  •  (三)未采取密闭措施或者其他防护措施,运输、装卸或者贮存够散发有毒有害气体或者粉尘物质的;
    transportation, loading and unloading, and storage of substances that may diffuse toxic or harmful gases or dust without adopting sealing or other protective measures;
  • 第四十二条 运输、装卸、贮存够散发有毒有害气体或者粉尘物质的,必须采取密闭措施或者其他防护措施。
    Article 42 In the transportation, loading and unloading, and storage of substances that may diffuse toxic or harmful gases or dust, sealing or other protective measures must be taken.
  • 我们要把敌人的眼睛和耳朵尽可地封住,使他们变成瞎子和聋子,要把他们的指挥员的心尽可地弄得混乱些,使他们变成疯子,用以争取自己的胜利。
    In order to achieve victory we must as far as possible make the enemy blind and deaf by sealing his eyes and ears and drive his commanders to distraction by creating confusion in their minds.
  • 为了更对公众负责,该署更定期与3个分别关注空运货物、海运货物及应课税品的顾客联络小组举行会议,检讨服务质素。
    To support better public accountability, the department regularly reviews the quality of its services with three customer liaison groups connected with air cargo, sea cargo and dutiable commodities.
  • 坏天气下才识得出良好的海员;要识好海员,须凭坏天气。
    The good seaman is known in bad weather.
  • 商船队中的海员;接受特殊技训练的海员。
    a seaman in the merchant navy; trained in special skills.
  • 这些优点是我和日后的问责官员极希望够保留的。
    These are the qualities which I, and the Principal Officials under the Accountability System in future, would wish to preserve.
  • 老一辈的人会认识我,因为我曾担任海员福利官多年,曾经跟海南海员、福州海员以及其他在船上工作的人打过交道。他们会记得多年以前的我,参加劳工运动的人也一样。
    the older generation might know me, because I used to be Seamen's welfare officer for many years, used to work among the Hainan seamen, Fuzhou seamen, people who worked on ships - they may know me as I was many years ago. The those in labor movement may also remember that.
  • 但他紧接着又说:“我想一些人……可老一辈的人会认识我,因为我曾担任海员福利官多年,曾经跟海南海员、福州海员以及其他在船上工作的人打过交道。他们会记得多年以前的我,参加劳工运动的人也一样。
    But he went on to say: "I suppose some people... the older generation might know me, because I used to be Seamen's welfare officer for many years, used to work among the Hainanese seamen, Foochow seamen, people who worked on ships -- they'll remember me from many years ago. The labour movement too.
  • 分析家们还说,atm扩展容易且实现局域网与广域网的无缝集成。
    Analysts also said ATM scales easily and will allow for seamless LAN and WAN integration.
  • 使用一个公共外特网的所有单位都必须确保他们做生意的系统和过程做到天衣无缝般地结合。
    All organisations of a common extranet must ensure the seamless integration of their business systems and processes.
  • 各方面的努力在机管局的综合统筹计划下互相配合。机管局实行综合统筹的目的,是为了确保由机场建造、设施与系统测调,以至机场全面运作等各方面,都畅顺交接过渡。
    This major team effort is co-ordinated by the AA within the framework of an integrated programme which aims toachieve a seamless transition from construction, testing and commissioning of facilities and systems to full airport operation.
  • 我考虑到这个可性了;女裁缝给衣服预留尺寸以免缩水。
    I allow for this possibility; The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash.
  • 轮船够补充煤炭的海港。
    a seaport where ships can take on supplies of coal.
  • 我想去海港,有人告诉我这么走就到。
    I'm tring to go to the seaport.Someone told me that I could find it this way.
  • 四是不断加强供水、供电、通讯、海港、机尝铁路、公路、口岸等城市基础设施建设,逐步完善城市功
    Finally, the Municipal Government is determined to ameliorate the infrastructure of the city, giving special attention to the water and power supply, telecommunications facilities, seaports, airport, highways and railways.
  • 使烤焦用热烤焦或烧灼
    To scorch or sear with heat.
  • 解释我们实验屡屡失败的原因吗?
    Can you account for the serial failures in our experiment?
  • 至于有报道说克林顿政府找到了“证据”,这些“证据”是他们从losalamos李文皓的办公室搜查其电脑得来。但是,这个搜查行动发生在考克斯报告已经发出之后,因此它不可被收进去。
    As to the reports leaked by the Clinton Administration of the "evidence" they found when they searched Wen Ho Lee's computer at his office in a secure area at Los Alamos, that search happened after the Cox Report was 'filed ' and so could not have been included.
  • 西肖尔音乐才能测量
    Seashore Measures of Musical Talents
  • 按经济规律办事,就要培养一批按经济规律办事的人。
    If we want to do our work according to economic law, we should train people to act accordingly.
  • 住在海岸附近可导致你对贝壳以及收藏贝壳感兴趣。
    Living near the seashore may lead to an interest in shells and shell collecting.
  • 藉着推行问责制,政府够更有效率和更负责任地为市民大众服务。
    Accordingly, we will all be able to serve the public more efficiently and more responsibly.
  • 为了在水中不发晕,为了应付各种情况,我们在巢湖北部做了多方面的准备,白天夜晚进行演习。
    In order for our troops to avoid becoming seasick and to be prepared for all circumstances, we performed maneuvers north of Chaohu Lake day and night.
  • 然后,it基础设施就相应地配置自己,以便实现或不让实现访问。
    Then the IT infrastructure would configure itself accordingly to enable or disable that access.
  • 如果你同意这点的话,否请你在协议中作出相应修改?
    If you agree to this, would you please revise the agreement accordingly?
  • 明星工作者了解他们的听众,做到以言行迎合不同的听众.。
    Stars always know their audience and shape their message accordingly.
  • 各尽所能,按需分配
    from each according to his ability, to each according to demand
  • 在北美丝绸是季节性物资,因此我想在一个月内收到货物你们马上装船吗?
    Silks are seasonal goods in North America so I need a delivery within a month. Can you make a prompt shipment?
  • 至于利用夏季的青纱帐和冬季的河川结冰之季候性的游击战争,那是断然可的。
    It is definitely possible to conduct seasonal guerrilla warfare by taking advantage of the "green curtain" of tall crops in summer and of the frozen rivers in winter.
  • 至于否在平原地区建立长期支持的根据地,这一点现在还没有证明;但是建立临时的根据地和小部队的或季候性的根据地,则前者现在已经证明,后者也应该说是可的。
    While there is as yet no evidence on the possibility of setting up base areas there and maintaining them for long, it has been proved that the setting up of temporary base areas is possible, and it should be possible to set up base areas for small units or for seasonal use.
  • 各尽所能, 按劳分配
    from each according to his ability, to each according to his work