Chinese English Sentence:
  • 把行李装到尾部上;带有形帆的船随风疾驰而去;船长到船的尾部看看发生了什么事。
    stow the luggage aft; ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft; the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about.
  • 化学教授劳埃德·史密斯说:“这是一种非自动化的计算机-一就象算盘那样,但是我们相信这种计算式可以象常规计算机一样实现自动化。
    "It's kind of a non-automated computer---an abacus of sorts---hut it's an approach we're confident can be automated like a conventional computer," said Lloyd Smith, a professor of chemistry.
  • 一面黑色的旗缓缓无声地爬上了旗杆,在早晨的天空中冷飕飕地颤抖。
    Slowly, silently, a black square creeps up the pole and flutters chill against the morning sky.
  • 她把家里保持得很安静,屋中暗暗的,走路轻轻地,想设法让我平静。
    She kept the house quiet and dark and crept around silently, trying different methods of cooling me down.
  • 那飞扬的钓杆从一开始就很听话,而看到钓线魔术般地在他映在草坪上的影子上飞舞,他简直被迷住了。
    It just looked right from the beginning,and he was charmed by the way the line seemed to magically flow above his silhouette on the lawn.
  • 使船抢风转向通过用帆角索将帆逆转以在船倾侧转动(帆装船)
    To turn(a square-rigged ship) about on the heel by bracing the sails aback.
  • 得知警要抓他,他有点吃惊。
    He was somewhat taken aback by the news that the police intended to arrest him.
  • 挡风玻璃内侧有一架平视显示器,正好在我的视线下,突然屏幕上出现活动着的白色人影。
    A head-up display(HUD) on the inside of the windshield, just below my line of vision, suddenly comes alive wit white human silhouettes.
  • 但是硅芯片计算机之所以会具有不可思议的运算能力只不过是因为它能够以电流的速度一个一个地检验所有有可能解决的案。
    But silicon-based computers perform their magic simply by running through every possible answer one by one at the speed of electrical current.
  • 缫丝厂卷丝的地方
    An establishment where silk is reeled.
  • 的蚕蛾,生产略带褐色的蚕丝。
    oriental moth that produces brownish silk.
  • 政府、机管局、地铁公司和香港西区隧道有限公司均欢迎国际机构参与竞投机场核心计划合约,而在招标和审批合约的过程中,均严格采用香港一贯奉行的公平竞争法。
    The government, AA, MTR Corporation and WHTC welcome international participation in ACP contracts and strictly apply Hong Kong's traditional 'level playing field' approach in tendering procedures and the award of contracts.
  • 用这种法包装丝绸经不住海运。
    Silks packed in cartons are not quite sea-worthy.
  • 兹向贵就新式富士丝绸报价如下:
    We offer you our new pattern of Fuji silks, for which we quote you as below.
  • 兹向贵就新式富士丝绸报价如下:
    We offer you our new pattern of Fuji silks, for which we quote you as following.
  • 在17和18世纪,中国艺术、建筑学以及哲学,非常受到西的欣赏。中国的奢侈品,例如丝绸、茶和瓷器大受欢迎,也深刻的改变了一些西人的生活式。
    In the 17th and 18th centuries, Chinese art, architecture and philosophy were much admired in the West, and Chinese luxury goods like silks, teas and porcelain were in great demand and transformed their way of life drastically.
  • 例如,要生产出与标准aa型电池电量相当的纸张电池,它的面积大约要有一平英尺。
    To produce as much power as a standard AA-sized battery,for instance,would require a Power Paper battery of about a square foot in size.
  • 春蚕到死丝尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。
    The silkworm keeps on making silk until death. The candle keeps on teardropping until being ash.
  • 关于你于五月运出的aa-7895-s型胶印机的质量问题。
    It 's about the quality of the offset printing machine, Model AA - 7895 - S, shipped by you sometime in May.
  • 关于你于五月运出的aa7895s型胶印机的质量问题。
    It's about the quality of the offset printing machine, model aa 7895 s shipped by you sometime in may.
  • 关于你于五月运出的aa-7895-s型胶印机的质量问题。
    It's about the quality of the offset printing machine, model aa-7895-s shipped by you sometime in may.
  • 懂技术的工商管理硕士现在"最大的就业市场"是《财富》杂志所列"500强":如联邦特快、gte通讯公司、花旗集团。这些公司正全力拓展与消费者和供应商这两面的电子商务。
    And “ the biggest market” for tech? savvy M.B.A.’ s is now the Fortune 500: companies like FedEx,GTE,and Citibank that are aggressively preparing to deal online with both consumers and suppliers.
  • 家衣鱼,小灶衣鱼一种与西洋衣鱼有亲缘关系的小型无翅昆虫(衣鱼),住在炉边或灶边等建筑物的温暖地
    A small, wingless insect(Thermobia domestica) related to the silverfish and inhabiting warm areas of buildings, as around furnaces or boilers.
  • 森林经营方案
    working plan of silviculture
  • 其它地产的类似葡萄酒
    A similar wine made elsewhere.
  • 形的形状象立体的
    Shaped similar to a cube.
  • 相似,类似不同事物的某些面具有的相似性
    Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
  • 这两篇文章雷同的地很多,并非巧合所致
    The similarity between these two essays is too great to be coincidental
  • 这种阴谋同英、法、德、意在慕尼黑制造的阴谋类似,所以人们把它叫做“东慕尼黑”。
    It was called an "Eastern Munich" because of its similarity to the Munich conspiracy of Britain, France, Germany and Italy.
  • 这两篇文章雷同的地很多,并非巧合所致(一定是一篇抄袭另一篇).
    The similarity between these two essays is too great to is coincidental, ie One must have been copied from the other.
  • 以相同的式;相似地
    In like manner; similarly.
  • 我们俩用大致相同的式对信息进行筛选,用大致相同的式思考、观察、诠释世界。
    My twin and I filter information in much the same way,and we think,perceive and interpret things similarly.