  • 按照毛泽东同志所起草的党中央关于领导方法的决定的话来说,就是“将群众的意见(分散的无系统的意见)集中起来(经过研究,化为集中的系统的意见),又到群众中去作宣传解释,化为群众的意见,使群众坚持下去,见之于行动,并在群众行动中验这些意见是否正确。
    This means to quote from the Central Committee's "Decision on Methods of Leadership", drafted by Comrade Mao Zedong"take the ideas of the masses (scattered and unsystematic ideas) and concentrate them (through study turn them into concentrated and systematic ideas), then go to the masses and propagate and explain these ideas until the masses embrace them as their own, hold fast to them and translate them into action, and test the correctness of these ideas in such action.
  • 弱点:在危机或衰退中不知能否象萨尔兹伯格家族那样经受住验。
    Weakness: Untested in standing up to the Sulzberger family during crisis or recession.
  • 学习与不会思的头脑无缘,学习者必须向自己和老师提出问题。
    Learning doesn't consist in an unthinking head. The learner has to question himself and question the teacher.
  • 只要还有一块知识和意志尚未征服的领域,只要人们能自由思和行动,生活就是值得的。(奥斯汀)
    While there is one untrodden tractFor intellect or will.And men are free to think and act, Life is worth living.( A. Austin)
  • 只要还有一块知识和意志尚未征服的领域,只要人们能自由思和行动,生活就是值得的。(奥斯汀)
    While there is one untrodden tractFor intellect or will.And men are free to think and act,Life is worth living. ( A. Austin)
  • 去年六月,吴作栋总理正式提出了“重思的学校、好学习的国家”的目标,并认为我们在培育年轻一代的工作上,应该朝这个方向走。
    Another initiative was also officially launched last year in June when our Prime Minister Mr Goh Chok unveiled the vision of Thinking Schools, Learning Nation as the direction we should take in preparing our young for the future.
  • 去年六月,吴作栋总理正式提出了“重思的学校、好学习的国家”的目标,并认为我们在培育年轻一代的工作上,应该朝这个方向走。
    Another initiative was also officially launched last year in June when our Prime Minister Mr Goh Chok Tong unveiled the vision of Thinking Schools, Learning Nation as the direction we should take in preparing our young for the future.
  • 试前对你的学生要求不严是不明智的。
    It is unwise to let up your students just before the examination.
  • 试前放松学生是不明智的作法。
    It’s unwise to let up on your students just before the examination.
  • 我方对此计划已仔细虑,发现无重大价值,请通知各有关部门。
    Project us all through as revealed unworthy inform parties concerned
  • 我方对此计划已仔细虑,发现无重大价值,请通知各有关部门。
    Project us all through as revealed unworthy inform parties concerned.
  • 当我们静心思,我们就会明了根深蒂固的贫穷根本不值得我国作出承诺。
    In the quiet of American conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nation's promise.
  • 老师因麦克试作弊而批评他。
    The teacher upbraided Mike for his cheating in the exam.
  • 与其把精力消耗在谴责这些害群之马,不如从根本上全盘思青年才俊的成就路上,到底出了什么问题,该如何亡羊补牢。
    Rather than spending our energy condemning the black sheep among the scholars, we might as well take some time and reflect on what exactly has gone wrong in the upbringing of our elite — and what can be done about it.
  • 当你本该为一场即将到来的试而攻读的时候,你可能得花上几个小时回电子信件。
    You might spend hours writing and responding to e mails when you should be hitting the books for an upcoming exam.
  • 老师劝他的学生准备试。
    The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam.
  • 各项事业的轻重缓急与投资的分配,由各口去虑。
    Investments in individual undertakings and projects will be decided by the departments concerned in the light of importance and urgency.
  • 这本参书对我有用处吗?
    Is this reference book of any use to me?
  • 大多数学校里,试是衡量学生及格与不及格的主要手段。
    In most schools, the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails.
  • 这本参书对我们的研究很有用。
    This reference book is very useful to our study.
  • 在工业布局时效用
    Utilitarian considerations in industrial design.
  • 支吾声说话人因虑措词而发出的声音
    An utterance used by a speaker who is fumbling for words.
  • 虑……发生的可能性;承认某事物的真相或有效性。
    allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something.
  • 一组数值的平均值对某参值的偏离量。
    The amount by which the average of a set of values departs from a reference value.
  • 我们制订计划时应该把所有的可变因素虑进去。
    We shall take all the variables into account when we make a plan.
  • 这位大臣说,政府正虑提高增值税,不过这也许只是试探舆论反应而已。
    The minister said that the government was considering increasing VAT, but he was probably only flying a kite.
  • 如果我们不设法透过文字的表层看清说话人的目的,我们就不会头脑清醒地思问题。
    We are not thinking very clearly unless we try to see through the veil of words and realize something of the speaker's purpose.
  • 只要察一下威尼斯、汉撒同盟、葡萄牙、荷兰和英国的历史,就可以看出物质财富与政治力量两者彼此之间存在着怎样的交互影响作用。
    We have merely to consider the history of Venice, of the Hanseatic League, of Portugal, Holland,and England, in order to perceive what reciprocal influence material wealth and political power exercise on each other.
  • 监狱、劳改场所的安全、卫生、通风、光线等条件,都有明确的规定,并纳入劳改机关的工作核内容之中。
    There are explicit regulations relating to conditions in prisons and reform-through-labour institutions in terms of safety, hygiene, ventilation, light, etc.Reform-through-labour institutions in China are judged in part by how well they conform to these regulations.
  • 监狱、劳改场所的安全、卫生、通风、光线等条件,都有明确的规定,并纳入劳改机关的工作核内容之中。
    There are explicit regulations relating to conditions in prisons and reform-through-labour institutions in terms of safety, hygiene, ventilation, light, etc.. Reform-through-labour institutions in China are judged in part by how well they conform to these regulations.
  • 薇拉和我正在严肃地思这个作业。
    Vera and I am trying to think seriously about this project.
  • 我们应该虑父母的建议, 反之亦然。
    We should take into account the proposals of our parents and vice versa.