  • 除掉一把看上去很有趣的雕花匕首外,箱子里面满了陶器,很多都碎了。
    Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger, the box was full of crockery, much of it broken.
  • (指山墙或者尖顶)用卷叶式的浮雕(一种像弯曲或卷曲的树叶一样的饰)做饰。
    (of a gable or spire) furnished with a crocket (an ornament in the form of curved or bent foliage).
  • 当那个妇人在法庭上陈述他抛弃孩子的心情时假悲伤地哭了。
    The woman cried crocodile tear as she told the court how she was for deserting her children.
  • 局部战争和武冲突出现新的起伏,因民族、宗教、领土、资源等因素引发的冲突和战乱不断。
    Local wars and armed conflicts have increased again, with conflicts and turbulence caused by ethnic, religious, territorial, resources or other factors cropping up one after the other.
  • 槌球游戏中使用的备。
    equipment used in playing croquet.
  • 记得有一次她同自己比赛槌球,由于她骗了自己,她就打了自己一记耳光,这个小孩很喜欢成两个人。
    and once she remembered trying to box her own ears for having cheated herself in a game of croquet she was playing against herself, for this curious child was very fond of pretending to be two people.
  • 绞刑架一种置,通常包括支撑一根悬挂绞索的横梁的两根直立柱子,用于执行绞刑;绞刑架
    A device usually consisting of two upright posts supporting a crossbeam from which a noose is suspended and used for execution by hanging; a gallows tree.
  • 连接一种入或插入绳子,链子或带子,在上面绕成一个环的钉子、杆或横档用于防止滑动或固定一个连接的物体
    A pin, rod, or crosspiece fitted or inserted into a loop in a rope, chain, or strap to prevent slipping, to tighten, or to hold an attached object.
  • 能够从计算机中提取信号并在阴极射线管中显示的置。
    a device that takes signals from a computer and displays them on a CRT screen.
  • 上面,在通常挂镜子的地方,有一个银色已褪的铜十字架,钉在一块破旧的黑线上,在一个金色暗敝的木框里。
    above the chimney-piece hung a crucifix of copper, with the silver worn off, fixed on a background of threadbare velvet in a wooden frame from which the gilding had fallen;
  • 把原油装入坦克
    Loaded the tanker with crude oil.
  • 表现派基础上的一场艺术运动;发展于二十世纪八十年代的欧洲和美国;绘画粗杂、饰过重。
    an art movement based on expressionism; developed in 1980s in Europe and US; crudely drawn garish paintings.
  • 叛乱分子窜扰昌都、丁青、黑河、山南等地区,杀戮干部,破坏交通,袭击中央派驻当地的机关、部队,并到处抢掠财物,残害人民,奸淫妇女。
    The armed rebels harassed Qamdo, Dengqen, Heihe and Shannan. They killed cadres, disrupted communication lines, and attacked institutions and army troops stationed there by the central authorities. They looted, cruelly persecuted people and raped women.
  • 几只武民船经常在这个海峡的进口附近巡航。
    Several privateer often cruise near the entrance of the channel.
  • 这些游船可用两天的时间卸完毕。
    These cruise ships can turn round in two days.
  • 他们假装在海上巡逻
    Pretended they were on a cruise.
  • 备的巡洋舰;荷枪实弹的步兵
    A heavy cruiser; heavy infantry.
  • 那艘巡洋舰有坚固的甲。
    The cruiser was heavily armoured.
  • 重炮兵;重步兵;重型巡洋舰;重炮;大规模生产供其他工业使用的基础产品(例如钢铁)的重工业。
    heavy artillery; heavy infantry; a heavy cruiser; heavy guns; heavy industry involves large-scale production of basic products (such as steel) used by other industries.
  • 他穿上一件皱巴巴的西
    He put on a crumpled suit.
  • 他把他的新西弄皱了。
    He crumpled his new suit.
  • 我们把鸟笼放在一个有阴凉的窗下,然后等待着有一天那个皱巴巴的、上面写着“情侣鹦鹉”的信封里面满了纸币和多余的硬币。
    We set our cage in front of a shaded window. Then we waited until the crumpled envelope marked "lovebirds" was full of bills and spare change.
  • 压榨用齿形置压榨(亚麻或大麻)
    To crush(flax or hemp) in a toothed device.
  • 别把这只箱子压坏,它里边的是花。
    Do not crush this box , it has flowers in it.
  • 剥麻机挤榨和打碎亚麻或大麻的具齿
    A toothed device for crushing and beating flax or hemp.
  • 那时的革命统一战线没有中心支柱,没有坚强的革命的武队伍,四面八方都造起反来,共产党只得孤军作战,无力抵制帝国主义和中国反革命的各个击破的策略。
    In those days the revolutionary united front had no mainstay, no strong revolutionary armed forces, and so when the defections came thick and fast, the Communist Party was forced to fight single-handed and was powerless to foil the tactics of crushing their opponents one by one which were adopted by the imperialists and the Chinese counter-revolutionaries.
  • 勘察地壳的电子装置
    Electronic probes into the crust of the earth.
  • 包装的关键是防潮。
    The crux of packing lies in protecting the goods from moisture.
  • 肉的木桶上刻有us字样,工人们问起这一隐秘的词组的含义,有人开玩笑说,us代表unclesanwilson(山姆·威尔逊大叔),很遗憾并无证据来证实这一故事。
    Workers handling barrels of meat stenciled with "US" questioned what the cryptic phrase weant. The joke went up that it stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. There, unfortunately, is no evidence to support the story.
  • 她只花了一个星期就为璜确定了设计方案
    It only took a week for her to crystallize her design for the decorations.
  • 方形闪光灯一种有四个闪光灯的小立方体,当与之连接的相机拍完一张照片后,它会自动转动到下一个未使用的灯泡
    A small cube that contains four flashbulbs and that rotates automatically to the next unused bulb when a picture is taken with the camera to which it is attached.
  • 目前许多商业用途产品没有要求统一特征或非常精确的规格,研究人员认为将来的纳米产品将对这些内容做出要求--方糖大小的置可储存的数据相当于国会图书馆。
    Many of the current commercial applications do not require the kinds of uniform features and numbingly precise layouts that researchers know will be needed for future nanoproducts -- like sugar-cube-size devices capable of storing as much data as the Library of Congress.