  • 来自哈佛、耶鲁、剑桥等近60所国外校法学院的院长,以及国内著大学法学院的院长参加了此次论坛。
    Deans from some 60 famous overseas universities, including Harvard, Yale and Cambridge, and their counterparts from domestic universities, attended the forum.
  • 者的年龄要求在二十七、八岁到三十岁出头,比美国要求的年龄大一些。其意图是要把学生先前的诸多管理经验带入课堂。
    Candidates had to be in their late 20s or early 30s older than their American counterparts and consequently tended to bring a great deal of previous management experience to the classroom.
  • 外国著名音乐节
    famous musical festivals in foreign countries
  • 外国著名音乐院校
    famous music schools in foreign countries
  • 外国著名音乐社团
    famous music societies in foreign countries
  • 仅国务院妇儿工委培训县长就达800余
    SCWCWC only has trained 800 county magistrates.
  • 她的字与他的连在一起。
    Her name was coupled with his.
  • 他因英勇而扬名。
    He distinguished himself by his courage.
  • 以后他们可能会把你的字跟你堂兄弟们的字相混淆。
    Later they may muddle up your name with those of your cousin
  • 考文垂市英格兰中部城市,位于伯明翰东南偏东。因是11世纪戈黛娃夫人的家乡而著,二战中(1940年11月),考文垂受到空袭的极严重破坏。人口318,600
    A city of central England east-southeast of Birmingham. Famous as the home of Lady Godiva in the11th century, Coventry was severely damaged in air raids during World War II(November1940). Population,318, 600.
  • 不应得的懦弱的声。
    has an undeserved reputation as a coward.
  • 懦夫的污对戎马生涯是不利的。
    The brand of a coward is a liability in a military career.
  • 新加坡雇主残酷虐待印尼女佣的事件,也非常引人注目。另外,还有一宗谋杀和数起抢劫案,受害者不是老人就是残疾人士。
    Then there was a cruel Singaporean employer inflicting serious bodily harm on her Indonesian maid and a gruesome murder and robberies committed cowardly against elderly and disabled Singaporeans.
  • 人们已经学会了“性骚扰”这个词,可是通常并不确知它的意义。如果一个男人瞪着眼睛看一个女人的生理部位,或说“黄色”笑话,这是不是性骚扰?一位男士能否邀[女]同约会而不过分?如何防止性骚扰?何时才应向有关方面报告?
    People have learned the phrase "sexual harassment" but are generally uncertain about its meaning. Is it harassment if a man stares at a woman's anatomy, or tells an off-color joke? Can a guy ask a coworker for a date without crossing the line? How can harassment be discouraged? When should it be reported?
  • 彼得是一个著的工匠。
    Peter is a famous craftsman.
  • 一九九九年内,该局的技术员、技工及操作工全日制或部分时间制训练课程,共训练了3587学员。
    In 1999, 3 587 people were trained at technician, craftsman and operative levels on full-time and part-time basis.
  • 那件珠宝是国际著手工艺人制作的。
    the jewelry was made by internationally famous craftsmen.
  • 考试前两天,乔治一头钻进生物学,把各种奇奇怪怪的称塞进他的脑子里。
    Two days before the exam, George dived into biology and crammed his head with all kinds of exotic names.
  • 很有可能你正在办公桌旁边吃三明治边读这篇文章,如果是这样,那么你也许不愿意听到这样一则消息:估计本周约有15万人为了一饱眼福和口福而涌入意大利都灵的一个为"慢餐博览会"的宴会。
    If,as is all too likely,you are reading this over a sandwich at your desk,you may not want to hear that an estimated 150,000 people are this week cramming into a feast for the eyes and stomach called the"Slow Food Fair"at Turin,Italy.
  • 大家请往前看,就可以看到著的黄鹤楼。
    Please look straight ahead, we can see the famous Yellow Crane Tower.
  • 作为已故现代公司创始人郑周永的在世长子,人们普遍认为他只是一毫无个性和特色的行政管理人员。他只能维持现状:生产模仿日本车的便宜货,使之充斥市场。
    Chung, the eldest living son of Chung Ju Yung, Hyundai's late founder, was widely deemed a colorless executive who would promote the status quo: cranking out cheap knockoffs of Japanese cars and flooding the market with them.
  • 这辆车在车祸报废了。
    The car was damaged in the crash.
  • ·每天大约有6000儿童死于不卫生的水和不合格的卫生和清洁条件所引起的疾病------相当于每天有20架大型客机坠毁。
    · Some 6,000 children die every day from diseases associated with unsafe water and poor sanitation and hygiene – equivalent to 20 jumbo jets crashing every day.
  • 阿拉贡:冈多,罗翰的子民们,我的兄弟们!我从你们眼里看到,你们跟我一样都恐惧得心惊胆战。或许有一天,人类变得萎缩懦弱,舍弃朋友,断绝友谊,但今天决不会这样。或许有一天,豺狼攻破人类城池,人类因此被灭绝,但今天决不会这样!今天我们誓死奋战!我以你们所珍视得一切的义,命令你们抗敌,西方的勇士们!魔戒3王者归来
    Aragorn: Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes... The same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, But not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down, But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!
  • 令人难于忍受的是那讨厌的家伙把所有功绩都记在自己下。
    What really sticks in my craw is hearing that odious fellow claim all the credit for himself.
  • 匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。
    One of the gang created a diversion in the street while the others robbed the bank.
  • 他们用手工为著的芬兰刀具制作装饰华丽的刀柄。
    He creates very ornate handles for the famous Finnish knives by hand.
  • 根据世界知识产权组织,知识产权指的是智力创造,包括:用于商业用途的发明、文学和艺术作品、标志、称、形象和设计。
    According to the WIPO (the World Intellectual Property organization), intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.
  • 无论为他买多少参考书,或给他报多少堂某某博士开的创意课程,都是没有用的。
    No amount of reference books or lessons on creativity given by doctorate-holders will help them.
  • 给群星命的造物主也知道我们今天缅怀的7位亡灵的字。
    The same Creator who names the stars also knows the names of the seven souls we mourn today.
  • 我总不明白,为什么假定造物主有幽默感是一件有损其誉的事情。
    I have never understood why it shall be consider derogatory to the creator t suppose that he has a sense of humor.
  • 我总不明白,为什么假定造物主有幽默感是一件有损其誉的事情。
    I have never understand why it shall be consider derogatory to the creator t suppose that he have a sense of humor.