  • 她经常能从丈那里得到一些小饰品。
    Ms Ng regularly receives trinkets and other things she can wear from her husband.
  • 例如:有关低体重出生研究方面,研究者们已然考虑到这样的事实,即那些想通过医学手段而受精生育的妻们年龄比一般生育年龄大些,而且一次多胎--双胞胎、三胞胎等等。
    In the low-birth-weight study,for example,the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births--twins,triplets and so on.
  • 在这些事件包围之中,“樵”和“农民”仍然悄悄地干着活,而那两位大下巴和另外两张平常的和姣好的面孔却都威风凛凛,专横地运用着他们神授的君权。
    Environed by them, while the Woodman and the Farmer worked unheeded, those two of the large jaws, and those other two of the plain and the fair laces, trod with stir enough, and carried their divine rights with a high hand.
  • 直到高尔球赛的最后一个球洞,阿尔还满有获胜的希望,但最后输了。
    Al was in the running for the trophy until the last hole of the golf tournament.
  • :世界杯足球赛的奖杯为冠军获得者的流动杯,一个队如果先后三次夺得冠军,可永久占有奖杯。
    Jeff: The "trophy" of the World Cup Football Championships is a kind of mobile reward for the champion. If a team won championships three times successively, the team can keep the "trophy" forever.
  • :这是因为该赛的奖杯是国际羽毛球联合会第一任主席乔治·汤姆斯捐赠的,所以又以他的名字命名:“汤姆斯杯赛”。
    Jeff: You are right. That is after Thomas, the first chairman of the International Badminton Federation. The "trophy" was donated by him.
  • 阿尔托城就是一个特别麻烦的地方。
    The town of Altorf was particularly troublesome.
  • 杰夫:可不是吗?
    Jeff: That is true.
  • 我的丈信任我,所以我不想失去这种信任。
    My husband trusts me and I don't intend to break that trust.
  • :不仅仅是因为明星长得好看,我觉得主要是商家利用了普通消费者信赖明星的心理。
    Jeff: It is not just because the stars look good. I think it is mainly because the business enterprises have made use of the consumers' psy- chology, which is trustworthy of the stars.
  • 但是,老实说,我自己所处的地位,也是和他差不多了,我很想叫他们暂住在我的寓处,可是一念到自己住的一块豆腐干大的地方,一个女人,三个小孩子,睡在里面,已经转侧都没有余地了,再加上一个落花生的人和他们的四个小孩子,怎么插得下!
    But truthfully, my own position was not very different from his. I really wanted to invite them to stay with me temporarily. But just imagine the size of my own place, which was about as big as a postage stamp; It already accommodated my wife and three children with hardly an inch of space left. How could I possibly squeeze in Peanuts and his wife and their four children?
  • 但是,老实说,我自己所处的地位,也是和他差不多了,我很想叫他们暂住在我的寓处,可是一念到自己住的一块豆腐干大的地方,一个女人,三个小孩子,睡在里面,已经转侧都没有余地了,再加上一个落花生的人和他们的四个小孩子,怎么插得下!
    But truthfully, my own position was not very different from his. I really wanted to invite them to stay with me temporarily. But just imagine the size of my own place, which was about as big as a postage stamp; It already accommodated my wife and three children with hardly an inch of space left. How could I possibly squeeze in Peanuts and his wife and their four children?
  • 减肥行业每年可以挣几十亿美元;然而在美国腹地,妇们又把过多的蛋黄酱抹在他们的巨无霸汉堡包上,再来上一大袋薯条。
    the weight-loss industry generates bil- lions of dollars per year, yet back in the heartland Mr. and Mrs. America are dolloping extra mayon- naise on their Big Macs and tucking into a large order of fries.
  • 草皮击高尔球时球杆削起的一块草皮
    A piece of turf torn up by a golf club in striking a ball.
  • 奥西耶克南斯拉北部城市,位于札格勒布东南偏东,濒德拉瓦河。由一处古罗马殖民地兼要塞发展而来,1526至1687年间处于土耳其人统治下。人口103,600
    A city of northern Yugoslavia on the Drava River east-southeast of Zagreb. The city grew on the site of a Roman colony and fortress and was under Turkish rule from1526 to1687. Population,103, 600.
  • 对年届四十的太太,我的看法是:如同钞票一样,做丈的应该可以拿她换两个二十岁的回来。
    My notion of a wife at forty is that a man shall is able to change her, like a bank note, for two twenties.
  • 他一眨眼功就把酒喝完了。
    He finished his drink in the twinkling of an eye.
  • 让博比为你跑一躺邮局吧,这桩事他一眨眼功就能办好的。
    Let Bobby run down to the post office for you: he can do it in the twinkling of an eye.
  • 这个房地产巨头用欺骗的手法,以比市场价格低很多的价钱向该农购置了这块土地,他完全知道,他能够轻而易举地售出此土地获取暴利。
    The property tycoon was double-dealing by offering the farmer much less than the market price for the land, knowing full well that he could easily sell it at a vast profit.
  • 这个房地产巨头用欺骗的手法,以比市场价格低很多的价钱向该农购置了这块土地,他完全知道,他能够轻而易举地售出此土地获取暴利。
    The property tycoon was double-dealing by offering the farmer much less than the market price for the land, knowing full well that he could easily sell it at a vast profit.
  • 她的丈和婆婆压制她。
    her husband and mother-in-law tyrannize her.
  • 柯克里安先生不接受访问,可是米高梅/联艺的新主管巴巴可先生坚称公司情况在改进中。
    Mr.Kerkorian doesn't give interviews, but Mr.Barbakow, MGM/UA's new chief executive, insists that the company is on the mend.
  • 当裁判起初判史蒂出局的时候,史蒂大发雷霆。
    When the umpire called Steve out at first, Steve blew his top.
  • 爵爷人不相信,逼着爵爷交代明白。“你只当我刚才对你说的话是胡诌。
    The Lady, unbelieving, so berated her husband that he answered father, “You think what I have already told you is a wonder.
  • 人们企图答复这个问题,为这个问题而争论,给这个问题弄得迷惑不解,这正可以证明这种工是徒然的、不必要的。
    And the very fact that people try to answer this question and quarrel over it and are puzzled by it serves to show it up as quite vain and uncalled for.
  • 对邓妇来说,这一天真是度日如年、如坐针毡。
    For the Dengs the long day was ruled by uncertainty.
  • 不过,他尽管在朋友们面前,在自己心里,都说她的面貌一无可取,可是眨下眼的工,他就发觉她那双乌黑的眼睛美丽非凡,使她的整个脸蛋儿显得极其聪慧。
    But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she had hardly a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes.
  • 试图向她愚蠢的丈作出解释。
    tried to explain to her uncomprehending husband.
  • 宏碁能有今天的成就,应该可以证明43岁的施先生努力不懈和创新的经营方法。他已为台湾的贾提
    That Acer has come this far is something of a testament to the drive and unconventional approach of the 43-year-old Mr.Shih, who has become the Steve Jobs of Taiwan.
  • 所以,下功寻找真正的相同点以及给人以真诚的赞扬是值得的。
    So it's worth the time to uncover real similarities and offer genuine praise.
  • 王平:杰,还有一传说,相传公元前724年第14后古奥运会时,一位选手赛跑时被散落的“兜裆布”绊倒而丧命。
    Wang Ping: Jeff, there was another legend which was about the 14th Olympic Games in 724 BC. In that game, an athlete stumbled and fell down unexpectedly by the undergarment covering his abdomen and died of it during the race.
  • 鞋类或高尔球棒的下面。
    the underside of footwear or a golfclub.