  • 审计员核准了司的帐目.
    The auditors approved the company's accounts.
  • 同意对于司支出的新限制
    Approved a new lid on corporate spending.
  • 放宽了省市外贸企业在上海浦东新区设立子司的审批条件。
    We also relaxed the approving criteria for provincial and municipal trading companies to establish subsidiaries in Pudong New Area of Shanghai.
  • 该处已把批核大厦契的部分工作,批予私人执业律师承办,并简化批核大厦契及预售住宅楼宇单位同意书申请的程序,同时会继续研究其他方法,进一步加快这些程序。
    The office has contracted out to private solicitors the work of some of the applications for approval of Deeds of Mutual Covenant and has implemented simplified procedures for approving Deeds of Mutual Covenant and applications for consent to sell residential units in uncompleted developments. The office will continue to look into other ways and means to expedite the process.
  • 在市政办大楼前示威的人数约有九百人。
    The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was 900.
  • 在市政办大楼前示威的人数约有九百人。
    The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was900.
  • 中国的距离单位,约合(待查表)里。
    Chinese distance measure; approximately 0.5 kilometers.
  • 每平方里大约有200居民。
    Per square kilometer approximately has 200 residents.
  • 这部的装船重量,大约是七十斤。
    The shipping weight of this one is approximately 70 kgs.
  • 这个社的积金总数现已接近三十八万元。
    The commune's common reserve fund now amounts to approximately 380, 000 yuan.
  • 光在真空中一小时内走的距离;约等于亿里。
    the distance light travels in a vacuum in one hour; approximately one billion kilometers.
  • 司现报盘一百吨苦杏仁,每吨最低一千美圆cif(到岸价)上海。
    We now offer l00 tons of bitter apricot kernels at the lowest US S1000 per ton CIF Shanghai.
  • 司想按上次谈成的期限和条件订购二百吨苦杏仁,三月底交货。
    We'd like to buy 100 tons of bitter apricot kernels as per the terms and conditions reached last time, to be shipped at the end of March.
  • 第一次拿重达16斤的机关枪,第一次跟外国人很深入地谈政治、民生、环保等课题(采访工作不算),第一次进入另一个国家的国会大厦、第一次在不超过400尺的距离观看军事演习、第一次在机场飞机停泊处自由行走(从地面登机的经验不算)等等。
    For the first time in my life, I lifted a machine-gun weighing 16 kg, and for the first time I watched military exercises within a distance of 400 metres.I had my first in-depth discussions on politics, people's livelihood, and environment issues with foreigners, not counting interviews I had conducted as a reporter.I paid my first visit to the parliament premises of a foreign country. I took my first free walk on the parking apron of an airport rather than boarding for a flight.
  • 长方形廊柱大厅古罗马的一种共建筑,中央有一个正厅,在一边或两边的末端和两边的通道是由几排柱子分隔的半圆形室,它曾用作法庭或众集会的场所
    A public building of ancient Rome having a central nave with an apse at one or both ends and two side aisles formed by rows of columns, which was used as a courtroom or assembly hall.
  • 亚太通信卫星有限司在十月,成功发射了该司第三枚卫星"亚太卫星iir号"。
    APT Satellite Company Limited (APT)successfully launched its third satellite, APSTAR-IIR, in October.
  • 海水可养殖面积260万顷,利用率仅为28%。
    And China has an offshore water area of 2.60 million ha suitable for aquaculture, but the utilization rate is only 28 percent.
  • 据统计,全国1747万顷内陆水域中,可供养殖的水面675万顷,目前利用率仅为69%;
    According to statistics, among the 17.47 million ha of inland waters, 6.75 million ha can be used for aquaculture. At present, only 69 percent of the water area is used.
  • 海洋园位于港岛南部,占地87万平方米,是东南亚最大的海洋水族场馆,也是香港首要的康乐及娱乐设施。
    Ocean Park, on the southern side of Hong Kong island, covers 870 000square metres. It is South-East Asia's largest aquarium and Hong Kong's premier park for recreation and entertainment.
  • 海洋园的旅游点很多,计有吊车、多个世界级的展览馆,包括海洋馆、海涛馆、鲨鱼馆、雀鸟天堂和蝴蝶屋;还有可容纳3500名观众欣赏海洋哺乳动物表演的海洋剧场,以及紧张刺激的过山车。
    The park's attractions include a cable car system, various world-class features such as the Atoll Reef, Wave Cove, Shark Aquarium, Bird Paradise, the Butterfly House, and the 3500-seat Ocean Theatre for marine mammal shows, and an exciting array of thrill rides.
  • 地铁司负责建造和经营机铁,并作出有关的融资安排。
    The MTR Corporation is responsible for building, financing and operating the AR.
  • 现在,对阿拉伯妇女——更不用说阿拉伯国家的王后——来说的“正常”行为方式,常常并非最为众所接受。
    The " natural" course of action for an Arab woman these days never mind an Arab queen is often not the most accepted one.
  • 法尔西语现代伊朗语言,始于元9世纪,用阿拉伯字母书写,是伊朗的本国语;波斯语
    The modern Iranian language, dating from about the ninth century a.d., that is the national language of Iran and is written in an Arabic alphabet; Persian.
  • 在荷兰,成千上万顷的海面被改造成可耕地和牧场。
    In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.
  • 2001年全国建设占用耕地16.37万顷,灾毁减少耕地3.06万顷,同期全国土地整理复垦开发补充耕地20.26万顷,增减相抵增加耕地0.84万顷。
    In 2001, the construction in the whole country occupied 163700 hectares of arable land; the disasters has reduced 30600 hectares of arable land. In the meantime, the land treatment and rehabilitation development compensated 202600 hectares of arable land in the whole country. The net increase of arable land is 8400 hectares.
  • 同期生态退耕减少耕地59.07万顷,农业结构调整减少耕地4.50万顷,2001年全国耕地比上年净减少61.73万顷。
    In the meantime, the ecological conversion of the arable land has reduced 590700 hectares of the arable land; the agriculture restructuring has reduced the arable land by 45000 hectares; and the net decrease of the arable land in the whole country in 2001 is 617300 hectares compared with the previous year.
  • 根据土地利用变更调查,2001年全国主要地类面积为:耕地12761.58万顷,人均耕地面积约0.10顷,不足世界人均耕地面积的一半。
    According to the investigation on the alternative land use, the areas of the key land categories in the whole country in 2001 are as follows: 127.6158 million hectares of arable land, with the per capita arable land being about 0.10 hectare, less than one half of the per capita arable land area in the world;
  • 仲裁结论,断结论仲裁者或断人的判决
    The judgment of an arbitrator or arbiter.
  • 担任仲裁者,担任断人
    To serve as an arbitrator or arbiter.
  • 有危险的套汇;在目标司同时购买股票并在它可能获利时抛出;如果套汇失败可能会损失大量的钱。
    arbitrage involving risk; as in the simultaneous purchase of stock in a target company and sale of stock in its potential acquirer; if the takeover fails the arbitrageur may lose a great deal of money.
  • 如果合同一方可以任意对待履约而使对方蒙受损害,当然不能认为正。
    It is unjust if one party should treat a contract arbitrarily at the expense of the other.
  • 征用随意地拿取或强迫征用,尤指为了用的目的
    To take arbitrarily or by force, especially for public use.