Chinese English Sentence:
  • 美惠三神三位姐妹神,在希腊神话中为阿格拉伊亚,欧佛洛绪涅和塔利亚,赐人魅力与美丽
    Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty.
  • 被革职的管家的观点
    The perspective of the displaced homemaker.
  • 伊丽莎白当即加以拒绝,这使得她母亲很不高兴,却让喜欢她甚于其余儿的父亲感到十分满意。
    She rejects him immediately, displeasing her mother but immensely satisfying her father who is fonder of her than of his other daughters.
  • 男人往往比人好争论。
    Men tend to be more disputative than women.
  • 轻佻子被认为名声不好的子,尤指妓
    A woman regarded as being disreputable, especially a prostitute.
  • 把打架、旷课、对师长不敬等行为列入讨论范围内,那是不会有多少人反对的,然而把男性化的生贴上“问题学生”的标签,却有很大的争议。
    While few would object to the inclusion of fighting, cutting classes and disrespect for teachers into the discussion, it is arguable that boys-like girls should be labeled as "problem students".
  • 父亲的遗嘱引起了子之间的纷争.
    Father's will caused much dissension among his children.
  • 她试着劝儿子不要与那孩结婚。
    She tried to dissuade her son from marrying the girl.
  • “哥伦比亚广播公司早晨新闻”主播丹尼尔斯,上周已决定跟随她的以前助手索耶(九月已离纽约)的脚步辞职。
    Faith Daniels, the distaff anchor of the"CBS Early Morning News, " was ready to jump ship last week, following in the footsteps of her former sidekick, Forrest Sawyer, who skipped town last September.
  • 顾客不论男老幼,一视同仁。
    Customers are treated without distinction of sex and age.
  • 《新妇》是一出生气勃勃的戏,一出显然符合时代潮流的戏。
    We have in The New Women a live play, a play which is distinctly in the movement.
  • 地位明显提高,儿童权利得到保障,老年人生活水平不断提高。
    Women's status has been raised distinctly, children's rights are protected, and the living standard of senior citizens has been improving.
  • 与男性相区别的性。
    women as distinguished from men.
  • 一个不同寻常的狂热的或发狂的人。
    an unnaturally frenzied or distraught woman.
  • 警察拨开人群朝那个疯狂的人挤去,那个人威胁说要和孩子从房顶跳到街道上。
    The polieeman elbowed his way forward, towards the distraught woman who was threatening to throw herself and her child from the roof to the street below.
  • 救生员跳入海中,拯救溺水的妇
    The lifeguard dived into the sea to save the drowning woman.
  • 当中国队在悉尼奥运会头两天的比赛中丢掉了双人跳水的两块金牌和继1984年奥运会以来一直是中国独霸一方的子10米跳合金牌时,中国跳水选手们又一次惊呆了。
    Divers were again gi ven a scare on the opening two days of the Sydney Games when China lost two synchronized titles and the women's 10m platform title, the event the Chinese had been winning at every Olympic since 1984.
  • 新贝蒂形象是90年代中期通过电脑技术融合75位不同类型妇的照片后制作而成的。
    A computer created this new Betty in the mid-1990s by blending photos of 75 diverse women.
  • 中国妇的绝大多数在农村,是中国农业生产和多种经营的主力军。
    The overwhelming majority of Chinese women are located in the countryside, and they are the major force of the agricultural production and diversified economy in the country.
  • 在进行跳板项目比赛时,男子跳11个动作,子跳10个动作。
    In the springboard event, take 11 dives, and women take 10 dives.
  • 在进行跳台项目比赛时,男子跳10个动作,子跳8个动作。
    In the platform event, men take 10 dives, and women take 8 dives.
  • 跳台项目,男子跳远10个动作,子跳8个动作。
    In the highboard event, men take ten dives, women take eight dives.
  • 使失去人味使失去性特征,品质或特色
    To divest of feminine traits, qualities, or characteristics.
  • 佣帮那老太太脱下大衣。
    The maid helped to divest the old lady of her overcoat.
  • 嫉妒于孩子们失和。
    Jealousy divided the girls.
  • 德律阿得斯森林与树之神;林中
    A divinity presiding over forests and trees; a wood nymph.
  • 不,她是一个精灵,一个仙子,一个神;
    No, she was a spirit, a divinity, a goddess;
  • 史密斯听到儿子与一位离异的有钱人同居,显得十分惊慌。
    Smith flung his arms up is horror at the news that his son was living with a rich divorcee.
  • 我自己是一个没有工作的离了婚的中年妇,我再也不想多抚养孩子了!”
    I'm a middle-aged jobless divorcee and I'm not going to raise any more kids!"
  • 这个人有本事把多宾少校捏在手里任意使唤,叫他拿这样做那样的,简直把他当做一条纽芬兰大狗。
    This woman had a way of tyrannizing over Major Dobbin…and made him fetch and carry just as if he was a great Newfoundland dog.
  • 提倡性平等的主义。
    a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women.
  • 另一次两名飞行员被击落在德军后方,一连三天躲避敌人的追击,最终徒步返回部队。
    Another night two women were shot down behind German lines but managed to walk back to their unit, dodging the enemy for three days.