  • 掌握最高指挥权的军
    the officer who holds the supreme command.
  • 网站上涌现出许多乐善好施的人。
    Organ websites reflect a surge in the number of Good Samaritans.
  • 在外科中取出主要部分,关于器
    bring outside the body for surgery, of organs.
  • 移植物通过外科手术联接或植入身体一部分用以替换受损部分或修补缺陷的材料,尤指活组织或活器
    Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.
  • (生物学)器或组织裂开以释放物质;(植物学)成熟果实或其他生殖物体的自然爆裂以释放种子或孢子;(外科学)外科手术缝合的伤口爆裂。
    (biology) release of material by splitting open of an organ or tissue; (botany) natural bursting open at maturity of a fruit or other reproductive body to release seeds or spores; (surgery) bursting open of a surgically closed wound.
  • 但是,里根政府的高级员视萨达姆为可供利用的代理人。
    But top officials in the Reagan administration saw Saddam as a useful surrogate.
  • 度量衡的检查官员
    surveyor of weights and measures
  • 判处他9个月监禁, 缓期执行.
    The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence.
  • 海关员颇为怀疑地检查了我的护照.
    The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
  • 你必须在法面前起誓。
    You will have to swear before the judge.
  • 瑞典人会骄傲地答道:“两次,长。”这样的练习进行了好多天。
    The Swede would answer with pride: "Both, sir! " For many days this practice continued.
  •  "无论他们对这次行动配合与否,我们都只是如实报告,"这位74岁的瑞典籍联合国员说。
    "We will report cooperation and lack of cooperation," the 74-year-old Swede said.
  • 瑞典人会骄傲地答道:“两次,长。”这样的练习进行了好多天。
    The Swede would answer with pride:"Both, sir!" For many days this practice continued.
  • “你多大年岁?”他的朋友会问。瑞典人会答道:“二十三,长。”
    "How old How old are you?" he would demand; and the Swede would answer, "would answer," Twenty-three, sir. would answer, "Twenty-three, sir."
  • 在瑞典,已逐渐形成了一套极好的制度,以保护公民个人不受专横和不称职的政府员的欺压。
    Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed or incompetent public officers.
  • 英镑将用作对员的贿赂。
    will act as a sweetener on the official. 10
  • 严苛的赋税;法裁定的大幅赔偿金。
    swingeing taxation; swingeing damages awarded by the judge.
  • 瑞士国家虽小,却有四种不同的方语言。
    Though small in size, Switzerland has four official languages.
  • 意大利意大利的罗马语和瑞士的一种方语言
    The Romance language of the Italians and an official language of Switzerland.
  • 肿胀的以肿胀为标志的,肿的。用于身体部位或器
    Swollen; distended. Used of a body part or organ.
  • 发誓要维护好社会秩序的警
    Officers who were sworn to keep the peace.
  • 一个家族或国家的方标志。
    the official symbols of a family, state, etc..
  • 的晋升也要制度化。
    The promotion of officers should also be systematized.
  • 触须某些鱼类,如鲶鱼,从头部延伸出的细长的须状触觉器
    One of the slender, whiskerlike tactile organs extending from the head of certain fishes, such as catfishes.
  • 部队士气低落,对上级指挥失去信心。
    The troops got their tails down and there was no confidence in the higher command.
  • 部队士气低落,对上层指挥失去信心。
    The troops had their tails down and there was no confidence in the higher command.
  • 你现在所说的话与你对警供述的不大一致。
    What you are now saying does not quite tally with your statement to the police officer.
  • 吏不给予人民以丝毫民主权利,此放弃民权主义也;视人民之痛苦若无睹,此放弃民生主义也。
    officials are depriving the people of all democratic rights, which is tantamount to abandoning the Principle of Democracy, they are ignoring the people's sufferings, which is tantamount to abandoning the Principle of the People's Livelihood.
  • 衣服后边尖着的齐腰上衣;正式晚餐中政府员穿着。
    waist-length jacket tapering to a point at the back; worn by officers in the mess for formal dinners.
  • 绦虫纲动物一种绦虫纲寄生扁形虫,包括绦虫,有一个扁而长的且一端有一个特别附属器的身体
    Any of various parasitic flatworms of the class Cestoda, including the tapeworms, having a long, flat body equipped with a specialized organ of attachment at one end.
  • 还有用来听声音,嗅气味和尝滋味的器
    There are other organs for hearing, smelling and tasting.
  • 驳回该项指控,说所控罪状已全部被证据推翻,那个人显然是清白无辜的。
    The magistrate dismissed the charge saying that the evidence had torn it to tatters and the man was clearly innocent.