  • 我们这婴儿取名大卫。
    We'll call the baby David.
  • 我们将这婴儿取名詹姆斯。
    We'll call the baby James.
  • 校长打了个电话,但他出去了。
    I gave the headmaster a call but he was out.
  • 你给我打过电话吗?
    Do you call me?
  • 请稍等一下。我你接预订处。
    Just a moment, please caller. I'll put you on to advance reservation.
  • 请稍等一下。我你接预订处。
    Just a moment, please caller. I 'll put you on to advance reservation.
  • 如果处理此消息的过程中出现任何错误,则会返回调用者一个带dispositionreport结构的soapfault结构。
    If any error occurs in processing this API call, a dispositionReport element will be returned to the caller within a SOAP Fault.
  • 如果处理此消息的过程中出现任何错误,则会返回调用者一个带dispositionreport结构的soapfault结构。
    If any error occurs in processing this API call, a dispositionReport structure will be returned to the caller in a SOAP Fault.
  • 否则由验证服务返回的错误信息将被原封不动地传调用者,同时保存操作将失败。
    Otherwise the error information returned by the validation service will be returned to the caller unchanged and the save operation will fail.
  • 如果在处理一个请求消息的时候出现任何应用层上的错误,一个dispositionreport结构会作为soap错误报告的扩展细节返回调用者。
    If any application level error occurs in processing a request message, a dispositionReport structure will be returned to the caller inside of a SOAP fault report.
  • 为了避免打电话时找不到人而捉迷藏,要及时别人回电话,因为你很容易找到打电话的人,这样你的留言就不会堆积起来。
    To avoid playing telephone tag,return phone calls right away,because you're likely to catch the caller and your messages won't pile up.
  • 你要电话给谁?
    Who are you calling?
  • 我打电话汤姆.约翰逊。
    I'm calling Tom Johnson.
  • 我该再她打电话吗?
    Should I try calling her again?
  • 他很傲慢,有时也冷漠;空旷的地方有时也为丛生的树木所阻断;他们有时来纽约;她不时将心爱的书从书架上拿下来我们读一番;我们一起开着车,美丽的风景不时吸引着他的注意。
    he was arrogant and occasionally callous; open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees; they visit New York on occasion; now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us; as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention.
  • 他打电话给我。
    He calls to me.
  • 麦克打电话汽车出租公司.
    Mike calls the rent-a-car office.
  • 他的外表人一种极其镇定和坚毅的感觉,那种镇定和坚毅的气质是只有从小就经过大风大浪,艰难险阻的人才具有的。
    and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger.
  • 一盎司糖可以供多少卡热量?
    How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply?
  • 耶稣面像根据流行的传说,印在圣女维罗尼卡在耶稣去往骷髅地的路上递他的手巾上的耶稣面像
    According to popular legend, an image of the face of Jesus as impressed on the handkerchief offered to him by Saint Veronica on the road to Calvary.
  • 那位农工一下午100头小牛打了烙印。
    The farmer branded a hundred calves in one afternoon.
  • 牛仔们在春天时把牛赶拢在一起,新生下来的看犊打上印记。
    Cowboys round up their cattle in the spring time to brand the new calves.
  • 每次这只"狮妈妈"总是小羚羊们母亲般的"爱抚",保护它们免受其他狮子的袭击,甚至小羚羊的生母来它们的孩子喂奶的时候,"狮妈妈"也睁一只眼闭一只眼。
    On each occasion, she has given the calves affection, protection from other lions, and even allowed their natural mothers to come and feed them.
  • 能把你的照相机借我吗?
    Could you lend me your camera?
  • 我先来照相机装胶卷。
    Let me load the camera first.
  • 在苏格兰的梅尔罗斯,博德斯基础保健护理联合中心的精神健康习得性无助护理分站中,他们病人用的不是镇静剂,而是用薰衣草油或甘菊油做一次按摩。
    Instead of being given a sedative to calm them, patients at the Mental Health Learning Disabilities Network of the Borders Primary Care Trust at Melrose in Scotland are given a massage using lavender or camomile oil.
  • 工程兵担负工程保障任务,由工兵、舟桥、建筑、伪装、野战水工程、工程维护等专业部(分)队组成。
    The engineering corps, responsible for engineering support, is composed of engineering and other specialized units of pontoons, construction, camouflage, field water supply, and engineering maintenance.
  • 登山者用的扎营基地
    A base camp for the mountain climbers.
  • 坎贝尔每次在巴斯滕书信的结尾处总要用摩尔斯密码点上几行。
    Campbell still jots a few lines in Morse code at the end of his letters to Batstone.
  • 斯蒂芬尼-巴斯滕说她花了数年的时间寻找战时的朋友,甚至还写诗并把诗寄住在俄亥俄州的每一位叫杰克-坎贝尔的人,结果还是毫无收获。
    Batstone says she spent years searching for her wartime friend. She wrote poems and sent them to virtually every Jack Campbell in Ohio, only to come up empty-handed.
  • 虽说有过一些友善的调情信号,坎贝尔还向巴斯滕保证,如果她送自己一张照片的话,他会把它当作偶像照片钉在墙上。这位前海员称两人谈及的内容纯粹是关于各自家乡和学校的事。
    Despite some mild flirting - Campbell assured Batstone if she sent him a picture he would make her the pin-up girl of the ship - the former sailor says the contacts were purely innocent messages about their hometowns and school backgrounds.
  • 我会示范他们看,用器皿在营火上烹煮食物的乐趣。
    I will show them that cooking food in a mess tin over a campfire is fun.