  • 本件保险的保险费以及手续费,计52镑,已记入贵方借方帐。
    The premium and charges on this assurance was carried to your debit in the sum of £52.
  • 惠请注意,煤的出口退税额计10镑8先令,将记入贵方借方帐内。
    I note that I have to debit you with the sum of £10.8s. received for drawback of duties on the coal.
  • 如附件说明,货价51.70镑,已记入贵方借方帐项。
    For the cost of the articles, I have debited you??51.70, as per note annexed.
  • 同函奉上保险费帐目一份,上开金额为40镑,我已记入贵方借方帐户。
    Enclosed you will find the account of the premium, for which I have debited your account,??40.00.
  • 他把10镑记在史密斯先生的借方帐号上。
    He debited £10 against Mr.Smith's account.
  • 同函奉上保险费帐目一份,上开金额为40镑,我已记入贵方借方帐户。
    Enclosed you will find the account of the premium, for which I have debited your account, 40.00.
  • 他负债共计1000英镑。
    His total debt tots up to $1,000.
  • 网际网络风行全球以来,文一直是网上占主导地位的语言。
    Ever since its debut worldwide, English as the chief medium of communication has dominated the Internet.
  • 以"phat"为例,"phat"直到今天才被《牛津文词典》作为一个俚语收录进来,意思是"很酷"。
    "Phat," for example, makes its debut in the OED today as a slang term meaning cool.
  • 网际网络风行全球以来,文一直是网上占主导地位的语言。
    Ever since its debut world-wide, the Internet has been dominated by English as the chief medium of communication.
  • 接受贵方到利物浦fob价,每部1.4万镑,请开即期付款的信用证报价,但由于需求很急,船期由12月改为11月。
    Act yr. for l14,000/unit FOB Liverpool l.c. a/s but demand is urgent so rl Nov shpt not Dec.
  • 国一位心理学家最近发现网上恋情很有可能发展成为真爱,这则消息格外迎合那些成天泡在网上聊天室里的网友们的心理。
    Here are words of comfort for anyone who has spent more time than he should in online chat rooms -- a British psychologist has found that courtships begun in cyberspace can very well lead to true love.
  • 国的戴利·汤普森成功卫冕十项全能冠军。他成为了继鲍勃·马喜斯之后完成这一壮举的第二人。
    Britain's Daley Thompson successfully defended his decathlon title, becoming only the second man, after Bob Mathias, to do so.
  • 但是这时我遇到一个难题:那条死蛇的身体已进入一块没有亮光的空间有25尺,而这块空间很可能被这条死蛇的朋友们占据着。
    But now I had a problem:that dead snake was 25 feet into an unlighted space probably occupied by friends of the deceased.
  • 相当坏;(jolly非正式地用于国,例如在jollydecentofhim(他还很像样子)里)。
    pretty bad; (`jolly' is used informally in Britain as in jolly decent of him).
  • 我们必须提倡每个红军指挥员变为勇敢而明智的雄,不但有压倒一切的勇气,而且有驾驭整个战争变化发展的能力。
    we decidedly want every Red Army commander to become a hero who is both brave and sagacious, who possesses both all-conquering courage and the ability to remain master of the situation throughout the changes and vicissitudes of the entire war.
  • 1971年国改用新的十进位币制。
    In 1971 Britain changed over to the new decimal money system.
  • 国废弃旧币制,改为十进制。
    Britain converted her money from the old system to a decimal one.
  • 国的基本货币单位,值20先令或1971年采用十进制以前的240旧便士
    The basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom, worth20 shillings or240 old pence before the decimalization of1971.
  • 1415年王亨利五世于法国北部与重创兵力数倍于己的法军的战役。
    a battle in which English longbowmen under Henry V decisively defeated a much larger French army in 1415.
  • 该货物重量75担,价格1000镑,请以本公司名义,向海关报关。
    Please clear through the customs, making entry in our name, and declaring weight at75 cwt., value??1, 000.
  • 1913年,政府又煽动西藏当局宣布独立,提出“西藏完全独立后,一切军械由国接济”;
    In 1913 the British government inveigled the Tibetan authorities into declaring independence and proposed that "Britain be the weaponry supplier after total independence of Tibet;"
  • 史蒂文斯顿说道:"如今'国'这个词的定义已经越来越模糊了。
    "Notions of 'Britishness' are in decline.
  • 在许多国家,文化精都在感叹语文水准低落的现象。
    The declining standard of language is a common phenomenon bemoaned by cultural elites in many countries.
  • 指新格兰和美国中西部地区的以逐渐衰退的行业,如钢铁和纺织,密集为特征的城区。
    urban areas in New England and Middle West characterized by concentrations of declining industries (steel or textiles).
  • 国厚重家具装饰的维多利亚时代精美装饰与建筑装璜巨大风格的,在19世纪的国很普遍
    Being in the highly ornamented, massive style of architecture, decor, and furnishings popular in19th-century England.
  • 国军队授予勇敢行为的勋章。
    a British military decoration for gallantry.
  • 国军队授予战斗中特种服务的勋章。
    a British military decoration for special service in action.
  • 社会主义新人当然要努力去实现人民的利益,捍卫社会主义祖国的荣誉,为社会主义祖国的前途而勇献身。
    The new socialist man will of course work hard for the interests of the people, defend the honour of the socialist motherland and dedicate himself to her future.
  • 人们建立了一座纪念碑以纪念这位民族雄。
    A monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero.
  • 这座碑是为纪念那位民族雄而建造的。
    The monument is dedicated to the memory of the national hero.
  • 说到自己的语,她动不动就生气。
    She is very defensive about her English.