事。
    In colonial Singapore, it was easier for the English-educated to secure lucrative jobs.
  • 不是筆者過於悲觀,在華文的經濟地位無法與英文並駕齊驅,以及教學媒介語無法中英並重的情況下,要扭轉華文的低落水平和華文刊物少人問津的劣勢,談何易。
    Not that I am over-pessimistic. So long as proficiency in Chinese is not so lucrative as that in English, and Chinese remains less important as a medium of instruction, it is by no means easy to stop the decline in the language or make Chinese publications read more widely.
  • 你不喜歡,也得忍一下。
    If you don't like it, you may [can] lump it.
  • [口]你不高興,也得忍一下。
    If you don't like it, you may lump it.